Scientist—Peter Hauge Madsen

2024-01-19 04:25云南方禄为
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年12期

云南 方禄为

主题语境:科学家 篇幅:342 词 建议用时:7分钟

1The Poul La Cour Award 2023 went to Peter Hauge Madsen for his outstanding achievements in advancing the European wind energy research community.

2It was back in the 1970s that Danish engineers and scientists began to harness the power of wind. Peter Hauge Madsen's vision was to build a research society in Europe, bringing the brightest European scientists and researchers together. During his career, Peter Hauge Madsen helped to shape and enlarge the Wind and Energy Systems department at the Danish Technical University (DTU). Today, it is the largest research department for wind energy worldwide with more than 400 employees.

3Research conducted by Peter Hauge Madsen and his team of scientists at the Risø Test Center was crucial in the development of the wind industry as we know it today.His dedication helped create a strong foundation for the commercialisation of modern wind turbines (涡轮机). His knowledge of meteorological measurements helped use wind energy resources in a smarter and more efficient way. As part of his work, he helped develop the Danish Wind Atlas (地图集). Today, energy planners around the world use this atlas to get an overview of the most favourable conditions for wind turbines.

4During the award ceremony, Peter Hauge Madsen said,“I have been driven by the idea that wind energy can solve some of the world's most pressing issues.I am very proud to have built a strong team of researchers. Together we have been driving new perspectives within the industry. Today we have come so far that wind has become the main source of electricity in many parts of the world. That's more than we could have ever imagined 40 years ago.”

5The Poul la Cour Award is presented to people for their outstanding achievements in the wind industry and is named after Poul La Cour—a Danish physicist, meteorologist,inventor and folk high school teacher. The prize is awarded every other year. An appointed Selection Committee of four persons, representing the science and industry of wind power in Europe,chooses the winner.

Reading Check

Vocabulary 1.Which can replace the underlined word“harness”in paragraph 2?

A.Take advantage of. B.Keep away from.

C.Catch sight of. D.Make up for.

Detail 2.What helps energy planners know the suitable conditions for wind turbines nowadays?

A.The knowledge of meteorology.

B.The wind energy resources.

C.The development of the industry.

D.The Danish Wind Atlas.

Inference 3.What can be inferred from what Peter Hauge Madsen said?

A.Wind energy has taken the place of electric power in Denmark.

B.Wind energy has been made good use of in many parts of the world.

D.The research team came across a bottleneck during the process.

Inference 4.Which of the following best describes Peter Hauge Madsen?

A.Flexible and faithful.

B.Caring but sensitive.

C.Ambitious and hardworking.

D.Optimistic but shortsighted.

Language Study

⑰㊱㊿陈棋炎、郭振恭、黄宗乐:《民法亲属新论》,( 台北)三民书局1990 年版,第269、273、282、287 ~288、289 页。

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Research conducted by Peter Hauge Madsen and his team of scientists at the Risø Test Center was crucial in the development of the wind industry as we know it today.彼得·豪格·马德森和他的科学家团队在Risø测试中心进行的研究对我们今天所知的风电行业的发展至关重要。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。conducted the Risø Test Center 是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,修饰Research;as引导方式状语从句。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1.She joined a dance company which took her________.

2.How many driving lessons have you had________?

3.The exact________of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84.

4.The competition attracted over 500 contestants________8 different countries.

5. The planet is the only star that can________the finder and be recognized by the international society.

6.We're looking for people of all ages who have performed________acts of bravery,kindness or courage.

“三民”手法 深入民心
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2