Butter is a beloved food in China and an essentialingredient in food processing, used to make candies,bread, cakes, and so on. So, is a butter sculpture madefrom butter considered food too? No, it is a flowerthat will never fade, an artistic treasure offered to theworld by Ta’er Monastery (also known as KumbumMonastery) in Qinghai Province.
There is no clear historical record of the origin ofbutter sculptures. According to legend, people used butter sculptures as offerings to replace fresh flowersfor worshipping Buddha.
Butter can be divided into animal butter andvegetable butter, and butter sculptures are made fromanimal butter. Butter is typically yellowish-whiteand solidifies at a low temperature, making it highlymalleable. As butter sculpture-making techniquesmatured, the monks discovered that white butterhad better color blending properties. Therefore, Ta’erMonastery requires the use of pure white butter formaking butter sculptures.
The exquisite butter sculptures at Ta’er Monasteryare entirely handmade. Monks in the monastery arecommitted to a lifelong profession the day they beginto learn the craft. Because butter becomes malleable at15°C and melts at around 25°C, precise temperaturecontrol is crucial during the butter sculpture-makingprocess. Making a butter sculpture typically takes threemonths and is usually done during the coldest wintermonths in Qinghai. To prevent body heat from meltingthe butter, the monks’ hands must be periodicallysoaked in icy water or the monk must hold ice cubes tokeep them ice-cold. Thus, making butter sculptures isa dual challenge to the monks’ physical endurance andartistic skill. It’s the skilled hands of these monks thatbring forth the exquisite “butter flowers.”
Ta’er Monastery has established two specializedinstitutions for making butter sculptures, the “UpperWorkshop” and the “Lower Workshop.” These twoworkshops constantly innovate by competing with andlearning from each other. The themes and content ofbutter sculptures are incredibly diverse, encompassingBuddhist stories, historical and cultural figures, folklegends, and a rich tapestry of modern life. Majesticand sacred Buddha statues, lifelike human figures,picturesque landscapes, exquisite pavilions, lifelikebirds and animals, and finely detailed flowers andtrees, all come to life in the hands of the monks. Buttersculptures vary in size from one inch to several meterstall, and the sculpting techniques range from singlesculpting to a combination of relief and dimensionalsculpting, and then to a combination of single andgroup sculpting. The incorporation of evolvingtechnologies makes the craftsmanship of buttersculpture even more exquisite.
The pigments used in butter sculptures areunique, primarily mineral dyes ground from variousprecious materials: red comes from carnelian, greenfrom jade, white from pearls, yellow from gold, bluefrom turquoise, and black from deep undergroundcharcoals. These natural pigments, obtained frommountains and rivers, are blended with the purewhite butter to create brilliant colors. After beingoutlined with gold and silver powders, theseeverlasting colors create extraordinarily beautifulbutter sculptures.
Every year on the 15th day of the first lunar month, Ta’er Monastery showcases its butter sculptures, representingthe highest level of butter sculpture-making craftsmanship in China. Accompanied by the music of the monkorchestra, the serene and melodious tunes fill the exhibition hall. People, while offering prayers, are surrounded by adazzling array of exquisite butter sculptures. What an unforgettable visual feast!