
2024-01-07 14:05吕品
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



主题语境:现代农业 篇幅:362词建议用时:7分钟

New agricultural technology refers to the use of technology in farming and agriculturalpractices to increase efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in food production. Itincludes several different types of technologies, such as precision agriculture, smart irrigation,biotechnology, and automation. Additionally, there are significant technologicaladvancements in areas like modern greenhouse practices, and artificial intelligence whichwe will explore further in this article.

Farm automation

Farm automation, often associated with“ smart farming”, is a technology that makesfarms more efficient, as it automates the crop or livestock production cycle. An increasingnumber of agricultural technology companies are working on robotics innovation to developdrones, autonomous tractors, robotic harvesters, automatic watering, and seeding robots.Although these technologies are fairly new, the industry has seen an increasing number oftraditional agriculture companies adopt farm automation into their processes, as its primarygoal is to cover monotonous (單调的) tasks.

Modern greenhouses

In recent decades, the greenhouse industry has transformed from small facilities usedprimarily for research and aesthetic purposes to much larger facilities that compete directlywith land?based conventional food production. The entire global greenhouse market currentlyproduces about $350 billion worth of vegetables annually. Today, in large part due tothe big recent improvements in growing technology, the industry is witnessing blossominglike no time before.

Precision agriculture technology

Agriculture is undergoing an evolution—technology is becoming an indispensablepart of every commercial farm. New precision agriculture companies are developing technologiesthat allow farmers to maximize yields by controlling every variable of crop farmingsuch as moisture levels, soil conditions, and microclimates. By providing more accuratetechniques for planting and growing crops, precision agriculture enables farmers to increaseefficiency and manage costs.

Agriculture and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can monitor plant health, soil conditions, temperature,humidity, and more. The idea is to give farmers a better understanding of whatshappening on the ground through advanced technology that can tell them more thanthe naked eye can see. And not only is it more accurate, its also faster. The goal is toenable farmers to use this artificial intelligence to make better decisions in the field,thereby achieving their goals of better harvests.


1. What is the primary goal of farm automation?

A. To cover monotonous tasks in agriculture.

B. To increase efficiency in farming processes.

C. To develop robotics innovation in agriculture.

D. To automate the crop or livestock production cycle.

2. How does precision agriculture technology benefit farmers?

A. By replacing human farmers in the field.

B. By increasing efficiency and managing costs.

C. By monitoring plant health and soil conditions.

D. By maximizing yields and controlling all crop variables.

3. Which of new agricultural technology can monitor plant health?

A. Farm automation.

B. Modern greenhouses.

C. Precision agriculture technology.

D. Agriculture and artificial intelligence.


Ⅰ. Text?centered chunks

autonomous tractor 自动拖拉机

robotic harvester 机器人收割机

automatic watering 自动浇灌

be associated with 与……有关联

modern greenhouse 现代化温室

monitor plant health 监测植物健康

artificial intelligence 人工智能

Ⅱ. Difficult sentence in the text

The idea is to give farmers a better understanding of whats happening on the groundthrough advanced technology that can tell them more than the naked eye can see. 这个想法是通过先进的技术让农民更好地了解土地上发生的事情,这种技术可以告诉他们比肉眼看到的更多的信息。

【点石成金】本句中,what引导的是宾语从句,what在从句中作主语;that引导的是定语从句,that在从句中作主语,先行词是advanced technology。


Ⅰ. 主题单词

harvest 收获

plow 犁地

cultivate 耕作

irrigate 灌溉

fertilize 给……施肥

sow 播种

reap 收割

weed 给……除杂草

hoe 鋤地

rake 耙

tractor 拖拉机

orchard 果园

vineyard 葡萄园

herbicide 除草剂

pesticide 杀虫剂

compost 堆肥

manure 肥料

tillage 耕作

plowshare 犁头

livestock 家畜

herd 牧群

dairy 乳品店

paddy 稻田

wheat 小麦

barley 大麦

oats 燕麦

millet 谷子

sorghum 高粱

soybean 大豆

sunflower 向日葵

cotton 棉花

sericulture 养蚕业

hydroponics 水培

agribusiness 农业综合企业

rancher 大农场(或牧场)主

agronomist 农艺师

reaper 收割机

Ⅱ. 主题短语

sugar cane 甘蔗

irrigation system 灌溉系统

field crop specialist 农作物专家

irrigation engineer 灌溉工程师

arable land 可耕地

crop yield 农作物产量

organic fertilizer 有机肥料

agricultural machinery 农业机械

pest control 害虫防治

drip irrigation 滴灌

crop rotation 轮作

grain silo 粮仓

cash crop 经济作物

plow the fields 犁地

sow the seeds 播种

cultivate the soil 耕作土壤

irrigate the crops 灌溉农作物

fertilize the plants 给植物施肥

weed the garden 给花园除杂草

harvest the crops 收获农作物

rotate the crops 轮作农作物

apply pesticides 使用杀虫剂

check soil moisture 检查土壤湿度

monitor crop growth 监控农作物生长

maintain proper drainage 保持良好的排水

improve soil fertility 改善土壤肥力

protect crops from frost 保护农作物免受


monitor nutrient levels 监测养分水平

control plant diseases 控制植物病害

monitor weather conditions 监控天气条件

use sustainable farming practices 使用可


implement crop rotation plans 执行轮作


adapt to changing climate patterns 适应多


foster soil health 促进土壤健康

promote crop diversity 促进作物多样性

balance the ecosystem of farmland 平衡农


minimize chemical pesticide use 将化学农


Ⅲ. 主题美句

1. Integrated pest management strategiesemploy a holistic approach, combiningbiological control methods andjudicious use of pesticides, to minimizeenvironmental impact. 综合害虫管理策略采用综合治理方法,结合生物防治方法并合理使用农药,使其对环境的影响降到最低。

2. Crop diversification minimizes therisk of crop failure and enhances ecosystemservices through the cultivation of multiplecrops with different growth patternsand characteristics. 作物多样化降低了作物歉收的风险,并通过种植具有不同生长模式和特性的多种作物增强了生态系统服务。

3. Soil health management focuses onimproving soil structure, enhancing nutrientcycling, and promoting beneficial microbialactivity to facilitate optimal plantgrowth. 土壤健康管理着重于改善土壤结构,增强养分循环,并提升有益微生物的活性,以促进植物的最佳生长。

4. Conservation tillage practices, suchas no?tillage and reduced tillage, protectsoil structure, increase organic matter content,and reduce erosion risks. 以免耕、减耕为例的保护性耕作实践,能保护土壤结构,增加有机质含量,减少侵蚀风险。

5. Cover cropping techniques utilizeselected plant species to provide groundcover, reduce soil erosion, enhance soil fertility,and suppress weed growth. 覆盖种植技术利用选定的植物物种提供地面覆盖,减少土壤侵蚀,增强土壤肥力,抑制杂草生长。

6. Agricultural soil testing and analysisassist in determining nutrient deficiencies,enabling farmers to make informeddecisions about fertilizer application andamendment requirements. 农业土壤测试和分析有助于确定养分缺乏情况,使农民能够就施肥和改良要求做出明智的决策。

7. Agroecology principles integrateecological concepts into agricultural systems,emphasizing biodiversity, nutrientcycling, and natural pest management toachieve sustainable farming practices. 农业生态学原则将生态学概念融入农业系统中,强调生物多样性、养分循环和自然害虫管理,以实现可持续的农业实践。

8. The adoption of innovative soilmoisture monitoring technologies allowsfarmers to optimize irrigation scheduling,reducing water wastage and enhancingcrop water use efficiency. 采用创新的土壤水分监测技术使农民能够优化灌溉时间安排,减少水资源浪费,提高作物的水分利用效率。

9. Agribusinesses are investing inprecision nutrient application equipment,such as variable rate technology and sitespecificfertilization, to achieve targetednutrient delivery and maximize cropuptake. 農业综合企业正在投资精确施肥设备,如可变比例技术和现场定点施肥,以实现精确的养分输送,最大限度地促进作物吸收。

Ⅳ. 主题写作

假定你是李华,你校将举办英文演讲比赛,主题为“How to solve world hunger”,请你写一篇演讲稿参赛。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Good morning, everybody!
