
2024-01-07 14:05胡金莹
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



主题语境:药材种植 篇幅:339词建议用时:7分钟

Baoquanshan Town in Changbai County, JilinProvince, is striving to develop a Chinese medicinalherbs cultivation industry to help locals increasetheir incomes. A project that attracted over 2 mil?lion yuan in investment began in Laobaojia Vil?lage, and during the spring planting season, Chi?nese medicinal herbs including huangjing, cang?zhu and weilingxian, were planted on 10 hectares of arable (可耕的) land.

“ Baoquanshan is at the foot of the Changbai Mountains and is suited to growing Chineseherbs because of its high?altitude microclimate,” said Zhang Degang, deputy head ofthe town.“ Moreover, we have clean water and abundant forest resources, which provideideal conditions for the plants.”

“ With the increasing demand for Chinese herbs in both the domestic and overseasmarkets in recent years, we thought it would be a good business opportunity to develop thescientific cultivation of Chinese herbs,” he added. In May 2021, the local governmentdecided to attract social funds to promote cultivation projects to drive the towns economicdevelopment and help more residents learn about planting technologies and practices.

After several months of market research and analysis, as well as negotiations withbusiness people, the town government signed a cooperation agreement with Wang Zhengguo.Wang, 51, was born in a village of Baoquanshan and moved to the city of Jian with hisfamily at age 15.“ After negotiation, I clearly saw their determination to develop the industry,and I believed it would be a good opportunity for me to repay my hometown,” he said.“Therefore, I accepted their invitation.”

In September, together with local officials, Wang visited experts at Chinese herbplantation bases in Fushun, Liaoning Province, to learn more about markets and plantingtechnologies. During the busiest time in the planting season, at least 50 workers are neededto work the land. Wang invited experts from Liaoning to teach them the latest practices andtechnologies.“ I plan to rent more than 10 hectares of land by the end of this year,” Wangsaid.“ I hope to develop a relatively complete industry chain in the future to help boost thelocal economy.”


Ⅰ. Text?centered chunks

strive to do sth 努力做某事

be suited to sb/sth 适合某人/某物

provide...for... 为……提供……

the domestic and overseas markets 国内及海外市场

sign a cooperation agreement 签订合作协议

a relatively complete industry chain 一个比较完整的产业链

Ⅱ. Difficult sentence in the text

A project that attracted over 2 million yuan in investment began in Laobaojia Village,and during the spring planting season, Chinese medicinal herbs including huangjing, cang?zhu and weilingxian, were planted on 10 hectares of arable land. 在老保甲村,一个吸引了 200 多万元投资的项目开始启动,在春季种植季节,包括黄精、苍术和威灵仙等中药材被种在了(面积为)10公顷的耕地上。


A 27-year-old Chinese wolf whisperer