邵允 张蒙蒙 陈云 王晓菲 董康 刘宁 张郎郎 谭彬 王伟 程钧 冯建灿
摘 要:【目的】乙烯合成及果肉褪綠是桃果实成熟过程中相伴出现的两个生理事件。STAY-GREEN(SGR)是参与植物叶片和果实褪绿的重要基因。然而,桃SGR基因在果实成熟及褪绿过程中的功能尚不清晰,旨在初步探究PpSGR基因在桃果实成熟及褪绿过程中的功能。【方法】以秋蜜红为试验材料,对PpSGR基因进行克隆,对PpSGR的核苷酸及氨基酸序列进行分析,对不同发育时期桃果肉中PpSGR的转录水平进行检测,并对PpSGR基因调控叶绿素降解及乙烯合成的功能进行研究。【结果】PpSGR编码区全长为831 bp;该基因编码的蛋白序列含有1个高度保守的SGR域。PpSGR基因的表达水平随着果肉逐渐褪绿呈现上升的趋势。瞬时过表达PpSGR基因后,桃叶片颜色明显褪绿,并且在300 mmol·L-1 NaCl的盐胁迫下,过表达PpSGR的叶片褪绿更加明显。此外,过表达PpSGR后,桃苗乙烯合成的限速基因PpACS1、PpACS4及PpACS6均表达上调,且内源乙烯释放量显著增多。【结论】对PpSGR的基因功能进行鉴定和研究,并分析了其对乙烯的调控作用,为进一步解析桃果实成熟及果肉褪绿提供了新的思路,也为不同成熟期桃品种的选育提供了理论基础。
关键词:桃;STAY-GREEN (SGR);褪绿基因;叶绿素降解;乙烯
中图分类号:S662.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)12-2513-11
收稿日期:2023-07-28 接受日期:2023-11-02
*通信作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail:jcheng2007@163.com;E-mail:jcfeng@henau.edu.cn
Function identification of PpSGR gene and its regulation of ethylene synthesis in peach
SHAO Yun, ZHANG Mengmeng, CHEN Yun, WANG Xiaofei, DONG Kang, LIU Ning, ZHANG Langlang, TAN Bin, WANG Wei, CHENG Jun*, FENG Jiancan*
(College of Horticulture, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Ethylene synthesis and disappearance of peel green color are two physiological events associated with fruit ripening of peach. STAY-GREEN (SGR) is a crucial gene that promotes disappearance of leaf and fruit green color in the plant kingdom. In various plant species, SGR genes exhibit similar functions in regulating chlorophyll. Peach (Prunus persica) is a significant fruit globally. However, the function of the PpSGR gene in the peach genome has not been identified, and its potential impact on green color disappearance and ripening of peach fruit remains unclear. This study aims to identify the SGR gene in the peach genome, analyze the expression level of the PpSGR gene in different fruit maturity stages, and preliminarily investigate the function of the PpSGR gene. 【Methods】The nucleotide sequences of the PpSGR gene were cloned from the Qiumihong cultivar. Bioinformatics analysis was conducted to analyze the gene structure of PpSGR in peach, the secondary and tertiary structure of the PpSGR protein was predict, the amino acid sequences of SGR in different species were compared, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. Subsequently, the transcriptional level of the PpSGR gene in peach fruits at different maturity stages was analyzed using Quantitative Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The function of the PpSGR gene in chlorophyll degradation was preliminarily verified by transient overexpression in peach seedlings. Numerous studies have reported that the SGR gene can promote chlorophyll degradation under salt stress, leading to leaf yellowing. To verify the function of SGR under salt stress, the Fv/Fm values were measured and analyzed using a chlorophyll fluorescence analyzer after dark treatment of the whole peach seedlings transiently infected with the PpSGR gene. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that ethylene can promote the expression of the SGR gene, but whether the SGR gene has a direct effect on ethylene synthesis remains to be studied. Therefore, we measured ethylene production and the transcriptional level of PpACSs genes involved in ethylene synthesis in the peach seedlings transiently overexpressing the PpSGR gene. 【Results】 The results of the bioinformatics analysis revealed that the length of the PpSGR gene sequencewas 1115 bp, consisting of 4 exons and 3 introns. The coding region of PpSGR spanned a total length of 831 bp, encoding 277 amino acids. Comparative analysis of SGR proteins from different species demonstrated that the PpSGR protein shared high homology with SGR proteins from other species. The middle region of the SGR protein contained a highly conserved SGR domain, while the N-terminal region contained a conserved chloroplast transit peptide. The C-terminal region of the SGR protein exhibited variability across different species. The amino acid sequence similarities between PpSGR and MdSGR, FvSGR or CsSGR were found to be 77.63%, 69.83% and 63.05%, respectively. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using amino acid sequences of SGR proteins from 13 different plant species, revealing that the PpSGR protein from peach was closely related to apples and strawberries, which belonged to the same Rosaceae family. The predicted tertiary structure of the PpSGR protein consisted mainly of α-helices and random graph curls, which was consistent with the predicted secondary structure. qRT-PCR results indicated that the transcription level of the PpSGR gene was lower during the early stage of peach fruit development when the flesh was still green. As the fruit matured gradually, the flesh turned green, and the expression level of PpSGR increased continuously. At 120 days after the full-bloom stage, the expression of PpSGR increased rapidly, reaching a level of 16 times higher than that at 80 days after the full-bloom stage, with the highest expression observed at 180 days after the full-bloom stage. This suggested that the expression level of the PpSGR gene gradually increased with the decolorization of peach fruit. Phenotypic analysis of PpSGR transgenic plants revealed that the leaves of transient PpSGR plants were light green, whereas the control plants had dark green leaves. This suggested that transient overexpression of the PpSGR gene led to chlorosis in peach seedlings. Under salt stress conditions (300 mmol·L-1 NaCl), the leaves of peach plants transiently overexpressing PpSGR exhibited a slower rate of yellowing, compared to control plants. The Fv/Fm value of the leaves in PpSGR-overexpressing plants was significantly lower than that of the control plants, indicating that the PpSGR gene may play an important role in leaf yellowing induced by the abiotic stress. Furthermore, the expression levels of genes involved in ethylene production were analyzed in peach seedlings transiently overexpressing PpSGR. The results demonstrated that the ethylene synthesis genes PpACS1, PpACS4 and PpACS6 were significantly induced and up-regulated in these seedlings. The expression of PpACS1 in peach seedlings with PpSGR overexpression was more than 32 times higher than that in control seedlings. Additionally, the ethylene production of peach seedlings with PpSGR overexpression showed a gradual increase. 【Conclusion】 Based on the aforementioned findings, it can be concluded that the PpSGR gene plays a role in promoting chlorosis in peach leaves. Moreover, our preliminary analysis suggests that PpSGR may enhance the function of ethylene synthesis in peach seedlings. This finding holds great significance for understanding the molecular mechanism of SGR in regulating ethylene synthesis. Additionally, it also provides some theoretical references for SGR gene function research, peach fruit ripening and post-harvest preservation.
Key words: Peach; STAY-GREEN (SGR); Degreening gene; Chlorophyll degradation; Ethylene
叶绿素降解是叶片衰老、果实成熟进程中发生的一系列重要的生化反应,由6种叶绿素代谢酶(chlorophyll catabolic enzymes,CCE)共同催化完成[1]。除了这6种CCE之外,STAY GREEN(SGR)在叶绿素降解过程中也发挥着非常重要的作用。SGR可以和6个CCE、光系统Ⅱ形成动态的蛋白复合体,从而形成叶绿素代谢通道,最大程度上减少代谢中间产物对细胞的毒害。有研究表明,SGR既不具有CCE活性,也不能直接结合叶绿素,这表明SGR可能不是一种直接参与叶绿素代谢的酶[2]。SGR参与叶绿素降解的功能在大豆[3]、水稻[4]、柑橘[5]、拟南芥[6]、甘蓝型油菜[7]等多个物种中都得到了验证。例如,Wang等[3]对大豆颜色变化的研究表明,GmSGR在控制种子黄化方面具有重要作用;Peng等[4]研究发现,敲除水稻OsSGR后植株能保持绿色;Zhu等[5]研究显示,CsSGRa能使烟草叶片中叶绿素含量显著降低,而突变CsSGRa后,棕橙果实和叶片中叶绿素的降解受到抑制,叶绿素含量显著增加。同样,在拟南芥中,AtSGR1被报道具有诱导叶绿素和叶绿素结合蛋白降解的作用,AtSGR1过表达后诱导拟南芥叶片逐渐褪绿[8]。此外,在番茄、辣椒、香蕉等植物中,发现SGR1同源基因突变后可延缓叶绿素的降解速度[9-12]。SGR基因具有响应非生物胁迫的功能,在盐胁迫下会表现出早期衰老和叶片褪绿速度加快的现象,而sgr突变体在非生物胁迫条件下表现出不褪绿的现象[9-10,13]。许多研究表明,在植物发育和衰老过程中叶绿素的分解代谢受到遗传程序的高度调控,因此,在非生物胁迫下对SGR的基因功能进行研究,对进一步阐明叶绿素降解的未知调节机制也具有重要作用。
桃(Prunus persica)是广受消费者喜爱的重要水果之一。PpSGR基因在桃中的功能尚未鉴定,其对桃果实成熟可能存在的影响也未得到深入研究。笔者在本研究中对其编码的蛋白结构特征进行了生物信息学分析,并对PpSGR的基因功能进行鉴定和研究,这对桃成熟及采后保鲜等方面的研究具有一定的启发意义,也为进一步研究PpSGR基因在桃中的生物学功能奠定理论基础。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验材料
以新疆毛桃实生苗为试验材料。将毛桃种子置于4 ℃低温贮存1个月,温水浸种后去除1/3种皮进行催芽5~7 d,将种胚单独种植在营养钵中,放置于温度为25 ℃、光周期为长日照条件(16 h光照/8 h黑暗)、光照为白光(140 μmol·m-2·s-1)的温室培养至幼苗,待试验使用[14]。
1.2 桃PpSGR过表达载体的构建及转化
根据PpSGR目的基因编码区(CDS)的全长序列,结合pSAK277载体上的EcoRⅠ和XhoⅠ为酶切位点,进行同源重组引物的设计,由上海生工公司进行引物的合成。以秋蜜红茎尖的cDNA为模板,利用合成的全长引物(pSAK277-PpSGR-F:AAAGAATTCGGTACCATGGGTACTTTGACTGCTGCTTC;pSAK277-PpSGR-R:TTTGTAATCCTCGAGGTTTGTTTCTTGGGTTTGGC)扩出PpSGR目的基因CDS区的全长序列,用限制性内切酶EcoRⅠ和XhoⅠ对空载体进行双酶切以获得线性化载体,于水浴锅中37 ℃酶切2~3 h。待PCR扩增反应及酶切反应结束后,用200 V的电压,经1.0%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测,切下带有目的基因条带的凝胶,利用DNA凝胶回收试剂盒(庄盟生物)进行目的DNA片段的回收及纯化,将所得到的DNA溶液进行浓度及质量检测后用于后续的载体连接或置于-20 ℃冰箱中保存备用。利用SE无缝克隆和组装试剂盒SE Seamless Cloning and Assembly Kit(ZC231,北京庄盟生物)对PpSGR基因的纯化产物与线性化载体进行重组连接反应,以构建35S启动子驱动的pSAK277-PpSGR的过表达载体。步骤为:在冰上进行无缝克隆的连接反应体系的配制,轻轻将其混匀后,放于PCR仪上,37 ℃条件下反应30 min。
1.3 叶片颜色观察及叶绿素含量分析
将GV3101::SAK277-PpSGR基因侵染桃苗后,对整株植物进行黑暗处理,黑暗孵育后对叶片进行取样,使用叶绿素荧光分析仪(捷克PSI Flu)进行分析。如前所述[15]進行盐胁迫分析,将3周龄植物的离体叶片背面朝上漂浮在300 mmol·L-1 NaCl的3 mmol·L-1 MES 缓冲液(pH 5.8)中孵育数天。
1.4 总RNA的提取、cDNA的合成和实时定量PCR
提取转PpSGR基因秋蜜红桃的叶片总RNA,反转录第一链cDNA。实时定量PCR鉴定乙烯合成相关基因PpACS1、PpACS4、PpACS5和PpACS6的表达水平。利用SPSS Statistics 22对数据进行方差分析,用GraphPad Prism 8软件进行作图。按照DNase Ⅰ(TaKaRa,Dalian,China)试剂盒步骤除去基因组DNA污染。根据SYBR? Primescript miRNA RT-PCR Kit(TaKaRa,Dalian,China)试剂盒说明书进行第一链cDNA的合成。定量RT-PCR反应体系为20 μL,含有1 × ROX参比染料,10 μL 2 × SYBR预混物Ex Taq Ⅱ(TaKaRa),每个引物浓度0.4 μmol·L-1,模板cDNA 100 ng。所有分析均采用3个生物学重复,qPCR所用引物见表1。
1.5 叶绿素含量的测定
称取0.3 g左右的桃叶片放入干净无水的研钵内,加入少量的碳酸钙粉末和3 mL 95%乙醇,使用干净的研磨棒进行充分研磨,再向其中加入10 mL 95%乙醇,继续研磨至组织变白,放置在避光条件下,静置5 min后,使用滤纸将研磨液过滤至25 mL的棕色容量瓶中,并用少量的95%乙醇冲洗滤纸定容至25 mL。以95%乙醇作为空白对照,分别在波长665 nm、649 nm下测定提取液的吸光度[16-17]。
1.6 乙烯释放量的测定
取处理后生长良好的桃幼苗5 g;将上述材料分别放入100 mL 色谱瓶中,使用气相色谱分析仪(岛津GC-2010 Plus)进行乙烯测定,每个处理3次重复。色谱条件:WBI为110 ℃,柱温 50 ℃,FID为200 ℃,氢气流速为50 mL·min-1,进样量:1000 μL,运行时间5 min。
1.7 生物信息学分析
利用Phytozome网站(https://phytozome.jgi.doe.gov/pz/portal.html)获得PpSGR和PpSGRL序列信息,同时根据文献下载其他物种中的同源序列。通过DNAMAN获得不同物种中SGR氨基酸序列比对图,并结合MEGA 7.0的Clustal W进行聚类分析。使用ProtParam(https://web.expasy.org/protparam/)在线分析,对PpSGR蛋白的分子质量、等电点、氨基酸数目、氨基酸组分、脂肪指数、亲水性等进行分析。用SOPMA(https://npsa-prabi.ibcp.fr/)在线软件对PpSGR蛋白的二级结构进行预测;使用Phyre2软件对PpSGR蛋白的三级结构进行预测。
2 结果与分析
2.1 PpSGR基因的序列特征
PpSGR基因组序列全长1115 bp,包含4个外显子和3个内含子。编码区全长831 bp,编码277个氨基酸。通过Protparam进行预测,等电点pI为8.05,属于碱性蛋白,相对分子质量约为31.18 ku。由20种氨基酸组成,带负电荷氨基酸残基数量为30,带正电荷氨基酸残基数量为32;不稳定系数为47.54,属于不稳定蛋白;脂肪系数为77.04,总平均亲水性为-0.386,属亲水蛋白(+值为疏水蛋白,-值为亲水蛋白)。
不同物种SGR氨基酸序列比对的结果显示,PpSGR蛋白与其他物种中SGR蛋白具有较高的同源率,且都含有保守的SGR保守域(SGR domain),N端的叶绿体信号肽(chloroplast transit peptide)和C端多变区域(variable C-terminal region)(图1)。其中PpSGR与苹果MdSGR蛋白的同源率最高,为77.89%,与草莓FvSGR蛋白的同源率为70.41%,与柑橘CsSGR蛋白和杨树PtSGR蛋白的同源率为64.29%,系统进化树的结果显示,桃PpSGR蛋白与同属蔷薇科的苹果、草莓的亲缘关系最近(图2)。
2.2 PpSGR在不同发育时期桃果实中的表达分析
叶绿素降解主要发生在果实成熟及叶片衰老的过程中。因此,笔者选用花后20 d、50 d、80 d、120 d、160 d、180 d,共6个时间点的桃果实,进行PpSGR转录水平分析。qRT-PCR分析的结果(图4)显示,在果实发育的前期果肉呈现明显绿色时,PpSGR转录水平较低。随着果实逐步成熟,果肉褪绿,表达量不断升高。在花后120 d,PpSGR的表达量快速上升,达到花后80 d的16倍,并在180 d达到最高。基于以上结果,推测PpSGR基因可能是调控桃果实褪绿的重要基因。
2.3 瞬时转化桃幼苗验证PpSGR的功能
2.4 盐胁迫下PpSGR促进叶片黄化
有研究表明,过表达SGR基因的植物植株叶片在非生物胁迫条件下会表现出早期衰老叶片褪绿的现象[9-10]。笔者在本研究中的结果显示,在300 mmol·L-1 NaCl的盐胁迫条件下,与空载相比,转PpSGR基因的桃叶片在盐处理5 d后出现明显的黄化表型(图7-A),且转PpSGR的桃叶片随着胁迫处理时间的延长,PSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm值)显著降低(图7-B)。
2.5 PpSGR基因对乙烯释放量的影响
为确认PpSGR对桃苗乙烯合成的调控,设计了一个乙烯含量测量的容器,进行桃幼苗乙烯释放量的测定(图8-B)。结果显示,瞬转PpSGR的桃苗,其乙烯释放量呈现逐渐上升的趋势。在侵染4 d和6 d时,试验组与对照组乙烯释放量达到极显著差异水平。该结果表明,过表达PpSGR具有促进桃幼苗乙烯合成的功能。
3 讨 论
4 结 论
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