Expressions about clothes

2023-12-26 09:32广东涂丽平
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年11期

广东 涂丽平


主题语境:英语俚语 篇幅:272词 建议用时:5分钟

1Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes?Let's have a look.

2People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies.We sometimes say that people who are nervous have ants in their pants.Sometimes, people may get caught with their pants down.They are found doing something they should not be doing.And, in every family, one person takes control.Sometimes, a wife tells her husband what to do.Then we say she wears the pants in the family.

3Pants usually have pockets to hold things.Money that is likely to be spent quickly can burn a hole in your pocket.Sometimes, you need a belt to hold up your pants.If you have less money than usual,you may have to tighten your belt.

4I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much.I really take my hat off to them.Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it at the drop of a hat,which means I instantly spend it.

5Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes.People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are.I dislike such people.

6My father is an important person.He runs a big company.He wears a suit and tie,and a shirt with sleeves(袖子) that cover his arms.Some people who do not know him well think he is too serious and never shows his feelings openly.But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeves.

Reading Check

1.What does the phrase“have ants in one's pants”mean?

A.Being nervous or restless.

B.Wearing uncomfortable pants.

C.Having insects in one's clothes.

D.Being caught doing something wrong.

2.People who spend their money at the drop of a hat most probably ________.

A.earn much money

B.don't save money

C.never waste their money

D.spend more than they earn

3.What does the expression“take one's hat off to someone”mean?

A.Wearing a hat to show respect.

B.Removing a hat to greet someone.

C.Praising someone for his or her action.

D.Buying a hat as a gift for someone.

4.What does the underlined sentence“my father wears his heart on his sleeve”in paragraph 6 mean?

A.My father likes wearing his shirt.

B.My father doesn't like wearing his shirt.

C.My father allows his feelings to be seen by others.

D.My father doesn't allow his feelings to be seen by others.

Language Study







get caught with one's pants down 被当场撞见(做了不该做的事情)

wear the pants 当家作主

burn a hole in one's pocket 挥霍金钱

tighten one's belt 节衣缩食

too big for one's boots 过于自大


1.________(master)English slang (俚语)quickly,you can immerse yourself in popular culture—music, movies, TV series and social media.Pay attention 2.________how native speakers use slang in different 3.________(context), and don't be afraid to ask for clarification.Slang dictionaries and online resources are also 4.________(help)in learning about the latest trends.So,if you want to fit in and 5.________(true) connect with English speakers, mastering slang is essential.It adds flavor 6.________your language skills and allows you 7.________(understand) the informal conversations that shape our daily lives.Throw yourself into the colorful world of English slang,and soon you'll find yourself feeling“on fleek”and ready to“Netflix and chill”with 8.________(confident).Remember,though, to use slang 9.________(appropriate) and with caution in formal settings.And most importantly, let your 10.________(enthusiastic) for language and culture shine through in all your conversations,slang or not.Happy slang-learning!



native 本地的;本地人

attitude 态度;看法

refer 提到;参考;查阅

despite 即使;尽管

factor 因素;要素

base 以……为据点;以……为基础;底部;根据

symbol 符号;象征

variety 变体;多样化

means 方式;方法;途径

classic 传统的;典型的;经典作品

regard 尊重;把……视为;看待

character 文字;符号;角色;品质;特点

calligraphy 书法;书法艺术

affair 公共事务;事件

appreciate 欣赏;重视;感激

struggle 斗争;奋斗;搏斗

subway 地铁

apartment 公寓套房

gap 间隔;开口;差距

vocabulary 词汇

communication 交流

accuracy 准确;精确

standard 标准(的)

fault 缺点;毛病

perfect 完美的;完好的

abundant 大量的;丰富的

wonderful 精彩的;绝妙的

splendid 灿烂的;辉煌的;极好的

master 精通;掌握

acquire 获得;得到

overcome 克服;解决

enlarge 扩大

practice 练习

pronounce 发音

spell 拼写

recite 背诵

translate 翻译

major 主要的;主修课程;主修

majority 大多数

globe 地球;地球仪

global 全球的;全世界的

beg 恳求;祈求

beggar 乞丐

equal 同等的人;相等物;相同的

equally 平等地

equality 平等

demand 要求;需求

demanding 要求高的

describe 描述

description 描写(文字);形容

relate 联系;讲述

related 相关的;有联系的

relation 关系;联系

relationship 关系


be known for 因……而众所周知

at the beginning 起初

of great importance 很重要的

play a role in 在……方面起作用

an increasing number of 越来越多的……

refer to 指的是;描述;提到;查阅

ups and downs 浮沉;兴衰;荣辱

date back(to...)追溯到……

point of view 观点;看法

relate to 与……相关;涉及;谈到

used to 过去常常


be familiar with 熟悉……

refer to a dictionary 查词典

make good use of 充分利用

writing system 书写体系

make progress 取得进步

communicate with 与……交流

be connected with 与……有联系

focus one's attention on=concentrate on 集中(注意力、精力)于……

enlarge/expand vocabulary 扩大词汇量

form/develop the habit of reading 养成阅读习惯

have a good knowledge of English 通晓英语

improve writing skills 提高写作能力appreciate China's culture and history 欣赏中国的文化和历史

bridge the gap between...消除……之间的隔阂


1.Learning a new language can open doors to new opportunities.学习一门新的语言可以为你打开新机遇的大门。

2.Translation plays a crucial role in bridging language barriers.翻译在消除语言障碍方面起着至关重要的作用。

3.Multilingualism is highly valued in today's interconnected world.多语言能力在当今互联互通的世界中受到高度重视。

4.Sign language is used by the deaf community as a means of communication.手语被听障社群用作一种交流方式。

5.The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to evoke emotions through the power of language.诗歌的美在于它能够通过语言的力量唤起情感。

6.It is necessary to protect endangered indigenous languages.保护濒危的土著语言是有必要的。

7.Learning a second language can enhance cognitive abilities and improve brain health.学习第二语言可以增强认知能力并改善大脑健康。

8.I have a good command of Chinese and English, which is beneficial to introducing Chinese paintings.我精通汉语和英语,这对介绍中国画很有帮助。

9.You could turn to your teacher whenever you have difficulties in learning English.无论你何时学英语有困难,你都可以向老师寻求帮助。

10.The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as reference books while the magazines serve as reading materials.课本和词典可以用作参考书籍,而杂志可以当作阅读材料。

11.There are more and more foreigners learning Chinese, because China is playing an increasingly important part in the world.越来越多的外国人在学汉语,因为中国在世界上起着越来越重要的作用。

12.Language is not only a tool for communication but also a reflection of cultural identity.语言不仅是交流工具,还是文化身份的反映。








Dear Paul,











Li Hua


见P63~P74 自测园地“世界各地的语言”内容。

Explaining the Benefits and Harms Online Communication Brings to Young People from a Durkheimian Perspective