Language—an important part of my life

2023-12-26 09:32浙江
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年11期

浙江 江 丽


1Nelson Mandela once said,“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”I've always enjoyed learning new languages.So far,I've learned 11 languages.

2German is the first language I started learning completely on my own.I don't remember clearly why I chose this language to learn, but I remember I had no idea how to learn it.I spent several months reading an old grammar book found in my grandmother's bookcase.But I quickly lost heart.

3Then I saw an advertisement on TV about a language series in 4 languages and decided to give it a go.While using it, I came up with my method—a special technique to master the basic patterns of any language in a light,natural and fun way.I quickly realized that it was helpful to me.

4After using the technique for a year and a half, I met a group of Germans while on vacation.I would always remember their faces as they asked in surprise,“Wie kannst du so gut Deutsch?”This reaction and the resulting special connection were enough to increase my passion to improve my German.From that moment on, I started reading a lot.The language has become an important part of my life.It opens up a world of communication,understanding,and cultural exchange for me.

5If you find a method that you like and works, you can start learning any language by yourself.There is no best method of learning a language.Find something that is helpful to you.Keep exploring and embracing the beauty of language!

Reading Check

1.Why does the author mention Nelson Mandela's words?

A.To show the skills of mastering new languages.

B.To show the means of understanding foreigners.

C.To show the advantage of speaking mother tongues.

D.To show the importance of learning foreign languages.

2.What did the author think of the old grammar book?

A.It was boring.B.It was surprising.

C.It was simple.D.It was helpful.

3.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.The advertisement on TV.

B.The basic language pattern.

C.The language series in 4 languages.

D.The author's special learning method.

4.What does the author try to convey in paragraph 5?

A.Learning languages is a waste of time.

B.The best method of learning a language is through grammar books.

C.Finding a learning method that works for you is important.

D.Language learning should only be done with the help of a teacher.

Language Study











on one's own 独自地

grammar book 语法书

lost heart 丧失信心

language series 语言系列

give it a go 尝试一下

cultural exchange 文化交流


Language is a fascinating existence in the world.It is through language 1.________we communicate,express our thoughts and emotions,and connect with others.Whether spoken 2.________written, language holds immense power.From a young age, we are exposed to the 3.________(beautiful) of language.We learn our mother tongue, the language of our family and culture.As we grow older, we may choose 4.________(explore) new languages,opening doors to different cultures and perspectives.

5.________(learn) a language is a journey of discovery.It requires dedication, patience, 6.________a willingness to embrace the unknown.It is a process of mastering the patterns and techniques that make up a language, 7.________(allow) us to express ourselves fluently and accurately.Language is not just a means 8.________communication.It is a gateway to 9.________(understand).Through language,we gain insights into the customs, traditions, and values of different societies.It enables 10.________(we) to engage in cultural exchange,fostering empathy and appreciation for diversity.
