荣昌陶遇见荷兰瓷 中荷艺术家共话“陶意融荷”

2023-12-25 10:23贺煜
重庆与世界 2023年11期









活动现场,“荣昌—荷兰陶瓷艺术创作基地”正式授牌;荷马西、帕潘向荣昌区捐赠了《黑星 蓝眼 影面》和《月中兔》两件陶艺作品。多位中荷陶瓷艺术家以陶为媒,开展“艺来八方 陶行天下”荣昌—荷兰陶瓷艺术对话,促进中荷陶瓷文化的交流互鉴。





Rongchang Pottery Meeting Dutch Ceramics:

Chinese and Dutch Artists Discussing “The Fusion of Chinese and Dutch Pottery Art”

By He Yu/The World and Chongqing

The Rongchang pottery is one of the four famous potteries in China, while the Delft Blue pottery is a national treasure of the Netherlands. When Rongchang pottery meets Delft Blue, what kind of spark would they generate?

From September 24 to October 20, in Antao Town, Anfu Subdistrict, Rongchang District, Chongqing, several foreign artists were busy working with local pottery masters from Rongchang to create ceramic artworks in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere. They were sometimes engrossed in their own creations and, at other times, engaged in lively discussions. Jointly organized by the Rongchang District Government and the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Chongqing, and supported by the Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, a series of Chinese-Dutch ceramic art exchange activities themed “Pottery Unites Rongchang & The Netherlands” were held.

During the nearly one-month-long event, Dutch ceramic artists Hommarus W. Brusche, Pepijn Van Den Nieuwendijk, Adriaan Rees, and local ceramic masters from Rongchang engaged in ceramic art exchanges through various activities such as on-site creation, visits, and discussions. By integrating the techniques of Rongchang pottery and Delft Blue pottery, they jointly created more than 50 pieces of exquisite ceramic artwork, which were displayed at the launch ceremony and art exchange event “Pottery Unites Rongchang & The Netherlands” on October 21 at the Rongchang National Comprehensive Practice Demonstration Base. Over 100 pieces of ceramic artwork, representing the heritage of three generations of ceramic artists from Rongchang, were also showcased.

The three Dutch ceramic artists have imprinted the iconic Delft Blue ceramic glaze, which represents the essence of Dutch ceramics, on the Rongchang pottery, showcasing their unique artistic style. Mr. Hommarus W. Brusche has created a series of painted plates and vases. Mr. Pepijn Van Den Nieuwendijk presented Chinese dragons and rabbits in different forms and techniques as an expression of ancient Oriental mystical themes with modern concepts and thinking. Mr. Adriaan Rees has created some uniquely styled sculptures.

Among them was an art piece titled “Beauty of the Netherlands and Chongqing”, created collaboratively by Mr. Hommarus W. Brusche and Mr. Zhang Haiwen, a master of arts and crafts and ceramics from Chongqing. Mr. Hommarus W. Brusche painted tulips, which is a proud representation of the Netherlands, while Mr. Zhang Haiwen painted peonies, which Rongchang is famous for. The artwork “Stunning Beauty”, jointly created by Mr. Pepijn Van Den Nieuwendijk and Mr. Zhang Haiwen, incorporated elements such as the Chinese national treasure giant panda and the Dutch national bird heron.

“Two years ago, when the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government organized a visit for consular officers in Chongqing to Rongchang, my wife and I were deeply impressed by Rongchangs ceramic culture and craftsmanship. As we all know, the Netherlands is famous for its Delft Blue ceramics. Many of its production techniques and methods were derived from studying Chinese ceramic craftsmanship. At that time, we were thinking, why not organically combine Chinese ceramic craftsmanship with the creativity of Dutch artists?” said Huub Buise, Consul-General of the Netherlands in Chongqing. At the launch ceremony, Mr. Huub Buise said that the visit of Dutch ceramic artists to Chongqings Rongchang District for exchange and collaboration was exactly an organic fusion of Dutch and Chinese ceramic craftsmanship. This art exhibition and artistic dialogue not only planted a seed for art exchange between the Netherlands and Rongchang District in Chongqing but also increased the global visibility of Rongchangs culture.

Gao Hongbo, Secretary of the CPC Rongchang District Committee, said that Rongchang pottery, as a bridge of international cultural exchange, has been shown in more than 40 exhibitions and exchanges in Southeast Asia, Europe, and America. It has also facilitated ceramic-related social and commercial interactions with over 50 Belt and Road partner countries. The “Pottery Unites Rongchang & The Netherlands” series of activities used pottery art to form a connection between the Chinese and Dutch artists and facilitated cultural exchange and dialogue. It promoted the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and Western art and culture and will no doubt contribute to the higher-quality development of Rongchangs cultural industry and undertakings.

At the event, the “Rongchang-Netherlands Ceramic Art Base” was officially inaugurated. Mr. Hommarus W. Brusche and Mr. Pepijn Van Den Nieuwendijk offered two pieces of ceramic artwork, “Black Star, Blue Eye and Shadow” and “Rabbit in the Moon” to Rongchang District. During the Rongchang-The Netherlands Ceramic Art Seminar, centered around the theme “Ceramic Art for the World”, Chinese and Dutch artists engaged in passionate conversations around their mutual interest—the art of ceramics.

“I have learned a lot from this creative exchange in Rongchang. The excellent craftsmanship has been passed down from one generation to the next for hundreds of years and has been continuously improved and enriched, which is truly admirable,” said Mr. Hommarus W. Brusche. He said that with the help of Rongchangs pottery masters, he has found a method to make Delft Blue glaze develop color even at low temperatures. This discovery has inspired him and sparked his curiosity. “I have a strong urge to delve deeper into this knowledge in order to fully incorporate the pottery-making techniques of Rongchang into my creations,” he said.

For Mr. Pepijn Van Den Nieuwendijk, the trip to Rongchang was also an interesting experience. He said, “I come here with an open mind to work. I am very interested in history and ancient stories and use them as a starting point to create new stories, including some Chinese mythological stories. I use elements from different cultures to create something new that suits my ideals. The images that appear in my creations are concrete, surreal, and decorative new works.”

Mr. Zhang Haiwen, who was a co-creator, believed that the uniqueness of ceramic art lies in the fact that artists from two countries can gather and communicate without speaking the same language. He said that during the collaborative creation process with Dutch artists, he witnessed the synergy from the encounter between traditional ceramics and contemporary ceramics. The potential for cultural exchange between China and the Netherlands are infinite. He looks forward to artists from both countries presenting the spirit of Rongchang pottery and Delft Blue pottery from more diverse perspectives, enhancing their craftsmanship, and promoting the development of ceramic art.

Photo/Event Organizers and Interviewees
