Throughout history, the ancient Chinese have gazed at the heavens and explored the universe since theawareness of their own existence. Over time, China’s space industry has evolved from obscurity to prowess,crafting a compelling narrative of self-reliance and unwavering determination. At the heart of this remarkablejourney lies the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), a prestigious university that has played a pivotal role inproducing nearly half of the country’s space professionals. Let’s step inside the Harbin Institute of TechnologySpace Museum and immerse ourselves in an awe-inspiring display of solemnity and grandeur.
哈工大航天馆是全国高校中规模最大、展品种类最全、数量最多的航天主题展馆,同时也是中国东北地区唯一的一所集科技实物与模型、航天知识介绍为一体的专业展馆。走进这座始建于1986 年的航天馆,你可以亲历一次与历史同行、与科技对话的奇妙旅程。
As the largest space museum among all Chineseuniversities, the Harbin Institute of Technology SpaceMuseum offers a comprehensive collection of spacethemedexhibits and is unique as the only professionalmuseum of its kind in Northeast China. It features adiverse collection of artefacts, authentic models, andspace knowledge. Established in 1986, the museumprovides a captivating voyage through history andoffers an opportunity to engage with technology.
哈工大航天馆为四层建筑,建筑面积近8 000 平方米,展示面积约5 500 平方米。通过四个主题展厅、两个专题展厅和数百件展品,从不同角度全面展示了人类航天事业发展的历程。
The four-story museum boasts a floor area ofnearly 8,000m2 and an expansive exhibition spaceof around 5,500m2. Inside, you’ll discover four mainthematic halls and two special exhibition halls, eachbrimming with an array of exhibits that showcase thedevelopment of human space endeavors from variousperspectives.
The “Space Industry Development of China” Exhibition Hall showcases the remarkable history andachievements of China’s space exploration since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.From the groundbreaking “Chang’e Lunar Mission” to the awe-inspiring “Wanhu Soaring to the Skies”,witness how the dreams of Chinese people take o in the realm of space exploration.
展厅从“两弹一星”、运载火箭、人造卫星、探月工程、高分工程、载人航天工程和深空探测几个方面详细介绍了中国航天事业的发展进程。展厅展出有模型展品34 件、实物展品6 件,以及其他文件展品。其中,实物展品均为中国航天事业发展阶段具有代表性的重点符号。
From the renowned “Two Bombs, One Satellite” program to the remarkable strides in carrier rockets,artificial satellites, the Chinese lunar exploration program, the high-resolution imaging project, the mannedspace project, and the deep space exploration project, this hall delves deep into the fascinating milestones thathave propelled China’s presence in space. e exhibition features 34 meticulously crafted models, complementedby 6 physical exhibits and a collection of informative documents. Among these exhibits, the physical displaysshowcase distinct stages in the evolution of China’s space industry.
“哈工大与中国航天”展厅介绍了20 世纪50 年代中国航天事业创建以来,哈工大始终与中国航天事业同频共振、同向同行的发展历程和取得的成绩。
The “HIT and China’s SpaceIndustry” Exhibition Hall showcasesthe remarkable journey of the HarbinInstitute of Technology as it growstogether with China’s space industrysince the 1950s.
The Harbin Institute of Technology hascultivated numerous exceptional technicaland managerial talents, whose technologicalinfluence can be observed in significantnational undertakings such as “Two Bombs,One Satellite” program, the manned spaceprogram, and the Chang’e lunar probemission.
“世界航天科技进展”展厅通过12 件模型展品和2 件实物展品,从运载火箭、人造卫星、载人航天以及空间探测等四个方面向参观者介绍了世界航天科技的发展过程。
The “Development of World Space Science and Technology” Exhibition Hall delves into the realmsof Launch Vehicles, Satellites, Manned Spaceflight, and Space Exploration through an impressivearray of 12 meticulously crafted models and 2 authentic artifacts, revealing the remarkable progress ofglobal space science and technology.
vostok spacecraft orbit control engine: Should thespacecraft stray from its intended orbit, the enginesprings into action and generates precise thrust torealign the spacecraft back on its designated course.
The “Mysterious Universe” Exhibition Hall,through illuminated displays, demonstrateshumanity’s tireless pursuit of unraveling themysteries of the universe. This hall takes you on ajourney through our current understanding of theboundless cosmos, featuring captivating conceptslike the geocentric and heliocentric models, thesolar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and pivotalastronomical milestones.
The “Engines” Special ExhibitionHall is where you can delve intothe fascinating principles andapplications of aircraft engines,while the “Missiles” SpecialExhibition Hall displays China’sadvanced missile systems and itsformidable defense capabilities.
Alongside permanent exhibition halls, the museum alsohosts temporary exhibitions regularly on different themes toenrich the collection.
As a hub for cultural education, the museum has nurtured ateam of student volunteers who are pursuing doctoral, master’s,and undergraduate degrees. These enthusiastic guides playa crucial role in enhancing visitors’ understanding of spacetechnology and ensuring an outstanding visiting experience.
30 多年来,航天馆是哈工大重要的教学基地,被授予首批“国家航天局航天科普教育基地”“全国中小学生研学实践教育基地”等荣誉称号。
For more than three decades, the Space Museumhas served as a vital HIT educational hub. It hasearned prestigious accolades, including beingrecognized as one of the pioneering “China NationalSpace Administration (CNSA) Aerospace SciencePopularization Education Bases” and a prominent“China National Primary and Secondary SchoolStudents’ Research and Practice Education Base”.
周末假日, 闲暇时光, 徜徉在航天馆内, 与君“ 问天”,体会人类航天事业的奋进历程以及迈向广袤与浩瀚宇宙的一路艰辛与荣耀,实在是一次惬意、充实且难忘的知识之旅。
On weekends and holidays, when you havesome free time, do come to the Space Museum. It’s agreat opportunity to immerse yourself in fascinatingdiscussions about the sky, relive the glorious momentsof human space exploration, and embark on anenjoyable, enriching, and truly unforgettable journeyof knowledge into the boundless universe.