文昌俊 邵明颖 何永豪 陈凡 陈洋洋
摘要:为提高拖拉机的可靠性,减少维修次数,运用可靠性分析理论对其使用寿命进行分析研究。首先对某型号轮式拖拉机进行750 h的現场使用跟踪试验,将收集到的故障时间数据分析整理,采用二参数威布尔分布对其进行建模,然后利用四分段距法筛选有效数据,使用最小二乘法和极大似然估计法进行模型参数求解,选取最优的参数求解方法,最后采用K-S检验法对威布尔分布模型进行检验。结果表明,拖拉机的故障时间服从二参数威布尔分布。通过模型计算得到拖拉机的平均无故障工作时间为317.78 h,中位寿命为451.28 h,特征寿命为513.45 h,随后以A、B、C、D四台拖拉机为例,进行剩余寿命预测,得到使用时间和剩余寿命之间具体的对应关系,从而对拖拉机制定合理的预防性维修周期。
中图分类号:S232.5文献标识码:A文章编号:20955553 (2023) 11007306
Reliability evaluation and remaining life prediction of wheeled tractors
Wen ChangjunShao Mingying He Yonghao Chen Fan Chen Yangyang
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, 430068, China;
2. Hubei Agricultural Machinery Appraisal Station, Wuhan, 430068, China)
Abstract:In order to improve the reliability of the tractor and reduce the maintenance times, the service life of the tractor is analyzed and researched using the reliability analysis theory. Firstly, a 750 h field usage tracking experiment of a certain type of wheeled tractor is carried out, the collected failure time data is analyzed and sorted, and the two-parameter Weibull distribution is used to model it. Then, using inter-quartile range method to screen effective data, the least squares method and the maximum likelihood estimation method are used to solve the model parameters, and the optimal parameter solving method is selected. Finally, the K-S test method is used to test the Weibull distribution model. The results show that the failure time of the tractor obeys a two-parameter Weibull distribution. Through the model calculation, the average trouble-free working time of the tractor is 317.78 h, the median life is 451.28 h, and the characteristic life is 513.45 h. Then, taking the four tractors A, B, C, and D as examples, the remaining life prediction is carried out, and the specific corresponding relationship between the service time and the remaining life is obtained, so as to formulate a reasonable preventive maintenance cycle for the tractors.
Keywords:wheeled tractor; reliability; Weibull distribution; maximum likelihood estimation; K-S test; remaining life prediction
在京山市永兴镇京源村试验场及周边地区对某型号轮式拖拉机进行750 h的可靠性使用试验,而后对其可靠性进行分析与评价,进而验证其可靠性是否符合国家标准。整理拖拉机在试验过程中的相关维修记录,并利用四分段距法剔除无效数据,使用威布尔分布对此故障时间数据进行建模,然后利用最小二乘法和极大似然估计法分别对模型参数进行计算,比较得出最优的参数值,最后利用K-S(Kolmogorov-Smirnov)检验法确定了模型的合理性。
由表1可知,最小二乘法與极大似然法估计法得出的模型标准差分别为189.418 9和174.795 6,数学期望误差百分比分别为0.39%和0.32%,由此可知,极大似然估计得到的威布尔分布模型的数学期望值更接近于拖拉机故障样本的平均值,其模型标准差也小于最小二乘法得到的模型标准差,因此使用极大似然估计法进行模型参数求解更为精确,故选取m=2.837 2,η=513.506 8作为威布尔分布的形状参数与尺度参数。
1) 根据拖拉机的故障时间数据,建立了威布尔分布模型,并利用点估计的优良性判别准则,选取了极大似然估计法求解模型参数,随后利用K-S检验法验证了拟合模型的合理性。随后,以四台拖拉机为例进行剩余寿命预测,分析工作时间长度对剩余寿命的影响,并结合无故障工作时间,制定合理的拖拉机预防性维修周期。
2) 由分布模型计算得到此型号轮式拖拉机的平均无故障工作时间为317.78 h,达到了国家标准的要求。另外,为保证拖拉机工作的可靠性,将其预防性维修周期制定为232.32 h。
3) 该方法具有较高的精确度和易用度,为拖拉机的使用及后续维修提供了重要参考依据。
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