
2023-11-30 09:34:02郑曦
风景园林 2023年11期


英国是最早进行工业革命的国家,其工业革命到19世纪30年代前后已基本完成。城市工业的迅猛发展,吸引人们纷纷涌向城市,导致英国农业人口锐减,城市人口剧增,城市规模随之急剧扩大,造成住房短缺、交通拥挤、环境恶化的城市状况。为应对这些挑战,风景园林行业积极响应,兴建城市公园,私家园林开始向公众开放或被改造成公园。设计者在城市公园的建设过程中,也在逐步考虑整体性和连接性的问题,并开始连接公园、构建绿道、建设城市绿地系统,旨在为城市居民提供一个覆盖范围更大的绿色宜人环境。“二战”后,全球进入了经济复苏和高速增长的时期。随着世界经济的繁荣和人口的大幅增长,自然环境受到了空前的破坏。城市逐渐呈现出高密度化的特点,特大城市和都市圈逐渐形成,郊区化也开始呈现。在这一背景下,风景园林开始介入城市更新和郊区化进程,国际风景园林师联合会(International Federation of Landscape Architects, IFLA)成立,环境保护运动逐渐兴起,这表明了人们对环境保护的关注和需求。





Park in City, City in Park

Humans are facing the increasingly aggravated challenge of climate change.As human society moves into the era of ecological civilization, constructing a global community of life has become an uppermost priority.In the meantime, the revolution of technological convergence driven by digital technology is profoundly affecting the spatial characteristics of cities.In this context, how would landscape architecture respond to the global environmental challenges, while taking full leverage of the opportunities brought about by new technologies? In retrospection, we can conclude that parks were once a unique presence in cities, providing a breathing oasis for the industrialized metropolis and offering a social spatial venue for all persons to enjoy equitably.Along with changing times and technological advances, parks are no longer just green spaces acting as a complement or buffer for cities.Instead, they get more closely integrated both with people’s daily lives and cities’ morphologies.This trend of integration is gradually shifting the roles and forms of parks themselves.

As the first country to implement the Industrial Revolution,UK had basically completed this revolution approximately in 1830s.The rapid development of urban industry attracted people to flock to cities, leading to a plummet in Britain’s agricultural population and a surge in its urban population.Consequently, the urban scale was expanded dramatically, bad urban conditions came as follow: shortage of houses, congestion of traffics, and degradation of environment.In response to these challenges, the landscape architecture industry took active actions by building urban parks, while some private gardens began to be opened to the public or were transformed into parks.In the process of constructing urban parks, designers were gradually considering the issues of integrality and connectivity, while starting to connect parks, build greenways, and build up urban green space systems, purposed to provide urban residents with a green and pleasant environment of a larger coverage.After World War II, the world entered a period of economic recovery and rapid growth.With the prosperity of the world’s economy as well as the huge growth of global population, the natural environment has been damaged in an unprecedented manner.With cities gradually showcasing the characteristics of high density, megacities and metropolitan areas have been formed little by little, and suburbanization has also begun to appear.Under this background, landscape architecture started to go into the process of urban renewal and suburbanization, and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) was founded.The rise of environmental protection movements reveals people’s concern over, and demand for, environmental protection.

With the advent of the information age, computers have brought about a revolution of information technology.Cities begin to demonstrate an increase in the tertiary industry’s space, with some industrial cities being contracted, so cities start to lose their cultural and historical context.In this stage, influenced by a variety of trends of thought, such as pop art and deconstructionism, the landscape architecture industry began to attempt to find new ways of expression and innovative techniques by integrating with different art genres.With accelerated globalization and ever-updated communication and transportation technologies, the links between countries became close in a pattern never seen before.Cities presented the features of de-industrialization and de-centralization, and climate risks were beginning to compromise the resilience and sustainability of cities.The landscape architecture industry began to pay much attention to sustainable landscapes, landscape urbanism, landscape performance,and the preservation of cultural landscapes, with an emphasis on environmental, cultural and historical integrity.

Since entering the era of ecological civilization, digital technologies have driven a revolution of technological convergence.For example,the mobile Internet, the Internet-of-Things, smart manufacturing,and artificial intelligence are all re-shaping our lifestyles.Cities have begun to present a spatial characteristic of virtuality-and-reality fusion; human-centered shared urban space is gradually taking shape;and it has become a trend to forge resilient urban environments, so as to cope with climate change.Focusing on global climate change,the landscape architecture industry has attempted to build landscape spaces with carbon neutrality, while utilizing traditional ecological wisdom and digital technology.

Parks, as a “cure” for industrial cities in the early years, have always been a clean space for people to combat the pollution and hustle and bustle across cities.However, with the advancement of technology and the further evolution of cities, it can be observed that parks are evolving from a traditional concept to the direction of“parks without boundaries” by getting more closely with cities and daily life.It is even foreseeable that in the future, cities will no longer have “parks” in the traditional sense; rather, a whole city will become a giant park.It would be a long and meaningful journey to go from parks as the “cure” for industrial cities to a-whole-city-as-a-park.

In this phase that cities are shifting from incremental expansion to stock improvement, “parks” become an important means for highquality development of cities by open sharing, fair co-governance,boundless convergence and scenario construction.It is foreseeable that the boundaries between cities and nature as well as between technology and life will get increasingly blurred, while the design of landscape architecture will attach more attention to the symbiosis between human and nature, as well as the spiritual and emotional experience of people in them.Nowadays, landscape architecture is facing both challenges and opportunities, so we shall think about not only how to design a functionality-strong park, but also how to create an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable new“park” that can adapt to future changes and shape urban forms in the grand context of global environmental change.This entails a kind of professional practice that can go beyond the boundaries of traditional design by integrating knowledge from ecology, sociology, technical sciences and many other subjects, so as to shape and meet the needs of our epoch in an innovative perspective.

Editor-in-Chief: ZHENG Xi

November 2, 2023

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