
2023-11-27 18:09何映桦
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年10期




Living heritage: Chinese tea


Traditional tea processing techniques andassociated social practices in China were officiallyrecognized by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) onNovember 29, 2022. The result has been widelyhailed by the Chinese public and experts as a signifi?cant step for conservation and promotion of traditional tea culture.

2 Tea is ubiquitous (似乎无处不在的) in Chinese peoples daily life. Steeped orboiled tea is served in homes, tea houses and restaurants, forming an importantelement of communication in social events and ceremonies such as weddings andsacrifices.

3 Based on natural conditions and local customs, Chinese tea producers have developedsix categories of tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. Together withreprocessed teas, such as flower?scented tea, there are more than 2,000 tea products. Themost famous are green tea, black tea, oolong tea and flower tea.

4 China's tea culture has nurtured social practices, traditional skills and handcrafts. Itreflects Chinese people's values of modesty, harmony and respect. It also facilitatesexchanges and mutual learning among civilizations connected by the Silk Road,thereby playing a significant role in social development, according to the application.

5 It has been demonstrated that Chinese tea boasts a variety of health benefits. Forexample, Puer tea can wake you up and can remove excess fats in food. Green tea canrefresh your mind and quench (解渴) your thirst.

Activity A Reading for understanding



What is the text mainly about?


Fill in the blanks according to the text with only one word for each blank.


1. 衔接方式一:巧用省略(名词省略、动词省略和分句省略)

The most famous are green tea, black tea, oolong tea and flower tea.


2. 衔接方式二:巧用指代(人称代词、指示代词、定冠词+名词等)

China's tea culture has nurtured social practices, traditional skills and handcrafts. It reflects Chinese people's values of modesty, harmony and respect.

【点石成金】It指代前一句的主语Chinas tea culture,该衔接方式可避免重复,使语言更加简练。

Activity B Reading for writing


be hailed as 被赞扬为……

conservation 保护

steeped or boiled tea 浸泡或煮沸的茶

flower?scented 花香的

nurture 培养;培育

modesty 谦虚;朴素

handcraft 手工艺

facilitate exchanges and mutual learning 促进交流和相互学习

civilization 文明

boast 有(值得自豪的东西)

wake sb up 令某人清醒

remove excess fats 去除多余脂肪

refresh ones mind 使某人头脑清醒

quench ones thirst 解渴



1. Steeped or boiled tea is served in homes, tea houses and restaurants, forming animportant element of communication in social events and ceremonies such as weddings andsacrifices. 浸泡或煮沸的茶常见于家庭、茶馆和餐厅,成为婚礼和祭祀等社会活动和仪式的重要的交流元素。

【点石成金】该句中的forming...sacrifices为现在分词作状语,其逻辑主语为Steeped or boiled tea,且为主动关系,阐述茶的常见场所和场合。

2. It also facilitates exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations connected bythe Silk Road, thereby playing a significant role in social development, according to theapplication. 根据该申请,中国茶文化还促进了由丝绸之路连接起来的各种文明之间的交流和相互学习,从而在社会发展中发挥了重要作用。





1. 中国茶的历史;

2. 喝茶的场所;

3. 茶的种类和益处。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,



Li Hua







1. Learning/Knowing that you are interested in China's tea culture, I am writing tointroduce some basic information about it to you. 得知你对中国的茶文化感兴趣,我写信向你介绍一些相关基本信息。

2. Learning that you take a great interest in Chinas tea culture, Id like to tell yousomething about it. 得知你对中国的茶文化感兴趣,我想告诉你一些关于它的事情。

3. I'm delighted to know that you are interested in China's tea culture and preparingfor the UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage project. I'm writing to share my under?standing with you. 非常高兴得知你对中国茶文化感兴趣,并正在为“联合国教科文组织世界非物质文化遗产”项目做准备。我写信与你分享我的理解。


1. With a long history of more than 4,000 years, Chinas tea culture has been hailed asa key part of traditional Chinese culture, which plays a vital role in nurturing culturalexchanges, traditional techniques and handcrafts. 中国茶拥有4,000多年的悠久历史,被誉为中华传统文化的重要组成部分,在文化交流、传统技艺和手工艺的培育上发挥了重要作用。

2. As part of traditional Chinese culture, Chinas tea culture has a long history of morethan 4,000 years. 作为中华传统文化的一部分,中国茶文化拥有超过4,000年的历史。

3. Tea is served in many places such as homes, restaurants or tea houses, facilitatingsocial communication at important events or occasions. 茶在许多地方可见,如家中、餐厅或茶馆,能在重要活动或场合促进社会交流。

4. Chinese tea is the embodiment of Chinese peoples values of hospitality and re?spect, which is often used to entertain guests as a sign of welcome. 中国茶体现了中国人好客和尊重他人的价值观,通常用来招待客人以示欢迎。

5. There are different sorts of tea in China, of which green tea is famous around theworld. 中国有不同种类的茶,其中以绿茶闻名世界。

6. Drinking tea brings numerous benefits, like helping you wake up. 喝茶有很多好处,比如帮助你提神醒脑。

7. As a Chinese, I feel proud of our tea culture and hope that more people willappreciate its charm and significance. 作为中国人,我为中国茶文化感到骄傲,并希望有更多的人能欣赏到它的魅力和懂得它的意义。


1. I hope what Ive written will enable you to learn more about it. 我希望我写的东西能让你更多地了解它。

2. I hope my introduction will be of help to you. Best wishes! 我希望我的介绍能对你有所帮助。祝好!

3. I hope what is mentioned above might be helpful to you. Good luck! 我希望上面所提到的内容能对你有帮助。祝好运!

4. If you still have any questions, please feel free to ask me. 如果你还有任何问题,请随时问我。



Dear Chris,

Learning that you are interested in..., I am writing to..(. 背景介绍+表明目的)

As part of traditional Chinese culture, Chinas tea culture has a long history of morethan 4,000 years. Tea is served in many places such as... Besides, there are various sorts ofChinese tea, of which...is famous around the world. Moreover, Chinese tea boasts numerousbenefits. Not only does it..., but also it helps... As a Chinese, I feel proud of our tea cultureand hope that...(文化介绍+个人理解)

I hope what Ive written will..(. 表达祝愿)


Li Hua




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