Alice Gawthrop
In 2016, the then⁃17⁃year⁃old JamalHinton received a text, supposedly fromhis grandma, asking if hed make it toThanksgiving that year. After exchanging afew texts, it soon became clear that thetext's sender, Wanda Dench, was not in facthis grandma.
She invited Hinton to dinner regard?less, and after Hinton shared the exchangeon the Internet, the pair went viral. Spend⁃ing Thanksgiving together has become anannual thing for Hinton and Dench, withthis year marking the traditions seventhanniversary. Their friendship has gone from strength to strength, even throughevent like the passing of Dench's husband,Lonnie.
Dench said,“Jamal taught me thatage made absolutely no difference. WhenJamal came along, my husband, his girl⁃friend and I would go out to dinner through⁃out the year together and we would justlose all track of time. One time, we were ata restaurant for three or four hours and Icouldnt believe we were there that long.We kept talking! It was just such a wonder⁃ful conversation.”
The pair have even gone into businesstogether, launching a water company calledBlackMP, and the story is reportedly beingmade to be a movie.
What did Dench think of age's influ⁃ence on friendship?