World heritage listing shows international importance of Chinese tea中国茶申遗成功

2023-11-19 19:57:16江丽
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年3期


主题语境:历史与传统 篇幅:355词 建议用时:7分钟

1 Traditional Chinas tea⁃making tech⁃niques and their associated social prac⁃tices were listed as a world intangible cul⁃tural heritage, bringing the worlds focuson Chinese tea culture again.

2 In the application submitted toUNESCO, the function of tea as an ambas⁃sador (大使) for spreading traditional Chi⁃nese culture and lifestyles to the world and promoting international exchanges is con⁃sidered one of the most important qualifications (条件;资格) to become a world intangiblecultural heritage.

3 Tea has been consumed in China for thousands of years, with some of the earliestreferences to tea drinking dating back to the Shang Dynasty, where it was consumed inwhat is today Southwest China's Yunnan Province primarily as a medicinal drink. Develop⁃ing across several dynasties, especially the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, Chinese teaspread across the Eastern Silk Road to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In the 6th century,envoys (使者) were sent from Japan to China to learn about tea and its associated cultureand seeds were brought via the Eastern Silk Road to Japan, leading to the plant beinggrown in the country.

4 Yu Jinlong, a cultural expert specializing in tea, said that as the hometown of tea,China exported its tea to Asian countries through trade and cultural exchanges during theTang Dynasty. From there, it spread to Europe, the Middle East and the Americas in the16th century.

5 Currently, there are more than 5 billion tea drinkers around the world and more than120 countries import tea from China. Under the influence of Chinese tea culture, countriesincluding the UK, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Morocco have also formed their owntea culture.

6 Tea culture's international influence continues to expand today. According to YangFeng, one intangible culture inheritor of Chinese white tea in East Chinas Fujian Province,the tea factory where he works has cooperated with some international organizations toprovide“volunteer work exchange”programs for people to study Chinese tea?making tech⁃niques. Over the past few years, the program has attracted hundreds of volunteers frommore than 10 countries, who live at the tea factory and experience life together with theworkers as they pick and make tea, and finally take back what they have learned to theirmotherlands.



1. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. Requirements of becoming a world intangible heritage.

B. Different cultures and lifestyles in the world.

C. Traditional Chinas tea⁃making techniques.

D. The international function of Chinese tea.

2. For what purpose was tea consumed at the very beginning?

A. It was a tool for making friends.

B. It was used as a medicinal drink.

C. It was used as a basic ingredient.

D. It was a tool for cultural exchanges among countries.

3. When did China export tea to Asian countries?

A. During the Shang Dynasty.

B. During the Tang Dynasty.

C. During the Song Dynasty.

D. During the Ming Dynasty.

4. Why was the program“volunteer work exchange”set up?

A. To help foreigners learn Chinese customs.

B. To help foreigners know more about Chinese history.

C. To help international volunteers study tea⁃making techniques.

D. To help international volunteers experience factory life.



Useful expressions

tea⁃making technique 制茶技术

world intangible cultural heritage 世界非物质文化遗产

submit sth to 提交某物给……

spread traditional Chinese culture 传播中国传统文化

promote international exchanges 促进国际交流

the earliest references to tea drinking 饮茶的最早记载

the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛

specialize in 精通;专攻

under the influence of Chinese tea culture 在中國茶文化的影响下

intangible culture inheritor 非物质文化继承者

术业专攻,奋力耕耘 努力做好自贸港皮肤科学科建设
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