
2023-11-18 18:23:34王梓艺
孔子学院 2023年3期
























在宁航蜡染的带动下,目前丹寨县颇具规模的蜡染工坊企业已发展到20余家,蜡染年产值超过2 000万元,不仅带动700余名染娘增收,而且成为丹寨县有影响力和带动成效的特色产业。


In the vibrant land of southeasternGuizhou Province, where theMiao ethnic group flourishes, if youare fortunate enough to participatein a gathering, you will have an extra-ordinary experience of its ethnic culture.Glistening silver jewelry, colorfuland glamorous costumes, the unpretentious,traditional Lusheng dance,clusters of diaojiaolou (wooden housessupported by 1—2 meters high pillars),the Fengyu Mansions (literally meaning“Mansions of Wind and Rain”) withintricately carved and painted beams,the heart-warming welcoming ritualswith aromatic wine at the entrance, andthe delicate Miao paper-cutting works:these daily items and rituals are the besttestament to the exuberant vigor of theintangible cultural heritages of the Miaoethnic group in Guizhou.

Leishan Miao Silver Jewelry: Treasure in the Heart of Miao area

“Clink, clink, clink!” The sound of gentle strikeson silver resonates in the workshop. Inside thedoor is Yang Guangbin, the renowned silversmithfrom Kongbai Village, Leishan County, who ishammering the silver pieces. Today, he standsamong a select few as an officially recognizednational-level inheritor of the intangible culturalheritage. Currently, he is working to create twelvetraditional costumes with silver jewelry, representingdi erent Miao ethnic branches, for the NationalArt Museum of China.

When Yang took over this cra smanship fromhis father at a young age, he could have never imaginedthat this humble household art would oneday be recognized as part of the national intangiblecultural heritage.

The art of cra ing silver jewelry in Kongbai Villagehas a rich history spanning over four centuries.Perhaps it is due to the serene and secluded natureof the mountainous region that these silver adornments,which emit a delicate tinkling sound withevery movement, have been passed down alongsidethe melodious Lusheng (a traditional Chinese musicalinstrument) and ancient Miao folk songs.

This technique is intricate. The meticulouslyhand-made silver jewelry boasts unique patternsand exceptional durability that machines cannotreplicate. However, the meager income generatedfrom this artistry makes it hard to sustain. As aresult, over time, most village residents left theirhometown for developed coastal regions, trying tomake ends meet.

In 2006, Leishan Miao silver jewelry waso cially recognized as one of the rst nationallevelintangible cultural heritages. YangGuangbin, as an open-minded inheritor of thistreasured tradition, spared no e ort to recruitand train young apprentices and impart hisvaluable techniques to the next generation.

Due to the ourishing tourism industry inGuizhou, the enchanting Xijiang Qianhu MiaoVillage has emerged as a popular tourist destination.Consequently, Kongbai Village, nestledin the nearby mountains, has also found itsplace in travel journals and guides. This developmenthas prompted many Miao silversmithsto return to their hometown and establish theirown businesses. Nowadays, it is a commonsight to nd a silver artisan and a workshop in almost every household in Kongbai Village.

As the tradition continues to thrive, KongbaiVillage has resumed its vibrancy. The younggeneration is embracing this craftsmanshiponce again and passing down their passion forthis cultural heritage.

Taijiang Miao Embroidery: Wordless Book Telling A Timeless Tale

While the Miao silver jewelry, crafted by skilledartisans, has a poetic beauty, the Miao embroidery tellsa timeless tale.

The Miao people worship nature. The prevalentpatterns in Miao embroidery, including butterflies,birds, fish, flowers and plants, and dragons, reflecttheir primitive yet genuine, positive outlook on life.Almost all Miao women know how to embroider. They don’t need pencils and sketches. Drawing inspirationsfrom the needlework techniques passed down by theirgrandmothers and mothers, as well as their ethnicpride, historical knowledge, and intuitive perceptionsof nature, they bring to life breathtaking pieces of Miaoembroidery.

Pan Yuzhen, from Taijiang County, is a wellknownembroidery artisan and an internet celebrityin her late seventies. In December 2018, she madea stunning appearance on the runway at St. James’sPalace in London, showcasing her meticulously cra edtraditional Miao attire. The timeless charm of the Miaoethnic group captivated everyone at the scene.

Over the years, Pan has brought Miao embroideryto over ten countries. And each time, she returns withorders worth hundreds of thousands and even millionsof US dollars.

Zhang Yanmei, Pan’s seconddaughter, is also a well-knownlocal embroiderer. Together withher younger sister, she founded theTaijiang Yangli Miao EmbroideryWorkshop. Through innovationand the production of ethnic handicrafts,they have not only fulfilledtheir childhood dreams but havealso contributed to increasing theincome of impoverished villagers.Today, their embroidery productsare sold to countries like the US,Japan, and France.

The Miao embroidery from the remotemountains is now embraced worldwide as afashionable item, with its patterns commonlyfound in trendy clothing designs, cultural andcreative products, and tourist souvenirs. This once little-known craftsmanship has gainedpopularity among the general public, leadingto increased market demand. As a result,more embroiderers and workshops are showcasingtheir work on larger, modern stages,and numerous local enterprises and Miaoembroidery brands are proudly reaching outto wider, international audiences.

Danzhai Batik Dyeing: The “Number One Dyeing of the East”

Also gaining international attention is the Miaobatik dyeing from Danzhai County. In February 2020,a collection of 36 sets of wax-dyed costumes designedand produced by Ninghang Batik from DanzhaiCounty made a remarkable debut at the LondonFashion Week in a dedicated show, astonishing theaudience.

Miao batik dyeing is created by using a wax knifeto apply the melted wax onto the fabrics, dyeing it withindigo, and boiling the fabric in hot water a erward toremove the wax. As a result, blue and white cloths withvarious patterns are produced. The wax, which actsas a resist agent, naturally cracks during the process,resulting in unique “ice patterns” on the fabrics. This cra smanship can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty(618—690) and is known as the “Number One Dyeingof the East”. Di erent from the bold, vibrant colors ofMiao embroidery, the blue and white owery patternsappear to be more gentle and reserved.

Danzhai Miao batik dyeing was included in the rst batch of national-level intangible cultural heritagesin 2006. Miao women in Danzhai begin learning thistechnique from childhood and become pro cient in allaspects, such as cultivating the indigo plants, spinningthe yarn, designing the patterns, as well as dyeing andtailoring the fabrics. They pass down this craftsmanshipfrom one generation to another. For Miao women,batik dyeing is not only a part of their daily lives butalso the best way to observe the world and expressthemselves.

Ning Manli, originally from Anhui Province, firstlearned about Danzhai batik dyeing in Kaili City, locatedin southeastern Guizhou Province. Fully aware of thecommercial value of this treasure from the deep mountains,she traveled around and persuaded several localfemale dyers to join her in establishing Ninghang Batik.

In May 2016, professionals from the ChineseNational Museum of Ethnology visited southeasternGuizhou for eld research and were astounded by BaiMiao Tu. They immediately decided to include thisartwork in the museum’s collection and organize adedicated exhibition for the dyers. After this turningpoint, Ninghang Batik established a strong footing inthe market, and several universities invited the dyersto deliver lectures as part of their art programs.

Ninghang Batik has brought great momentum toDanzhai County. Currently, there are over 20 sizablebatik dyeing companies, with an annual output exceeding20 million RMB. Batik dyeing has not onlyincreased the income of over 700 female dyers buthas also become a thriving industry with unique local characteristics, exerting a positive impact on local development.

And it is more than batik dyeing. Danzhai is renownedfor being home to another six in the nationallevelintangible cultural heritage. Today, more than 75%of the over 200 shops in Wanda Town of Danzhou specializein businesses related to intangible cultural heritage.The “intangible cultural heritage + tourism” modelhas emerged as a vital driver in promoting the tourismindustry in Danzhai. Tourists now ock to the regionlooking for an immersive experience of the vibrant andcolorful ethnic lifestyle, as well as the rich intangiblecultural heritage. Consequently, Wanda Town has becomea captivating destination, attracting tourists fromaround the world while preserving and passing on thevibrant cultural traditions of Guizhou.

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