
2023-10-30 03:51马威杨阳
现代世界警察 2023年10期

文/马威 杨阳


傅天雷,男,39 岁,中共党员,大学学历,曾服役于中部战区,2017 年12 月从部队转业后参加公安工作,现任北京丰台分局右安门派出所社区民警,兼任丰台区右安门街道玉林里社区党委副书记。参加公安工作以来,曾荣立个人二等功1 次、个人三等功1 次,荣获“全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人”“全国特级优秀人民警察”“全国最美基层民警”“首都精神文明建设奖”等荣誉,当选北京市公安局2020 年“北京榜样·最美警察”、2023 年度“北京榜样·最美退役军人”。


2017 年12 月,从部队转业的傅天雷成了丰台分局右安门派出所的社区民警。脱去军装,换上警服,初来乍到的傅天雷因为跟社区居民们不熟悉,工作开展得并不顺畅。如何突破瓶颈?思量一二,他给自己提出了“四个最短”要求——最短时间熟悉社区、最短时间让群众熟悉自己、最短时间摸清安全隐患、最短时间为解决问题“开好头”。

目标明确了,他把自己“泡”进0.54 平方公里的辖区,开启了疯狂“刷存在感”模式:每栋楼门口,都贴着印有他联系电话的宣传海报;揣着附上自己照片的“特制”名片,碰见一位居民就递过去一张;没事就下社区熟悉情况,每周至少50 个小时。


一天,凌晨2 点,他接到居民求助电话,了解事情原委后,立马行动,跑前跑后,仅用2 小时就解决了居民楼上暖气跑水问题。有一位老人因为孤单,经常爱打12345市民热线。傅天雷知道后,一有时间就去找老人聊天。他曾用6 天时间做一户居民的家庭调解,前几次矛盾双方都拒绝调解,但他凭着耐心和韧劲,最终成功解决矛盾。


有人说,琐碎是湮灭热情的研磨器。但从警以来,傅天雷却始终乐此不疲地“主动揽麻烦”,风险隐患、家长里短,都是他认真对待的课题。傅天雷聚焦群众身边的“小案件、小纠纷、小事情”,着力提升人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感。“兜里装着小本本,急难愁盼清楚记”“聊天主动又热情,拉近距离不陌生”……傅天雷根据6 年基层工作创作了“七字”顺口溜,总结出了“矛盾纠纷排查化解七步工作法”“调解工作五步法”。这是他对社区工作真心真情的付出,也是践行新时代枫桥经验的生动写照。居民每一句感谢的话语、每一次的微笑点头、每一次的挥手再见,都让他心情愉悦,内心充实。他只想离居民近些,离居民的心再近些。




一天晚上,傅天雷在翻看微信时,发现居民反映59号楼15 层电箱有打火情况。看到这一信息后,他立即在微信群中回复居民,随后一边联系相关部门,一边抓起警服赶去现场。当他到达现场后,电箱还在冒火花。他果断拉掉电闸,安慰楼层居民,打电话催促物业电工尽快到现场处置。几分钟后,维修师傅们到了,傅天雷悬着的心也放了下来。那位在微信群中反映情况的居民也在现场,她说:“没想到你们来得这么快,我刚刚问了旁边邻居,他们都不知道哪里能联系到电工师傅,我正发愁呢,您就在群中回复我了。”为了确保类似危险情况不再发生,傅天雷把现场交给电工师傅们后,巡视每一楼层,18 个电箱逐个检查了一遍。在确保安全后,他在微信群中给居民留言,请大家踏实休息。

“社区工作不是一蹴而就的,问题也不可能一下子都解决,但需要有变化和进步。”工作6 年,傅天雷的热情依然,为了心中理想的“平安社区”一路向前。他在心里画下好多“蓝图”——解决停车难问题、改善社区设施等等。“我相信这里居民的生活会越来越好,我还可以做得更好。”



在社区工作的几年,傅天雷发现要想让社区整体水平再上一个台阶,就得让更多的人发挥主人翁作用,参与社区共治。2020 年,他依托社区倡导发起了“微光行动”志愿服务,汇聚社会各界爱心希望,传递党和政府的温暖。在他的动员下,佑安医院、北京考古遗址博物馆、首都医科大学国际学院等多家企事业单位加入进来。截至目前,已有200 多名志愿者参与到“微光行动”中,有14 家单位成了志愿服务的成员单位,团队还建立了“安全宣传、便民志愿、红色纽带、文化传承、环境美化、关爱帮扶、健康守护”七个小分队。志愿者里还有来自20 多个国家的50 多名国际留学生。



不啻微光,汇聚成阳。团队里的每一名成员,都在用自己的微薄之力服务居民、奉献社会。右安门街道开阳里第三社区服务站站长刘占香说:“天雷警官是我们微光行动的领头人,带领我们汇聚光芒,回馈社会。”微光团队成立以来,走访慰问残疾人、鳏寡孤独家庭80 多户,先后组织开展了春节系列慰问、迎新春联欢会、志愿巡河护河等活动。如今的微光团队已成为右安门地区一道靓丽的风景,成为北京市志愿组织中的一员。社区居民罗英彬说:“我是右安人,我爱右安门,我们要为自己的家园、为这个社会做点贡献。”在傅天雷的积极推动下,社区已开始筹划“最美玉林里居民”评选活动,充分调动广大居民的主人翁意识,让美好的道德情操在社区蔚然成风。

可以用“热爱、用心、共情、思考”八个字对傅天雷的工作进行概括。他热爱自己的职业,用心经营着社区管理,遇到问题时,总是站在群众角度,为群众着想。他善于思考,不断总结经验查找不足,所以才有了玉林里社区今天的变化。这变化表现在由“闻怨即解”到“闻愿即解”的转变。“怨”和“愿”虽只是一字之差,包涵的意义却大有不同,虽然实质都是为人民服务,但“愿”是为民服务的升华,是工作更加主动的表现。傅天雷回忆在部队的时候,就常说要“爱兵如子”,现在他成为社区民警,更是把群众当亲人。365 天,他都在社区这一亩三分地里忙碌着、耕耘着、奉献着,以对群众的深厚情感,构筑起北京公安爱民奉献的日日夜夜、一年四季。



Fu Tianlei was born in 1984.He holds a Bachelor's degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China.He did his military service in the Central Theater Command.Fu was discharged from the army and joined the police force in December 2017,and now serves as a community police officer at Youanmen Police Station under the Fengtai Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.He is deputy secretary of the party committee of Yulinli Community,Youanmen Subdistrict,Fengtai District.Since joining the police force,he has been honored with medals of merit twice and the titles of "National Exemplary Individual in Fighting COVID-19""National Excellent Police Officer""Most Beautiful Grassroots Police Officer",and "Beijing Spiritual Civilization Constructor".In 2020 and 2023,he won the honors of "Most Beautiful Police Officer" and the "Most Beautiful Retired Army Officer" in Beijing,respectively.

An Officer Trusted by Residents

In December 2017,retired army officer Fu Tianlei became a community police officer at Youanmen Police Station under the Fengtai Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.However,Fu's career transition from military attire to police uniform was challenging,partly due to his unfamiliarity with the community residents he now served.All day long,he mulled how to overcome this problem.In the end,he formulated four goals to achieve as quick as possible:acquaint himself with the community,make himself a familiar face to residents,figure out potential safety risks,and prepare himself for problem-solving.

Fu immediately immersed himself in the compact community under his jurisdiction,making as much presence as possible.He hung up posters with his contact information on the doorways of all the buildings;he distributed his business card to every resident he met;and he made a conscious effort to tour the community for at least 50 hours a week to familiarize himself with the community.

It did not take much time for Fu to become a wellknown figure in the Yulinli Community.Increasing numbers of residents began greeting him warmly on the streets.

In the early hours of one morning,a resident phoned Fu for help with a water leak from the heating system that was flooding his apartment.Fu immediately rushed to the resident's apartment.After two hours' work,he managed to fix the issue and stop the leaking water.

Upon learning that an elderly resident often called the "12345",a government service hotline,out of loneliness,Fu frequently dropped in on the elderly man for a chat.Fu got wind of a long-running family dispute in the community,and tried to solve the issue,but to no avail on his first few attempts.His patience and determination did not pay off until the sixth day of his mediation.

Gradually,residents came to believe that no matter what difficulties they encountered,Officer Fu could be counted on to help them.In turn,Fu felt reassured that his previous efforts were worthwhile."They prefer to turn to you for help only if you sincerely keep them in heart and mind," he says.

Trivialities are believed to wear out one's passion.But not for Fu.He has always volunteered to "face troubles" since day one of his police career.From safety risks to family feuds,nothing is too trivial for Fu.He devotes himself to making residents feel satisfied and secure by taking on all of their minor cases,quarrels,etc..Six years into his police career,Fu has come up with a number of techniques to work at the grassroots level and strategies to settle conflicts.For example,he keeps a notebook in his pocket and records every emergency,worry and expectation of every resident;he always strikes up a warm conversation with residents to cement ties with them.This attitude comes from his dedication to community services and reflects his commitment to the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era -a benchmark for public service developed by the Anhui provincial government for grassroots social governance based on people's livelihood.Each expression of thanks,each greeting with a smile or nod,and every farewell from residents gives Fu a feeling of fulfillment.It seemed that Fu could never be too close to the residents.

A Leader of Community Governance

Shabby and old-fashioned,the Yulinli Community is densely populated,with inadequate infrastructure and security facilities.It was fraught with theft of bicycles and motorbikes.To improve the security situation,Fu vigorously assisted the community in applying for physical and technical support from higher-level authorities.As a result of coordinated efforts across multiple areas,the security situation in the community has improved significantly.

With better security infrastructure in place,Fu shifted his attention to enhancing residents' security awareness.To that end,he invited community service workers to pay visits to every household and posted publicity materials.Fu also established an anti-fraud group chat on the messaging app WeChat.This group chat serves as more than a platform for anti-fraud campaigns.It has become a place where residents can report any concerns they have,to which Fu always responds timely and sets about resolving their issues in the most efficient way.To better meet residents' expectations,Fu also invited other parties to join the chat,such as community service workers,property managers,garbage sorting workers,and complaintshandling personnel.Over time,this group chat has played a pivotal role in settling disputes and ensuring the security of the community.

One evening,a resident reported in the group chat that the power box on the 15th floor of Building 59 was sparking.Fu immediately replied to the resident and rushed to the scene while calling the relevant authorities.When he saw the sparks himself,Fu quickly switched off the main power supply,reassured the concerned residents,and called for electricians .A few minutes later,some electricians arrived,much to Fu's relief."I had not expected you to come over so quickly.I asked my neighbors to help,but none of them knew how to get in touch with an electrician.Your quick reply in the group chat was a great relief," exclaimed the resident who reported the problem.To prevent similar incidents,Fu inspected each of the 18 electrical boxes in different floors of the building.Once all safety hazards were ruled out,Fu left a message in the group chat to reassure all the residents.

"You can't make it in a single go.So,you should never stop improving yourself," says Fu.Six years have passed,but his passion for making the community a safer place remains.He has drawn up many plans in his mind -making it easier for residents to park their cars and improving community infrastructure,for example."I am convinced that people's lives are going to get better and better.There is much room for improvement," he continues.

An Initiator of the "We Light" Initiative

Throughout his years as a community officer,Fu has realized that the key to building a better community is to invite more community members to play an active role in shared governance.In 2020,Fu launched the community-based We Light Initiative,which pools aid and support from all walks of life to make all residents feel cared for by government agencies.Inspired by Fu,multiple enterprises and public institutions,including Beijing Youan Hospital,the Beijing Archaeological Museum and the International School of Capital Medical University,joined the initiative.To date,the We Light Initiative has attracted more than 200 volunteers,including more than 50 international students from over 20 countries,as well as 14 institutional members.In addition,seven task forces have been formed to perform different duties -enhancing safety awareness,providing convenient services,cementing emotional ties with Red Culture,facilitating cultural heritage,creating a better environment,caring for vulnerable groups,and offering healthcare support.

Tiny sparks of light will form a bright sun.Every member of the initiative does their bit to make the community a better place."Officer Fu is the leader of the We Light Initiative.He has been inspiring us to pool all our efforts and make every possible contribution to society," says Liu Zhanxiang,head of the third service station at Kaiyangli Community,Youanmen Subdistrict.Since its inception,the We Light Initiative team has visited and helped more than 80 households with disabled residents or with people living alone.The team has also launched a variety of meaningful activities like sending Spring Festival greetings,holding the Spring Festival celebration party,and patrolling the nearby river.Today,the team has become a unique sight in Youanmen Subdistrict and a part of the volunteer network in Beijing."I was born here,and I love Youanmen,so I should make my own contribution to this community and the whole of society," says Luo Yingbin,a resident here.Now,under the leadership of Fu,the community is preparing to launch a contest called "The Resident of Yulinli Community",which will strengthen the sense of ownership and further improve their spirit.

Fu's commitment to community governance can be summarized in four words:passionate,wholehearted,empathetic,thoughtful.He is a passionate community police officer who serves the community wholeheartedly.He always puts himself in residents' shoes to help them address their concerns.A quick thinker,he constantly draws lessons from his daily work and reflects on where he could have done better.His efforts have been rewarded through tangible changes to Yulinli Community.His focus has shifted from handling residents' complaints to helping them fulfill their goals.This simple shift marks a significant improvement -serving the people is less reactive but more proactive.While in the military,Fu repeatedly stressed care for fellow soldiers.Now,as a community police officer,he sees all residents as his family members.Every day,year in and year out,Fu demonstrates his unwavering devotion to this small yet significant community and his deep affection for people living here.Just as all the other police officers in Beijing do.
