
2023-10-30 03:51朱航
现代世界警察 2023年10期


打开地图,坐标长江中下游,“九曲回肠”之地见荆州。483 千米长江黄金水道横贯全境,占湖北省长江干线近一半。



“快看!江猪子!”2022 年11 月13 日,长江石首段发现30 头长江江豚身影,现场画面中,江豚在清澈的江水里时而跳跃,时而翻滚,十分活泼。

曾几何时,这是荆州人站在江边时常会看到的场面。但在过去快速、粗放的经济发展模式下,长江荆州水域环境脏乱,长江生物完整性指数已经到了最差的“无鱼”等级。2000 年以来,长江水域采砂活动越来越普遍。在暴利的驱使下,大量盗采船舶使得整个河床坑坑洼洼,长江水质浑浊,生态严重受损,水域水质混浊,鱼类大幅减产。实现禁捕禁采,让长江休养生息,迫在眉睫!2020 年1 月1 日,长江流域重点水域正式进入“十年禁渔期”。2021 年3 月1 日,我国首部流域保护法——《中华人民共和国长江保护法》正式施行。


2019 年6 月,长江航运公安局荆州分局民警在“清江行动”中发现一条船装载3200 余吨来源不明的江砂,可能源于非法盗采。办案民警辗转上海、江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南、重庆等地开展全方位侦查,逐步查清一条非法“采、运、销”的地下产业链。此案共抓获涉案人员66 人,打击处理犯罪嫌疑人30 名,核查涉案船舶25 艘,涉案江砂高达10 万余吨,涉案金额1000 余万元。


2020 年12 月,长江航运公安局荆州分局获悉线索,长江荆州水域存在一个“捕、运、销、餐”全链条非法捕捞团伙。经过细心组织,周密实施,最终侦破“张某平等人非法捕捞水产品案”,一举摧毁该犯罪团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人14人,行政处罚餐馆17 家,捣毁非法收购、运输江鱼场所2 处,查扣作案快艇1 艘、渔罐车2 台、渔获物1 万余斤,涉案金额82 万余元。在持续保持对涉江突出犯罪的高压严打态势下,“长江禁渔”行动和打击非法采砂专项行动取得积极成效。


保护长江水生态系统良性发展,除了依法打击,还要对受损的长江流域生态进行修复补偿。2018 年6 月,湖北天鹅洲白鱀豚国家级自然保护区内,8 名男子用电捕鱼设备实施非法捕鱼,还用手机拍下拣鱼视频上传至微信朋友圈,引发了极其恶劣的社会影响。侦破此案后,在长江航运公安局荆州分局调解下,犯罪嫌疑人主动自行购买了30 万尾白鲢鱼和34 万尾鳙鱼,费用共计19200 元,申请作为生态补偿。在公安局、检察院、法院、保护区等工作人员的监督下,犯罪行为人采取人工投放鱼苗的方式进行了增殖放流。

据统计,2018 年以来,长江航运公安局荆州分局严厉打击非法采砂、非法捕捞等破坏长江生态环境犯罪339 件344人。5 年来,长江荆州水域内非采案件下降98%,电鱼、毒鱼、炸鱼等非法捕鱼案件基本清零。




2019 年,长江航运公安局荆州分局针对接处警工作的难点痛点,立足长江大保护国家战略,合作研发出“长江大保护(荆州)110”手机APP,使得报警更智能,举报更便捷,求助更及时,出行更安全。该APP 推出以来,共收到各类情报线索1000 余条,破获一批涉渔、涉砂、假证、诈骗等案件,帮助数名群众找到失踪家属,实时发布长江警务动态,逐渐成为警民联合打击犯罪、保护群众自身利益、信息交流互通的重要平台。

“游客请注意,请远离江边,谨防溺水!”2021 年暑期,荆州宝塔湾公园内游客的上空,几架无人机缓缓飞过,并伴随着阵阵提醒声。同时,沿江6 个江滩点位的无人机画面同步实时传输到指挥中心,整个长江沿岸50 多公里的车流、人流情况尽收眼底。

2020 年,长江航运公安局荆州分局首次启用警用无人机,由24 名无人机专业驾驶员组成警务航空队,在“水上指挥平台”和“移动指挥中心”统一指挥调度下,在沿江一线的6 个点位起降,实现昼夜不间断巡航,共计飞行356 架次,航时5000 余分钟。“2020 年以来,我们‘水上指挥平台’和‘移动指挥中心’共下达调度指令300 余次,实现对溺水救助、突发事件处理、案件侦查取证的扁平可视指挥调度,确保长江荆州水域‘江、陆、空’安保全域覆盖。”长江航运公安局荆州分局警务航空队队长胡维介绍说。

2021 年4 月,公安部在武汉召开了公安机关服务保障长江经济带高质量发展工作推进会,组织长江上、中、下游省(市)公安机关与长航公安机关分别签订了区域警务合作协议,在长江上、中、下游分别建立协作圈,以长江干线作为牵引,形成“一线带三圈”的工作格局,最大限度发挥合成作战效能。两年来,长江航运公安局荆州分局在长江全线率先与地方公安机关签订警务合作协议联合侦破湖北省首起船舶保险诈骗案,分别与公安、江陵、石首县局联合侦办非法采砂、非法捕捞案件40 多起,全面构建起水岸一体的长江警务新格局。


“动作快点,加快速度……”2022 年9 月,江陵蓝星岛水域。一场水上救援比武正在如火如荼地进行。“快,有人溺水!抓紧时间!”只见民警在江滩设置的120 米赛道上闻令而动,一人肩扛水上救生机器人健步如飞,到达岸边后,迅速启动水上救生机器人并平稳抛入江中,另一人使用遥控器熟练操控机器人灵动飞驰,闪电般冲向救援对象,拖载100 米外的溺水人员安全返回至岸边,成功完成救援……

据了解,长江航运公安局荆州分局出台了“警”防溺水十项措施,制定了“十有”安全防护目标,配齐水上救援机器人、救生飞盘、伸缩杆等新型水上救援装备,定期开展训练比武,常态化开展防溺水知识进港口、进码头、进船舶、进企业、进校园宣传季活动。2018 年以来,开展防溺水宣教活动400 余场次,救援溺水群众70 余人,劝离在长江游泳、江滩嬉水群众3000 余人,防溺水宣传受众40 万余人次。




On a map,the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River twist and turn. In one of the turns sits Jingzhou city.The river's "golden waterway",483 kilometers long,runs through the city area,accounting for nearly half of the Yangtze River's total length within Hubei Province,where Jingzhou is situated.

The Jingzhou Branch of the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau (hereafter as the Jingzhou Branch) has been diligently upholding the environmental sustainability of water resources and ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in the surrounding areas.Additionally,the bureau has made significant contributions to the protection strategy of the Yangtze River and high-quality development along the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

A River Pure and Abundant

"Look! River dolphins!" On November 13,2022,a group of 30 Yangtze finless porpoises was spotted in the Shishou section of the Yangtze River.Witnesses saw the porpoises leaping high into the air and gracefully twirling in the clear river water,displaying remarkable vitality.

Long ago,this was a common sight for locals as they walked along the river.However,due to the rapid and rude economic development model of the past,the Jingzhou section of the Yangtze River became polluted,and the environmental situation deteriorated.The biological integrity index of the Yangtze River even reached the lowest possible level -there weren't even any fish.Since 2000,large-scale sand mining activities in the Yangtze River has become increasingly prevalent.Driven by substantial profits,a significant number of sand mining ships operated illegally,causing extensive damage to the riverbed and resulting in numerous potholes.The water quality of the Yangtze River worsened and the entire water area became contaminated,with turbidity becoming a serious problem.The nearby ecology suffered significant damage,leading to a sharp decline in fish numbers.It became evident that fishing and sand mining needed to be prohibited to allow the river's ecosystem to recover.On January 1,2020,key areas of the Yangtze River Basin officially came under a "ten-year fishing ban".On March 1,2021,China implemented its first river basin protection law,the Yangtze River Protection Law.

The comprehensive protection strategy for the Yangtze River is pivotal in reversing the decline of its ecological environment.Since its implementation,the Jingzhou Branch of the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau has taken a practical approach tailored to the particular conditions within its jurisdiction.They have effectively utilized the functions of law enforcement agencies to rigorously combat illegal and criminal activities that impact the environment along the Yangtze River.

In June 2019,during the bureau's "River Cleaning Operation",officers from the Jingzhou Branch encountered a ship loaded with over 3,200 tons of sand of unclear origin.There was something very suspicious.The officers immediately launched an investigation,going to great lengths to visit multiple municipalities provinces for evidence,including Shanghai,Jiangsu,Anhui,Hubei,Hunan,and Chongqing.Ultimately,they unveiled an underground industrial network involved in illegal mining,transportation,and sale of river sand.A total of 66 individuals were arrested,30 of whom were prosecuted and penalized as criminal suspects.Additionally,25 ships connected to the case were placed under police investigation.The total volume of river sand involved in the case exceeded 100,000 tons,with a monetary value exceeding 10 million yuan.

In December 2020,the Jingzhou Branch received information about an illegal fishing operation along the Jingzhou section of the Yangtze River.Through careful organization and comprehensive efforts,they successfully built a case against a suspect surnamed Zhang and others for illegal fishing.The criminal gang was swiftly dismantled,resulting in the arrest of 14 suspects,while 17 restaurants faced administrative penalties,and two locations used for the illegal sale and transportation of river fish were cleared.Furthermore,one speedboat and two fishing tankers were confiscated,with officers seizing over half a ton of aquatic products worth more than 820,000 yuan.Thanks to the continuous and rigorous crackdown on significant river-related crimes,campaigns such as the Yangtze River Fishing Ban and other special initiatives targeting illegal sand mining have yielded positive results.

To safeguard the healthy development of the Yangtze River water ecosystem,it is essential not only to crack down on illegal activities along the river but also to restore and rehabilitate the damaged ecosystem.In June 2018,in the National Dolphin Reservation on Swan Island,Hubei Province,eight individuals illegally fished using electric fishing equipment.They even recorded their activities on their mobile phones and shared the footage on messaging app WeChat,resulting in a highly negative social impact.When the case was resolved,with the mediation of the Jingzhou Branch,the suspects agreed to purchase 300,000 silver carp and 340,000 bighead carp at their own expense,totaling 19,200 yuan.These funds were allocated to support efforts in ecological restoration.Under the supervision of the Public Security Bureau,the Procuratorate,the court,and the Reservation staff,the offenders were directed to replenish the lost population through artificial hatching and release methods.

According to statistics,since 2018,the Jingzhou Branch has taken measures against a total of 339 criminal cases involving 344 individuals who were charged with illegal fishing and sand mining,actions that have had detrimental effects on the environment of the Yangtze River.Over the past five years,incidents of illegal fishing and sand mining in the Jingzhou section of the Yangtze River have decreased by an impressive 98%,and illegal fishing methods involving the use of poisons,explosives,or electric shocks to catch large quantities of fish have basically been eradicated.

On the Yangtze River,the adorable finless porpoises are splashing again! They are indeed "Giant Pandas of the River".

A Safety Barrier

In 2019,in response to the need for an improved police response mechanism and to align with the national protection strategy for the Yangtze River,the Jingzhou Branch introduced the Yangtze River (Jingzhou) 110 Protection mobile app.This innovative platform incorporates AI elements into emergency reporting,making it more convenient for the public to report suspicious activities,request police assistance,and ensure their safe travel.

Since its introduction,police have received over 1,000 tip-offs through the app.This has led to the resolution of numerous cases related to illegal fishing,sand mining,and identity and telecommunications fraud.The app has also helped to locate missing persons and disseminate real-time updates from the Yangtze River police.It has evolved into an essential platform for collaboration between the police and citizens to combat illegal activities,protect the interests of the public,and facilitate information exchange.

"Attention,tourists! Kindly keep your distance from the river to prevent the risk of drowning!" During the summer of 2021,multiple drones broadcast this warning while hovering over the crowds at Baotawan park in Jingzhou.Concurrently,the drones captured images from six observation points along the river and transmitted them in real-time to a command center.This provided a comprehensive view of vehicle traffic and human activity for 50 kilometers along the Yangtze River.

In 2020,the Jingzhou Branch introduced police service drones for the first time,establishing a police aviation unit made up of 24 professional drone pilots.These drones,operating under unified command from the River Command Platform and the Mobile Command Center,provide uninterrupted surveillance day and night.To date,they have completed a total of 356 flights,amounting to over 5,000 minutes of flight time."Since 2020,leveraging this real-time visual platform,our Water Command Platform and Mobile Command Center have responded to more than 300 dispatch calls,contributing to drowning rescues,emergency incidents managment,case investigations,and evidence collection.This enables us to fulfill our commitment to ensuring a safe environment along the entire Yangtze River area,including its land,water,and air," stated Hu Wei,captain of the police aviation team at the Bureau.

In April 2021,the Ministry of Public Security convened a promotional conference in Wuhan,Hubei Province,aimed at enhancing the role of public security agencies in ensuring high-quality development along the Yangtze River Economic Belt.During the conference,a regional police cooperation agreement was formalized between the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau and various public security agencies at the municipal and provincial levels along the Yangtze River.The primary objective of this agreement was to establish three cooperation circles,one in each of the upper,middle,and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,with the river itself serving as the central axis.This framework created what has been commonly referred to as a "one line with three circles" working model,designed to maximize the efficiency of collaborative operations.Over the past two years,based on the terms of this agreement,the officers of the Jingzhou Branch of the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau successfully uncovered Hubei Province's first ship insurance fraud case.Additionally,working with other police agencies,they jointly investigated 40 criminal cases of illegal fishing and sand mining.This collaborative approach established a new and comprehensive Yangtze River policing strategy that integrates services both along the river and on land.

A Secure Yangtze River

In September 2022,shouts of "Move quickly,speed up!"resounded across the waters of Lanxing island in Jianglin county,where a water rescue competition was in full swing.Upon hearing the urgent order "Hurry,someone is drowning! Hurry up for the rescue!"competitors from various police forces sprang into action on the 120-meter track set up by the river.They sprinted while carrying a life-saving robot on their shoulders.Once onto the shore,they swiftly activated the robot and launched it into the river.Another team member skillfully operated the robot using a remote control,guiding it toward the person in distress 100 meters out in the water.The rescue operation drill was a success.

The Jingzhou Branch claims to have implemented 10 police policies aimed at preventing drowning,and established 10 safety protection objectives.The police in the area have been equipped with new water rescue equipment,including water rescue robots,life-saving frisbees,and telescopic poles.They regularly organize training competitions and engage in outreach activities at ports,docks,ships,companies,and campuses to promote awareness and knowledge about drowning prevention.Since 2018,they have carried out over 400 anti-drowning initiatives,rescuing more than 70 individuals from drowning incidents.Furthermore,they have successfully persuaded more than 3,000 individuals to refrain from swimming and playing in the Yangtze River.The antidrowning campaign has had a positive impact on more than 400,000 people.

Thanks to the comprehensive protection strategy for the Yangtze River,humanity coexist amazingly with the river in the Jingzhou section.Today,the mighty Yangtze flows eastward,vigorously and calmly.

(By the Jingzhou Branch of the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau)

强基固本铸利剑 砥砺奋进保平安——钟祥市公安局
坚持改革创新 强化履职尽责——襄阳市公安局