
2023-10-11 15:17:02博江盟JeanMarcBovet瑞士孙梦格
国际人才交流 2023年9期

文/ 博江盟(Jean-Marc Bovet,瑞士) 译/孙梦格




In this article,I’m not going to talk about my profession as a pharmaceutical scientist.Instead,I’m going to talk about some reflections I have had over the years as a person who loves science,to be specific,how do we know what we know.

What is knowledge?

Let’s begin with the definition of science.We can define scientific knowledge as a “systematically organized body of information” on a particular subject.Firstly,there is the body of information,or in other words,our brain gathering raw data we perceive through our senses.Secondly,there is the way to organize the data to create a “story” that I would call scientific knowledge.The primary information comes from senses,such as touching or hearing.For example,you will gather the information about snow when you have the chance of holding it in your hands.Then your brain organizes the sensation you have had: it is cold,it melts and it changes into water into the “story”.That “story” is not only based on your perceptions but may also influenced by your preconceptions of what snow is like.The more information you gather through observation,the bigger the stories will be after you organize them,which forms scientific theories.The scientific theories must always be consistent with the physical world so that knowledge is what we believe filtered by observation and experimentation of the physical world.










Our brian and senses

We can see our brain as having two circuits that differentiate what is true from what is false.One circuit is very fast and relies on memory,while the other one is slower and relies on your thinking and your processing of information.

As human beings,we are limited because everything we know comes from the following five aspects: the smell,the touch,the taste,the hearing and the sight.All the information we gather,originally comes from these five senses.

We can try to touch different parts of your body and you can find out that,for example,the inside of your hands is much more sensitive than your arm.You can feel even the very small things.And you cannot feel the same things on your arm.

So how about our hearing ability? What is hearing? When making noise,one is actually producing a wave in the air that goes toward one’s ear.Then others can perceive that sound as catching that wave.Human ears can’t hear all sounds.We can actually hear a small fraction of sound in the human pitch range and can’t hear the sound either too high or too low.There is 9 window of pitches of sound where one can actually hear.While human ears have their preferred frequencies,dogs have a larger range.Dogs can perceive sounds of much higher pitch than humans do.You can buy whistles that only dogs can hear and use it to train them without disturbing the neighbors.

Many animals have different frequencies in terms of sound reception.For example,bats can produce and hear a kind of high frequency sound called ultrasound.Bats use this sound to “see” the world.They can echolocate their environment and find where their prey is.

Now I’m going to talk about what we see.Take light as an example.Light also acts like a wave featuring amplitude and wavelength.However,it is different from sound because it is electromagnetic.

And the same is true as before,we have limitations on our sight,that is,we only see what is called “visible light”,which only consists of a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 400 to 700 nanometers.

Bees,unlike human beings,can see very short wavelengths.For example,a bee’s visible wavelength ranges from 300 to 600 nanometers,compared to human’s 400 to 700 nanometers.That is why the same flower may appear very different to two different species.We don’t see the same thing.








Since our senses have limitations,we are using machines to transform unperceivable information into something we can either see or hear.The use of instrumentation can expand on human senses.In conclusion,what I’m trying to say here is that there are many,many more things happening in this universe that even with all our senses we still can’t see or hear.

The role of thinking and brain interpretation of the information

Another key is our ability to think.We use our brain to make sense of all the information we gathered.One way is deduction,which goes from theory to hypothesis,and then to observation,and finally to confirmation.This way of thinking is historically brought up by philosophers like Aristotle.Another way of thinking is like Sherlock Holmes.We go from observation like a detective,noticing a pattern,forming a hypothesis,and finally making a theory.

So now I’m going to talk about an allegory.Socrates describes a person who has lived chained facing a blank wall of a cave all of his life.The person watches shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind him and give names to these shadows.The shadows are this prisoner’s reality rather than accurate representations of the real world.

In some way,due to our limited senses we are like a prisoner in the cave.We don’t know everything exactly because we only know our perceptions.The real thing is what happens far away and outside the cave.

We have eyes to see the world.At the back of the eye there is a retina to capture the image.But inside the eye on the retina,the image is received upside down.The brain is saying,no,this is not correct and then it flips the image right-side up.Otherwise,we will not be seeing what we are really seeing.

The point is that though the brain is very powerful,it does have some problems.You can’t always trust your brain,and you also have to reflect a little bit more on what you see.You probably have already heard about this story before: if you take six blind people and ask them to describe an elephant,then they will all have six different descriptions.Some of them think the elephant is a fan,or a snake,or even a wall.Each one of them has their own perspective.What we scientists are doing is to take all of that information from everybody’s different perspectives to come up with a picture that is closer to the truth.What we actually know at a point in time is only part of the truth,yet we always think we know all of the truth.That’s why it is imperative for us to stay open to everything around us,every new piece of information,in order to always improve our understanding of the world.





Science and technology

What is the difference between science and technology? Science is knowledge about the physical and natural world whose laws are assumed to never change,that they stay the same whenever and wherever.Technology is a different matter;it uses scientific knowledge to create something useful.In science we will focus on understanding some fundamental properties such as air flow,air temperature,air pressure or air density,etc.By themselves,these concepts sometimes seem challenging to understand.However,when we are faced with engineering challenges to make something that actually works well,the scientific knowledge will be very useful.If you want to be an effective engineer,you will have to study diligently and know a lot about science.

Applying science to create a thing that actually works well in the real world is a complex process.There are many engineering solutions available but only one physical world where this object will perform.Any small design changes will have an impact on its performance.For example,let’s make a few paper airplanes and have them fly in the same room.We use identical sheet of paper to make the airplanes and because we are test-flying them in the same room,the testing conditions are very similar.The paper airplanes that were produced are not all identical,some of which were made with different designs and others with the same design were not folded exactly the same way.Consequently,they do not fly the same way.Hence,to be a talented paper airplane engineer and produce the best flying paper airplane,you really need to understand the science of why something can fly.That’s why you have to learn a lot about science.





Curiosity and habits both matter

Now let me talk a little bit about curiosity.As people grow older,they usually get less curious.An American girl has won the contest to name the rover that was actually sent to Mars by NASA: “Rover Curiosity”.This girl was only 12 years old at that time,and not only did she win the competition to name the rover,but has also left us with this inspirational remark: “Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone’s mind...It is such a powerful force.Without it,we wouldn’t be who we are today.Curiosity is the passion that drives us through our everyday lives.We have become explorers and scientists with our need to ask questions and to wonder.” I think I could not do a better job to put this in other words.

Curiosity is very important but to be effective one has to also develop other skills.You can be curious about one subject,but to be good at it you will need to keep focused and work hard.You can call this resilience.There is a trick for that,actually,which is called habit.Habits will help you by not having to decide every time to work hard at something.For example,if you have to do your homework every day,what you need to do is to make it a habit,then you won’t think about it anymore as you just do it.When it becomes a habit,your liking or disliking doesn’t exist anymore.You just do it.

It is important for young people to have a few good habits,such as doing your homework,practicing sport but also working before playing or taking responsibility and initiative.Don’t forget to live a balanced life by eating well and exercising often,and don’t be afraid of thinking over things that have confused you.Always remember to be proactive and have an open mind!

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