陕西 刘恩锁
The average people have no idea what a deep freeze feels like.We get hit with a foot of snow or read a thermometer(温度计) that says 22 degrees Fahrenheit(华氏度) and immediately find ourselves barely able to cope.
Well,there's a tiny village in Siberia where such conditions are laughable,almost comparable to a day at the beach.The residents there have successfully acclimated to some of the coldest temperatures on Earth.Welcome to Oymyakon.
It's a small community,made up of roughly 500 people.The children are expected to attend school right up until temperatures sink to -62 degrees.And even that doesn't touch the coldest temperatures that villagers endure annually.Oymyakon once made international headlines after temperatures dropped so low——-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you can't quite grasp just how cold that is,consider this: Your refrigerator's freezer has an average temperature of about 0 degrees Fahrenheit.That means that,in theory,you wouldn't need a proper refrigerator in Oymyakon to get by! Indeed,life in Oymyakon isn't for the faint of heart.But if you want to get creative with your eyelash decorations,it might be worth the trip.
The people and the animals that live there get by with smiles on their faces and sometimes tongues hanging out! If you're an adventurer,then this Siberian village is definitely a place you'll want to consider visiting.It really is magical!
How much do you know about the world's coldest village apart from the information in the text?