Finding our way on the voyage海洋航行,智辨方向

2023-10-05 10:19蒋建平
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年8期



主题语境:海上航行 篇幅:364词 建议用时:7分钟

1 Kalas ancestors navigated (航行) the ocean for centuriesusing their knowledge of the stars, the sun, the currentsand the wind. It’s not that she does it in a canoe (独木舟)without technology, but rather uses the natural technologyaround her. It’s called Wayfinding, and was taught to her byher father.

2“My father is my foundation, my rock.”Kala said ofher first voyage with him from Oahu to Lahaina in a traditionalcanoe. He taught her how to read the stars, the oceanswells and how to use them to hold the course.“Over 200 stars have specific names andpurposes when you are finding your way. You have to look at each and determine if theyare rising or setting. You know this star and the direction it represents. If you can do that,you can use it as a tool to find your direction,”Kala added.

3 Kala sailed the canoe in the ocean for up to three weeks. During the day, Kala usedthe sun until it hit a certain height. When she got closer to land, she looked for certain speciesof land birds and clouds that indicated there was land below. When Kala sailed, shefelt very connected to the crew and the canoe.“We’re a family,”she said. The longer voyagerequired Kala to spend hours studying the day and the night skies. It was demanding physical work. But it also had its moments of awe. For Kala, the beauty was in tying togetherthe past and the present to enjoy the moment. So when she was not sailing, she wasteaching Wayfinding skills to schoolagedchildren in the hope of preserving the skills herancestors relied on.

4 It’s easy to be lost in the immediacy (即時性) of the technology of our day, to be consumedby screens and miss the nature that unfolds around us. But if we take the time tolook up, to see the stars and the sun, the way the clouds move, the miracle of life beneathand above us, we will discover something deep inside us, something that will always lead tohappiness.

Reading Check

1. How did Kala navigate the ocean in a canoe?

A. By observing the natural elements around.

B. By following the course of ocean currents.

C. By using hitechnology navigation devices.

D. By recalling the first voyage with her father.

2. What does the underlined word“they”in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Rocks.

B. Canoes.

C. Stars.

D. Voyages.

3. What did Kala think of the threeweek canoe voyage?

A. It was a heroic adventure.

B. It brought great joy to her life.

C. It was school childrens favorite.

D. It represented a kind of innovation.

4. What does the author suggest we do?

A. Enjoy the screens.

B. Explore the universe.

C. Get close to nature.

D. Keep the earth clean.

Language Study

Ⅰ. 日积月累

natural adj. 自然的

teach v. 教

voyage n. 航行

traditional adj. 传统的

purpose n. 意图;目的

specific adj. 特定的

demanding adj. 要求高的;费力的

awe n. 敬畏;惊叹

preserve v. 保护

hold the course 循正确道路前进

in the hope of 希望

be lost in 迷失

Ⅱ. 单句填空

1. The purpose________the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.

2. He teaches English________advanced students.

3. Their lifestyle is very________ (tradition).

4. The work is physically________(demand).

5. My hair soon grew back to its________(nature) colour.

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