The life of a Hubei surgeon in Lesotho湖北外科医生支援莱索托

2023-10-03 14:57孙朝岚
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年8期



主题语境:医疗支援 篇幅:357词 建议用时:6分钟

1 Sheng Jian, a surgeon from Wuhan inHubei Province, had signed up for the missionto join the Chinese medical team in Lesotho.He is a member of the 16th team sentby China to provide medical aid in Lesotho,and after he arrived in March, the 45yearoldbecame one of only two general surgeonsat the hospital.

2 On Wednesdays, he does outpatient counseling. It’s the day he usually receives a lotof complicated cases and Sheng said that sometimes he was so busy working on Wednesdaysover the winter, which lasts from June to August, that he didn’t have time to eat.

3 Thursdays aren’t much quieter, as this is a surgery day. Sheng estimates that the numberof general surgeries has at least doubled since he began working at the hospital. The increasedworkload has drawn complaints from some of the nurses.“My interns (实习医生)told me the other day that the staff in the operating rooms call my surgery day‘BlackThursday’,”he said with a laugh.

4 But he has maintained his pace, performing at least eight surgeries almost eachThursday, trying his best to treat the critically ill who otherwise would have to be trans?ferred to hospitals in the capital, Maseru, which is two hours drive away.

5 Sheng is also on call for emergency surgeries at weekend and has treated a variety ofcases, including road injuries, burns, stomach and breast tumors and hernias. He gets astrong sense of satisfaction from recognition of his work.

6 One Thursday in August, he took a break from surgery after he was called to the outpatientdepartment to help a boy with a splinter (尖碎片) in his foot. The boy, who was ingreat pain at first, was joyful when the surgeon was finally able to remove the splinterfrom a deep wound.

7 Shopping in a hardware store a few days later, he ran into the boy’s mother, who wasthe store’s cashier. The mother looked at Sheng and said,“You are the doctor.”It took hima while to remember who the woman was.“Then she introduced me to her coworkersin thestore in a loud and happy voice. Right then, I felt that all my efforts were worth it,”Shengsaid.

Reading Check


1. Why do the staff call Sheng’s surgery day“Black Thursday”?

A. Sheng is too busy to eat lunch.

B. A lot of complicated cases come.

C. The workload has at least doubled.

D. Sheng’s working hours last too long.


2. What can we learn about Sheng from the text?

A. He is satisfied that his work was recognized.

B. He can have a break every weekend in August.

C. He often transfers the critically ill to other hospitals.

D. He always receives difficult cases on Mondays.


3. Which of the following best describes Sheng’s job?

A. Boring.

B. Wellpaid.

C. Dangerous.

D. Demanding.


4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. Sheng was approved of by the native.

B. Sheng enjoyed his life in Lesotho.

C. Sheng couldn’t remember who the woman was.

D. Sheng was an excellent doctor in the mother’s mind.

Language Study

Difficult sentences in the text

1.But he has maintained his pace, performing at least eight surgeries almost eachThursday, trying his best to treat the critically ill who otherwise would have to be transferredto hospitals in the capital, Maseru, which is two hours drive away. 但他一直保持著自己的节奏,几乎每周四都要做至少8台手术,尽最大努力治疗那些重病患者,否则他们将不得不被转移到两小时车程外的首都马塞卢的医院。

【点石成金】句中的who引导的是定语从句,在句中作主语,从句修饰先行词thecritically ill;which在句中引导的也是定语从句,which在从句中作主语,从句修饰先行词Maseru。

2. The boy, who was in great pain at first, was joyful when the surgeon was finally ableto remove the splinter from a deep wound. 当这名外科医生终于从一个很深的伤口中取出碎片时,这个一开始非常痛苦的男孩,高兴起来了。

【点石成金】句中的who引导的是定语从句,在从句中作主语,从句修饰先行词the boy;句中的when引导的是时间状语从句。

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