The History of the Game Boy掌上游戏机的历史

2023-09-11 17:06:28李明娟
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年8期


It had four buttons1 and a screen that was not even 5 cm wide2, but theNintendo Game Boy was much loved by millions of people around the world.

It may not have been very advanced3 when it first came out in Japan in 1989,but it still became a great success4.

The Game Boy wasnt the first game machine you can take along. It wasnt thefirst to use cartridges5 for games, either. But many say it was better than those thathad come before. The cartridges were something put into a space in the top of theGame Boy.

Made by Gunpei Yokoi, it was easy to use and could be played for up to 30hours with four AA batteries6—just right for long trips. Yokoi hoped people wouldlike to buy it.

It can be used for a long time, too. An American doctor found his Game Boywas damaged7 in Iraq in the early 1990s. It wasnt gray anymore, but it could stillbe turned on.

was one of the first games to be released and was verypopular. And the game was an even bigger hit. You could even play withfriends using a cable8 to connect9 two Game Boys. More than 118,000,000 GameBoys were sold, including Game Boy Pockets, which were a little smaller, and GameBoy Colors, which had color screens.

Some are still found in cupboards, others are in museums, but many live in thememories of their owners.

它有四個按钮和一个甚至不到5 厘米宽的屏幕,但任天堂公司的掌上游戏机深受全世界数百万人的喜爱。

它在1989 年首次在日本问世时可能并不是很先进,但它仍然取得了巨大的成功。


它由横井俊平制作,使用方便,使用四节五号电池可以使用长达30 小时,非常适合长途旅行。横井希望人们愿意购买。

它也可以使用很长时间。20 世纪90 年代初,一名美国医生发现他的掌上游戏机在伊拉克受损。它不再是灰色的,但它仍然可以开机。

《超级马里奥大陆》是最早发行的游戏之一,非常受欢迎。而《俄罗斯方块》这个游戏更是大受欢迎。你甚至可以用连接线连接上两个掌上游戏机后和朋友一起玩。掌上游戏机的销量超过1.18 亿,其中包括稍小的掌上游戏机口袋版和有彩色屏幕的掌上游戏机。



1. button 按钮

2. wide 宽的

3. advanced 先进的;高级的

4. success 成功;胜利

5. cartridge 盒;卡

6. battery 电池;蓄电池

7. damage 损坏;损害

8. cable 电缆;钢缆;缆绳

9. connect 使……连接;使……相通

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