
2023-09-11 10:20Ximenarezmez
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年6期

Ximena Pérez Gómez


Every school has students who stand out for their abilities and their eagerness to learn.In Mexico, the American School of Puebla created a program to work with them.

In 2019, teachers Lotta Andersson and John Rennie got the idea to create learning opportunities for students with a hunger for knowledge.Both teachers are English coordinators(协调员)at the school.“We wanted to have a program to inspire students who really have the abilities and the interests to learn more and to continue accepting challenges,”Andersson told me during a recent interview.

Students in the program, which was called Learning Challenges, met with the teachers about once a month.Andersson and Rennie would help us choose topics to research.We then worked with the teachers to find books, interview subjects, and Internet sources.

While in Learning Challenges, I asked Andersson what skills students had developed in the program.“Ask questions,be more open-minded, see things from different perspectives and learn to not put limits on yourself,”she said.

Student Yihane Abed did research on astronomy and NASA projects while in Learning Challenges.“The skills I developed were teamwork, how to do research and give a good presentation,”she said.

Andersson and Rennie continue to help students pursue their love of learning.“The program doesn't exist(存在)formally,but it's still a part of the environment, of the culture at the school,”Andersson said.“There is much more differentiation, not only for students who need extra help, but also for those who are higher achievers.”

Reading Check

Why was Learning Challenges set up?


I’m not going back to school!我不回学校了!