Holidays Related to Numbers与数字有关的节日

2023-09-06 14:41:16
时代英语·高二 2023年4期

In recent years, mathematicians and scientists have begun campaigns to mark certain dates in celebration of significant principles and here are a few to add to your calendar.


Mole Day 摩尔日

Mole Day is celebrated annually on Oct. 23 from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm. It remembers Avogadros Constant (6.02×10??), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. A mole of any substance contains Avogadros number of elementary particles.

The concept of the celebratory day was created by Maurice Oehler, a retired high school chemistry teacher from Wisconsin, the US. The Mole Day was created in 1991 and has been honored every year since then. Each Mole Day has a specific theme. People hope to use the day to develop interest in chemistry, encouraging schools around the globe to celebrate Mole Day with various activities related to chemistry.



Square Root Day 平方根日

Square Root Day is a holiday that heartily honors those dates where the combination of day and month and year forms square roots: e.g. 2/2/2004 and 3/3/2009. The last Square Root Day was 4/4/2016 and the next one will be 5/5/2025.

The holiday was created by a high school teacher Ron Gordon in California, the US. Square Root Day now has its own website where celebrants can gather.



Fibonacci Day 斐波那契日

November 23 is Fibonacci Day, an annual holiday that honors one of the most influential mathematicians of the Middle Ages—Leonardo Fibonacci.

The Fibonacci sequence, also known as the rabbit sequence, the golden section sequence, refers to a sequence such as: 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13, 21... In this sequence, the value of each number is equal to the sum of its two preceding numbers. It was discovered by Fibonacci in Pisa, Italy, and has direct applications in modern physics, quasicrystal structure, chemistry and other fields.



Pi Day 圆周率日

As a significant day for “math-man”, March 14th is the day that cant be missed. It is identified as the International Pi Day. The earliest known large-scale Pi-themed celebration was organized by Larry Shaw, a physicist on March 14th, 1988, at the San Francisco Science Museum.

On March 12th, 2009, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution declaring March 14th as National Pi Day.



Word Study

preceding /pr?'si?d??/ adj. 在前的,前面的

This point has been dealt with in the preceding paragraph.

resolution /'rez?'lu??n/ n. 决议;正式决定

The committee have passed a resolution that conditions should be improved.

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