高珊珊 杨鑫 付嘉豪 邵非 翟洪霞 周宇
EFFECT OF KV7 CHANNEL ON CONDITIONED TASTE AVERSION MEMORY IN RATS GAO Shanshan, YANG Xin, FU Jiahao, SHAO Fei, ZHAI Hongxia, ZHOU Yu (Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medicine, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China)
[ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of microinjection of Kv7 channel agonist or antagonist into the basolateral amygdala (BLA) on the acquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) memory in rats. MethodsAdult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into eight groups after BLA catheter embedding. The rats in experimental groups were given intra-BLA microinjection of Kv7 channel agonist (retigabine) or antagonist (XE-991), and those in control groups were given injection of normal saline. The CTA behavioral paradigm was used to evaluate the effect of Kv7 channel agonist or antagonist on the acquisition and retrieval of memory. ResultsCompared with the rats injected with normal saline, the rats injected with retigabine before CTA training had a significant reduction in taste aversion index (t=3.384,P<0.05), and there was no significant difference in taste aversion index between the rats injected with retigabine and those injected with normal saline before memory retrieval (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in taste aversion index between the rats injected with XE-991 and those injected with normal saline before training and memory retrieval (P>0.05). ConclusionKv7 channel activation inhibits the acquisition of CTA memory in rats, possibly by reducing BLA neuronal excitability.
[KEY WORDS]potassium channels, voltage-gated; basolateral nuclear complex; emotions; memory; rats
杏仁核由基底外侧杏仁核(BLA)和中央杏仁核构成,是情绪学习和记忆最重要的脑结构。BLA的神经元回路对于情绪记忆的获取、巩固、提取和消退至关重要[1-4]。BLA神经元表达多种不同类型的受体,具有高度的可塑性。BLA脑区NMDA 受体依赖的突触可塑性改变可能是情绪记忆获取的关键[5-7]。KCNQ即Kv7是一种电压依赖的钾离子通道,它参与调节神经元的兴奋性,在学習记忆、行为及感知觉功能调节中起到至关重要的作用[8-11]。抑制Kv7钾离子通道可以通过增强突触后动作电位爆发期间和之后的除极化促进NMDA受体开放,有助于诱导长时程增强的产生[12]。因此,我们猜测调控BLA脑区的KCNQ钾离子通道可能会影响情绪记忆的多个进程,包括记忆的获取、巩固以及提取。本研究旨在利用药理学方法和条件性味觉厌恶(CTA)行为范式,探讨BLA Kv7钾离子通道活动对大鼠味觉厌恶情绪记忆获取和提取的影响。
1.1.1实验动物成年雄性Wistar大鼠,体质量280~320 g,购自中国济宁绿康药业实验动物中心。大鼠于(21±2)℃恒温、(50±10)%恒湿、12 h/12 h等长日夜循环光照条件下饲养,可自由进水、饮食。实验开始前大鼠至少适应实验室环境1周。本研究得到青岛大学动物伦理委员会的批准。
1.1.2主要试剂 XE-911和retigabine购自英国TOCRIS公司;氯化锂(LiCl)和甜味剂邻苯甲酰磺酰亚胺钠购于美国Sigma公司。
大鼠腹腔注射80 g/L的水合氯醛溶液5 mL/kg,待深度麻醉后将其固定于立体定位仪(瑞沃德)上,在颅骨正中顶端开口后剥离组织露出清晰的前囟,将长度为1.5 cm的不锈钢外导管(22 gauge)放置于双侧BLA 区的上方(前囟后2.8 mm,左右旁开各5.2 mm,深度7.5 mm),用416胶和自凝牙托粉固定导管,并用不锈钢内芯封闭导管,以免外部杂物堵塞导管。
将埋管后大鼠随机分为8组,实验组分别于不同时间经BLA微量注射retigabine或XE-991,其对照组注射生理盐水。微量注射器通过聚乙烯管与注射用内管相连接,注射用内管深入到BLA区域。实验组使用微量蠕动泵以0.25 μL/min恒定流量将retigabine(5 μmol/L,每侧0.75 μL)[13]或XE-991(1 μmol/L,每侧0.75 μL)[14]缓慢注射到BLA中,对照组注射等量生理盐水。给药20~30 min后进行CTA实验。
实验开始前大鼠先禁水24 h,然后进行适应。在适应时,准备两个装有15 mL自来水的吸管,让大鼠饮用10 min;两管交换位置,再让大鼠饮用10 min。每天定时进行适应,共适应4 d。第5天进行训练,准备两个相同的吸管,各装有2 g/L的甜味剂15 mL,让大鼠饮用10 min。20 min后腹腔注射100 mmol/L LiCl(2 mL,100 g),24 h后进行测试,测试前经埋管注射生理盐水或retigabine或XE-991,观察给药对CTA记忆的影响。
应用Graph Pad Prism 6.0软件进行统计学分析。实验结果以±s形式表示,两组之间AI比较采用双尾t检验,各组AI与临界值50%相比较采用单样本t检验。P<0.05表示差异有显著性。
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