George the Rainbow Rabbit彩虹兔乔治

2023-08-22 09:15BrianJ.Stover杨舟
中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年3期

Brian J.Stover 杨舟

Young George was a rabbit. Not justany rabbit you understand. George was arainbow rabbit.

Georges fur was composed1 of themost beautiful colors of the rainbow, and hetruly loved to display2 his beauty.

George the rainbow rabbit lived in aburrow3 on the lane4 under a rather largeoak tree, along with his rather large family.

George had three brothers and foursisters, each of whose fur was a combinationof the most beautiful blacks, browns andwhites, but none of them could top5 thebeauty of their brother George, the rainbowrabbit. Unfortunately, George knew exactlyhow attractive he was, and he flaunted6 hisbeauty whenever possible, and often, in themost annoying ways. Georges friends wereconsiderably7 less beautiful than he was, orso George thought, anyway.





George often wandered up and down thelane so that his friends, who he felt were notas beautiful, could see him, and compliment8him on his beauty.

One day as he strolled the lane, William, avery handsome gopher9 whose fur was com -prised 10 of the prettiest shades of brown,popped11 out of his hole and noticed his friendGeorge with the beautiful rainbow colored fur.

William was a good-natured12 gopher, andhe kindly complimented George on his beauty.“My goodness George, your fur certainly looksquite beautiful today,”smiled William.

“Oh, I know! And Im sorry you cannotbe as beautiful as I,”said George. That actuallymade William feel rather badly, becauseWilliam felt that he was beautiful,too.

“I may not be as beautiful as George,”William thought,“but I think Im beautiful inmy own way.”

George continued down the lane withouta care in the world, because after all, he wasbeautiful. Martin, a sociable and good lookingcrow13 whose feathers were comprised of the most beautiful shades of black, also noticedGeorge and his beauty. Martin, who sat atopan old tree stump14, decided that on this, themost beautiful of days, he would complimentGeorge, whose fur was comprised of the mostbeautiful colors of the rainbow.





“ 我可能没有乔治那么好看。”威廉想,“但我自己觉得我很漂亮。”


“Good golly George, you sure lookbeautiful today! ”crowed Martin.

“Oh yes, I am the most beautifulcreature on earth, and I am so sorry that youcannot be as beautiful as I, but I cannot helpthat.”Martin quickly became unhappy, onthis the most beautiful of days. “Well, Ialways thought that I was beautiful in my ownway,”said Martin to himself, as he flew off inbewilderment15.

Continuing on, George began to thinkhimself even more beautiful because after all,so many others also noticed his beauty.

Nancy hopped into the lane. She was alovely little tree frog whose skin wascomprised of the most beautiful shades ofgreen, and she too noticed George and hisbeautiful colors.





“Goodness George, dont you lookbeautiful today! ”croaked16 Nancy.

“Well, of course I am,”acknowledged17George. “Everyone can see how beautiful Iam, and Im sorry that you cannot be asbeautiful as I, but I cannot help that.”Georges response left Nancy feeling ratherlow, and as she hopped away she thought toherself, “I may not be quite as beautiful asGeorge, but Im special too, arent I?”

At the end of the lane was aplayground where the youngsters18 of theforest gathered to play. On this the mostbeautiful of days, William Gopher, MartinCrow and Nancy Tree Frog entered theplayground feeling about as low as theypossibly could.

“Whats wrong with you two?”askedMartin Crow. “Well, to tell you the truth, Idont feel very good about myself today,”croaked Nancy.“And I dont feel very goodabout myself either,” sighed William.“Something George said to me earlier todaymade me feel pretty miserable19.”

“Same here,”croaked Nancy.






“Thats what happened to me too,”William said. Then he thought for a moment.“Perhaps from now on we should just ignoreGeorge the not so beautiful rainbow rabbit,”he suggested.

So on that day it was agreed, there wouldbe no more compliment to George the not sobeautiful rainbow rabbit.

The next day, George was feelingexceptionally20 beautiful, and he went for ahop down the lane so that others might admirehis beauty. George came across WilliamGopher and he strolled21 closer so that itwould be easier for William to compliment himon his beauty. But William ignored George,and refused to notice Georges beautiful fur.“Well, that is strange,”thought George.“Hedidnt notice me.” So George hopped on,thinking it weird that he went unnoticed onthis the most beautiful of days, particularlysince he considered himself the most beautifulof all creatures on this earth.

Soon, George came upon Martin Crow.“Iwill make my beauty extremely obvious toMartin,”thought George, so he hopped right in front of Martin.“Hello, Martin,”said George.Martin ignored him. He flew away withoutspeaking a word to George or complimentinghim on his beauty. George was beginning tofeel a little bit upset, but he continued on.He thought it strange that he was beingignored by two friends who at the very leastshould have acknowledged him as being themost beautiful creature on earth.





George noticed Nancy hopping throughthe lane and he called out“, Hi,Nancy! ”But she continued hopping down the path,totally ignoring his beauty. George didntunderstand.“I am beautiful today, arentI?”thought a worried George.

George, who by now felt very disap -pointed on this the most beautiful of days,hopped on down to the playground, where hesaw that William Gopher, Martin Crow andNancy Tree Frog were all playing together.

George had a sad look on his face ashe hopped over to his friends.

“Why are you all ignoring me?”heasked them.





“You may be comprised of the mostbeautiful colors of the rainbow,” crowedMartin,“but lately you are not nice inside.”

“It doesnt matter if were not asbeautiful as you, because each of us isbeautiful in our own way. But you George,have been acting like one rude andconceited22 little rabbit.”

“Beauty is, as beauty does, George,”said Nancy Tree Frog. “If you treat othersbadly, and act as if youre better thaneverybody else, pretty soon nobodys goingto think you are beautiful at all! ”

“But if you were the plainest little rabbiton the face of the earth, it still wouldnt matterto any of us,”said Martin.“We care aboutwhats on the inside, not whats on theoutside! ”

“Sharing kind words and thoughtfulactions and respecting our feelings is whatstruly beautiful,”explained William.

George realized how badly he had hurthis friends feelings.

“Theyre right,”thought George.








“Im so sorry,”he told them. “Ill domy best to never be rude or act conceitedagain,”he promised. Then George cocked hishead and took a good long look at his friends.“Have I mentioned how beautiful each of youlooks to me today?”he asked.

Martin, William and Nancy smiled.

“Ah, come on, George,”they said.“Letsall go and play.”

And it was beautiful.

On this, the most beautiful of days!









Resurrection of the Genus Leptomantis, with Description of a New Genus to the Family Rhacophoridae (Amphibia: Anura)
采 蜜
A new genus and species of treefrog from Medog, southeastern Tibet, China (Anura, Rhacophoridae)