A rhino and a zebra became good friends小犀牛和小斑马成了好朋友

2023-08-15 17:54:56吕朗
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期


When a baby rhino (犀牛) was foundweak and alone in a national park in SouthAfrica, she, a lucky rhino, was immediatelytransported to the ICU at the Care for WildRhino Sanctuary. At only a few hours old,she was struggling to survive. She neededcare round the clock (昼夜不停) and treat?ments to boost her weak immune system.Getting healthy wasnt easy, but shedidnt need to go on this journey alone.

The baby rhino arrived at the shelterin December and was named Daisy, butanother hurt animal had already arrivedthe month before. It was a baby zebranamed Modjadji. Although she isnt thesame species, she understood what Daisyhad been through. Modjadji was admittedto the shelters ICU at the end of Novem?ber after being found motionless andbarely breathing in the reserve after heavyrains and storms. Modjadji was thought tobe just a week old.

As unlikely as their friendship mayseem, Daisy and Modjadji were quick toform a deep connection. As they grewstronger and braver, their curiosity got thebest of them, and they started interactingwith each other. Rhinos are very social ani?mals and require companionship. Modjadjiis a fantastic company for Daisy and veryaffectionate toward her.

We cant get over how cute they areand neither can the fans theyve got on thelocal social media, where they love to giveupdates on this fantastic duo! Once Daisyand Modjadji are healthy enough, the shel?ter will let them go so they can live freelywith their fellow rhinos and zebras.

Reading Check

What made Daisy and Modjadji bequick to form a deep friendship accordingto the text?

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