江金鱼 何浩宇 黄磊 吴振鹏 董博闻
摘 要:采用模压成型技术制备了太阳能电池阵用碳纤维增强环氧树脂(CF/EP)复合板材,并通过光学显微镜、SEM及XRD对其宏观、微观结构进行表征。基于多物理场耦合计算软件Comsol建立了CF/EP复合板的固体传热数值模型,借助曲线坐标系转换算法揭示了热量于复合板碳纤维中优先沿纤维轴向传导,进而解释了碳纤维对CF/EP复合板导热性能提升的作用机制。并基于有限元计算软件Abaqus,建立了CF/EP的轴向应力-应变模型。研究发现在CF/EP的弹性变形过程中,沿平行于应力方向排列的碳纤维承担了绝大部分应力,且当应变率升至1%时,轴向碳纤维的内部应力最高可达54.1 MPa。
1 实 验
1.1 实验材料
1.2 实验方法
1.2.1 碳纤维预处理
首先将待使用的T-300型号PAN基碳纤维置于体积比1∶1的乙醇/丙酮溶液中进行回流处理,静置72 h以达到清洁碳纤维表面并脱除碳纤维表层上浆剂的效果;随后将碳纤维取出并用丙酮洗净置于干燥箱中干燥至恒重;进一步将干燥后的碳纤维置于50 ℃的去离子水中进行4 h的超声处理;最后将处理好的碳纤维置于干燥箱中于60 ℃干燥至恒重。
1.2.2 CF/EP复合板材制备
本实验采用正交刷搭配模压成型技术制备CF/EP复合材料,用作太阳能电池阵(见图1(a))的结构材料。将上一步中经过预处理的碳纤维平纹布剪裁成200 mm×150 mm尺寸并置于干燥箱中于60 ℃烘干并称重。以碳纤维:环氧树脂质量比3∶2的比例称取环氧树脂,并将树脂通过丙酮稀释至40%后向溶液中加入质量分数为12%的苯二胺,通过磁力搅拌器将溶液搅拌均匀。将以上配置好的树脂胶溶液通过正交刷涂的方式均匀涂覆到碳纤维平纹布表面,并将平纹布叠层排布(共4层)。将铺展好的碳纤维平纹布放置于平面模压模具中在变温条件下静置:室温(4~6 h)80 ℃(3 h)120 ℃(3 h)180 ℃(3 h),随后于加热器中自然冷却至25 ℃。静置固化过程中需每1.5 h进行一次加压,将产品最终厚度控制为2 mm。
1.3 CF/EP宏观、微观结构表征
首先通过线切割对上一步中制备的CF/EP复合材料(见图1(b))进行取样,通过MEF-4A徕卡光学显微镜(Optical microscope, OM)对样品进行宏观结构表征;通过X射线衍射仪(XRD-6000)对CF/EP复合材料进行物相分析,扫描速率为2 (°)/min,扫描角度范围设置为20~70 ℃,随后通过MDI JADE 6晶体分析软件对材料进行物相分析(见图1(c));最后通过ZEISS场发射扫描电子显微镜对碳纤维进行二次电子成像。
2 结果及分析
2.1 CF/EP复合板各向异性传热分析
基于图2中CF/EP的宏观、微观结构表征结果,通过三维建模软件CREO构建如图2所示的单层碳纤维对应的CF/EP复合材料三维几何模型,并将其带入到后续有限元计算软件中,模型中碳纤维直径为15 μm,长度约300 μm,CF/EP复合板尺寸为300 μm×300 μm×40 μm。同时,由于所构建的三维模型尺度远小于实际CF/EP复合板尺寸,为减小模型边界造成的计算误差及与实际情况的偏差,需在传热计算前对模型边界区域划分无限元域,如图2(a)所示。
受碳纤维的各向异性导热系数及其于空间中的不规则形状影响如图3(b)所示,碳纤维的轴向非单一水平或垂直方向,常规笛卡尔坐标系不再适用于此处CF/EP的传热分析,需首先基于扩散方法求解纤维的方向矢量场(见图4(a))将笛卡尔坐标系转化为能反映纤维轴向、径向特征的曲面坐标系(见图4(b))。CF/EP热分析过程的边界条件如图5所示,首先于CF/EP上表面定义一直径约30 μm、功率为1×105 W/m2的激光热源(见图5(a),模拟光线聚焦生热),随后于上下两表面设置对流换热区域以模拟空气对流散热(见图5(b)),将图5(c)中4个无限元域端面设置为恒温293.15 K以降低由于边界限制导致的误差,最后将图5(d)中无限元域表面设置为热绝缘区域以简化计算。热传导数值计算模型见式(2)和式(3)[11]:
CF/EP复合板在局部光源加热条件下的传热过程计算结果如图6所示,由图6(a)可见复合板上表面首先于光斑聚焦区域升温(光斑直径约为30 μm),上表面局部最高温度高于380 K,而远离光斑区域温度接近室温(293.15 K,初始值)。如图6(b)所示
2.2 CF/EP复合板弹性变形分析
如图9所示分别为不同应变率下EP基体和CF增强相中的应力分布计算结果,可以发现随着应变率增加,EP基体和CF增强相中均出现局部应力集中现象,但两者应力最大值相差较大,EP基体由于弹性模量低(约1 GPa),其上应力峰值小于0.7 MPa。而对于弹性模量较高的CF(T-300的拉伸模量约为240 GPa,压缩及剪切模量约8 GPa),在拉伸过程中的应力峰值高于50 MPa,且应力集中区域(即主要承担应力的部分)主要位于轴向与拉伸方向平行的CF上,而轴向与拉伸方向垂直的CF增强相承担的应力较低。由此可见,碳纤维的各相异性对CF/EP的导热及力学性能均会造成显著影响。
3 结 论
的低温区域,从而实现材料散热并提升复合材料的导热性能。进一步基于靜力学计算发现在复合板材弹性变形过程中,应力集中优先发生于与拉伸方向平行的CF中,且当应变率升至1%时,轴向碳纤维的内部应力最高可达54.1 MPa,由此证明CF能显著提升复合板材的力学性能。综上所述,本文揭示了碳纤维导热系数及弹性模量的各向异性对CF/EP复合板材的影响机制。
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Preparation, anisotropic heat transfer and elastic deformation of CF/EP composite plates
JIANG Jinyu1a,1b, HE Haoyu1a, HUANG Lei1a, WU Zhenpeng1a, DONG Bowen1a,2
(1a.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; 1b. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation Technology and
Equipment of Hubei Province, Hubei Polytechnic University, Huangshi 435000, China; 2.School of Materials Science
and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116000, China)
In this paper, carbon fiber reinforced epoxy (CF/EP) composite plates for solar arrays were prepared by molding technology, and the macrostructure and microstructure were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Based on the above characterization results, a three-dimensional geometric model of CF/EP composite plates was constructed and substituted into the subsequent heat transfer and mechanical numerical model for solution. Firstly, based on the multi-physics field coupling calculation software Comsol, the solid heat transfer numerical model of CF/EP composite plates was established to reveal the mechanism of the influence of carbon fibers′ anisotropy on the heat transfer behavior of the composite plates. Through the curve coordinate system conversion algorithm, the relevant geometric model was converted from the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to a curve coordinate system which is more suitable to describe the axial/longitudinal properties of carbon fibers, and can simplify the calculation. The actual heat transfer behavior of CF/EP was simulated with the boundary conditions such as surficial heat source region and surface air convection area. A constant temperature area and a thermal insulation area were set to reduce the difficulty of the solution. The above mathematical models were further solved based on the finite element method. Based on the calculated temperature field diagram and the heat vector in CF/EP composite plates, it is found that heat was transmitted preferentially along the axial direction of carbon fibers during heating. However, the thermal conductivity of the fiber in the radial direction was low. The mechanism of carbon fibers in improving the thermal conductivity of CF/EP composite plates was thus revealed.
Further, the CF/EP three-dimensional geometric modelwas substituted into the mechanical numerical model, and the axial stress-strain model of CF/EP was established based on the finite element calculation software Abaqus. The research shows that, in the uniaxial tensile test along the fiber axis, the stress concentration occurs preferentially at the bonding interface between the carbon fiber and the resin matrix. The stress-strain relationship of CF/EP composite plates is calculated. It is found that during the initial elastic deformation of CF/EP, the carbon fibers arranged along the direction parallel to the stress bear most of the stress. When the strain rate rises to 1%, the internal stress of the axial carbon fibers can reach 54.1 MPa at most. It can be seen that the strengthening effect of carbon fiber reinforcement on the mechanical properties also presents obvious anisotropy.
In conclusion, based on the three-dimensional geometric model of the actual CF/EP composite plate, the anisotropic heat transfer and elastic deformation behavior model of CF/EP was constructed by combining the physical properties of carbon fibers and epoxy resins. The finite element method was used to solve the above models. The strengthening mechanism of carbon fibers on the heat transfer and mechanical properties of the epoxy resin matrix was revealed. This work can serve as a positive theoretical significance for the subsequent production, preparation and performance optimization of high-performance CF/EP composites and other carbon fiber-reinforced composites.
solar array; CF/EP; curve coordinate; solid heat transfer; elastic deformation