Sun Jiadong-Father of China’s Satellite Technology 孙家栋-中国卫星技术之父

2023-07-20 08:21:11陈阳张建
疯狂英语·初中版 2023年6期

陈阳 张建


Born in 1929, Sun Jiadong showed a 1)tenacious character at a veryyoung age.

In 1942, he was admitted to the Civil Engineering Department of theFirst Higher School in Harbin. In 1948, he was admitted tothe 2)preparatory school of Harbin Institute of Technologyto learn Russian, and then transferred to the department ofautomobile. In 1951, Sun Jiadong and 29 other soldiers weresent to the Engineering Institute of the Soviet Union to studyaircraft engines. Seven years later, he graduated and receivedthe Gold Medal. After returning to China, he was assigned tothe First Branch of the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministryof National Defense and engaged in original missile work.

In 1967, Qian Xuesen personally appointed the38-year-old Sun Jiadong as chief technician of Chinas first man-made earth satellite, the “Dongfanghong 1”. Facedwith the hard situation of no information, no experience, andno expert, Sun had to develop a satellite which is “able to be 3)launched,tracked, heared and seen”. How hard was it? Sun said, “Firstly, we did notknow how to do this; secondly, we had not done it before; thirdly, we didnthave necessary resources.”

But at that time several other countries had launched satellites. Thetime left was limited, so they could not wait, or they would be “sinners” ofthe Chinese people. Bearing this in his mind, Sun fully devoted himself towork. In 1970, when Sun was 41 years old, Chinas first man-made satelliteDongfanghong 1 was launched successfully.

In 2004, China formally started the lunar exploration project, the75-year-old Sun once again joined the battle as chief designer. As the lunarexploration project was very 4)risky, many people didnt understand whythe successful and widely recognized Sun would undertook this job. In casehe failed this time, his glorious space career would fade. But Sun acceptedwithout hesitation. He said, “I will do whatever my country needs.”

In June 5, 2018, the FY-2H, the last of the FY-2 series satellites, waslaunched successfully. As chief designer of the FY-2 project, the 89-year-oldSun once again commanded the launch at Xichang Satellite Launch Center.“I have spent my whole life in the space industry. It is just like my hobby and Ishall never leave it,” He said.

As the important promoter of the innovation and development of spacescience and technology, Sun Jiadong was awarded the title of Pioneer ofReform in 2018, and he was awarded the Medal of the Republic in 2019. Hisscientific spirit and his devotion to space exploration deserve our respect.

1) tenacious adj. 頑强的

2) preparatory adj. 预备性的

3) launch v. 发射

4) risky adj. 有危险的

孙家栋出生于1929 年,很小时就表现出顽强的性格。

1942 年,孙家栋考入哈尔滨第一高等学校土木工程系。1948 年考入哈尔滨工业大学预科学习俄语,后转入汽车系学习。1951 年,孙家栋等29 名士兵被派往苏联工学院学习飞机发动机技术。7 年后,他顺利毕业并获得金质奖章。


1967 年,钱学森亲自任命38 岁的孙家栋为中国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”的首席技术人员。面对“无信息、无经验、无专家”的困境,孙家栋必须研制一颗“上得去、抓得住、听得清、看得见”的卫星。有多难?孙家栋说:“首先,我们不知道怎么做; 其次,我们以前没有这样做过; 第三,我们没有必要的资源。”

但当时其他几个国家已经发射了卫星。时间有限,他们不能再等了,否则就是中国人民的“罪人”。带着这样的想法,孙家栋全身心地投入工作中。1970 年,孙家栋41 岁,中国第一颗人造卫星“东方红一号”成功发射。

2004 年,我国正式启动探月工程,75 岁的孙家栋再一次以总设计师的身份加入战斗。由于月球探测项目风险很大,许多人不明白为什么成功并得到广泛认可的孙家栋会承担这项工作。如果他这次失败了,他辉煌的太空生涯将会褪色,但孙家栋毫不犹豫地接受了。他说:“国家需要,我就去做。”

2018 年6 月5 日,“风云二号”系列最后一颗卫星“风云二号H星”成功发射。

作为风云二号项目的总设计师,89 岁的孙家栋再次在西昌卫星发射中心指挥了这次发射。“我一生都在从事航天事业。这就像我的爱好一样,我永远不会离开它。”他说。

作为空间科技创新发展的重要推动者,孙家栋于2018 年被授予“改革先锋”称号,2019 年被授予“共和国勋章”。他的科学精神和对太空探索的献身精神值得我们尊敬。

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