
2023-06-20 13:44:49朱丹张青菊刘胜凯
现代纺织技术 2023年2期

朱丹 张青菊 刘胜凯















本文采用真空辅助树脂传递模塑成型工艺(VARTM)来制备三维编织和三维角联锁复合材料。在0.1 MPa压力下树脂注入模具直至完全浸润预成型体,经过固化后自然冷却至室温后取出切割备用,固化工艺如下:90℃下2 h;150℃下1 h;130℃下4 h。将固化好的三维编织和三维角联锁复合材料切割打磨成10 mm×10 mm大小试样,试样如图1(c)和图1(d)所示,图中箭头所指方向为试样高速冲击方向。此外,复合材料纤维体积含量是影响其性能的重要因素,为排除碳纤维含量的影响,选取的三维编织和三维角联锁复合材料试样的纤维体积分数都为33%。

本文采用改进的分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)系统作为材料高速冲击性能测试装置,SHPB包含高压氮气瓶、气枪、撞击杆、入射杆、透射杆、阻尼器以及信号采集装置和处理系统。通过调节气压大小达到控制撞击杆速度的目的,进而得到不同的应变率。撞击杆、入射杆和透射杆均是由具有高屈服强度(1830 MPa)的马氏体不锈钢制造,以保证杆在冲击过程中不发生塑性变形,保证数据准确性。在进行复合材料冲击实验时辅以高速成像系统来记录冲击过程中复合材料的渐进损伤过程。高速成像系统包含一个高速摄像机(ispeed 716,iX公司)和两个高亮光源,使用的帧率为100kHz,即每帧之间间隔为10 μs。



通过SHPB和数据处理系统获得三维编织和角联锁复合材料的面外方向在0.3 MPa、0.5 MPa和0.7 MPa冲击气压(对应应变率为800 s-1、1 000 s-1、1 200 s-1)下的应力-应变曲线。通过图2(a)可以看出随着应变率增加,三维编织复合材料的冲击模量逐渐增大,但复合材料的失效应力(曲线峰值)相差不大。三维角联锁复合材料在不同应变率下的应力-应变曲线如图2(b)所示,随着应变率的增大,角联锁复合材料的模量几乎没有变化,但失效应力随着应变率增大而增大。综上三维编织复合材料和三维角联锁复合材料的冲击响应都具有一定的应变率敏感性,但都不明显,可能是应变率相差不大导致应变率效应不明显。





图4是三维编织复合材料在不同应变率下的渐进损伤过程,其中40、100、140 μs和180 μs分别对应弹性阶段、损伤起始、损伤阶段以及冲击结束。可以看出在不同应变率下编织复合材料在冲击过程中都出现明显的剪切带,并且呈现明显剪切损伤。随着应变率增加,编织复合材料的损伤也越严重,但所有应变率下编织复合材料的冲击损伤模式主要为树脂基体的断裂,复合材料结构在一次冲击结束时仍能保持完整性。











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The high-speed impact response of three-dimensional braided and angle-interlock composites

ZHU Dan 1, ZHANG Qingju1, LIU Shengkai2

(1.Henan Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection, Zhengzhou, 450042, China;

2.School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China)

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) textile composites with three-dimensional fabrics as the reinforcing phase and the presence of reinforcing yarn in the thickness direction overcome the shortcomings of traditional laminated composites with poor interlaminar bonding and easy delamination damage, and have unique advantages such as high specific strength, high specific independence, excellent designability, impact resistance and fatigue fracture resistance. These materials are currently receiving increasing attention in the field of impact protection such as aerospace and rail transportation. However, the study of structural effects, strain rate effects and characterization of damage processes during high speed impact loading of 3D textile structural composites is still immature and needs to be further explored so as to design 3D textile structural composites with better impact resistance.

In order to investigate the strain rate effect and structural effect of three-dimensional textile structural composites under high-speed impact, we prepared the 3D braided and 3D angle-interlock carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composites using vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding process. The stress-strain curves and progressive damage processes of 3D braided and 3D angle-interlock composites during high-speed impact were recorded by a modified separated Hopkinson compression bar system and high-speed photography system. On this basis, the article investigates the structural and strain rate effects of the high-speed impact performance the progressive damage process of 3D structural composites. The results show that both braided and angle-interlock composites have strain rate effect under high-speed impact, and both show shear damage, but the braided composites show obvious ductile damage while the angle-interlock composites show obvious brittle damage. Because of the tightly interwoven fiber bundles inside the braided composites, they can still withstand certain loads and maintain structural integrity after damage, so the 3D woven composites have better impact resistance than the 3D angle-interlock composites.

During high speed impact, there are obvious structural and strain rate effects on the high speed impact performance and the progressive damage behavior of 3D textile structure reinforced composites. Exploring the high speed impact response of different 3D textile structure composites can provide insight into the design of composite materials for aerospace and rail transportation, expand the application fields of 3D textile structure composites, and promote the development of material design for aerospace and rail transportation protection in China.

Keywords: three-dimensional braided composites; three-dimensional angle-interlock composites; high-speed impact; progressive damage; structural effect; strain-rate effect



