
2023-06-20 12:49:06张玉堂陈海相李晓莲李冲郎巧文
现代纺织技术 2023年2期

张玉堂 陈海相 李晓莲 李冲 郎巧文

摘要:在反相液相色谱(RPLC)中以C18色谱柱为固定相,用15%~45%甲醇水溶液为流动相,研究了苯二甲酸异构体在10~50 ℃范围内的色谱保留行为和热力学性质。结果表明:邻苯二甲酸(PA)、对苯二甲酸(TPA)和间苯二甲酸(IPA)分子结构上的细微差异能在RPLC中清晰地体现出来。同时,根据苯二甲酸异构體与固定相之间的相互作用,测定了ΔH0和ΔS0的热力学参数变化。这些ΔH0和ΔS0的测定能为苯二甲酸异构体与疏水界面相互作用机制的研究提供一种行之有效的方法,也可为聚酯降解回收、生态环保、食品接触材料迁移物质等分析任务提供基础数据。










仪器:Agilent 1100高效液相色谱仪(美国Agilent有限公司,配DAD检测器和自动进样器);ES1035B型电子分析天平(上海析平科学仪器有限公司);XW-80A型涡旋混合器(上海精科实业有限公司);VP-10L型无油膜真空泵(群安实验仪器有限公司);PTFE针筒过滤器(孔径0.22 μm,上海新亚有限公司)。



色谱柱:ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),柱温:10~50 ℃;流动相:15%~45%甲醇水溶液,用前经0.22 μm微孔滤膜过滤;进样体积:5 μL,流速:1.0 mL/min;检测波长:241 nm,参比波长:360 nm。


用甲醇配制1000 mg/L的邻苯二甲酸、对苯二甲酸、间苯二甲酸的混合储备溶液,然后分别取适量的储备液,配成100 mg/L的混合溶液。采用等度洗脱的方法测定混合液中苯二甲酸异构体组分的保留时间tR,死时间tM用5%的硝酸钠水溶液测定,容量因子k由式(1)来计算。

k=(tR-tM)/ tM(1)






若以(-S)为横坐标和lnkw为纵坐标作图(见图2),图2中纵轴截距与斜率分别代表着极性作用和氢键作用的相对大小。在10~50 ℃范围内,对苯二甲酸和间苯二甲酸两组分的(-S)和lnkw呈现良好的线性关系,斜率相近(分别为93.23和94.01)表明对苯二甲酸和间苯二甲酸的氢键作用相似,而截距不同表明极性作用大小有差异;邻苯二甲酸的(-S)和lnkw不具有线性关系,表明邻苯二甲酸的极性作用能和氢键作用均存在差异。


溶质的色谱保留行为可用lnkw和S两个参数进行表达[10,14],一般来说在流动相中溶质的结构不会发生变化,而当温度慢慢升高,分子的热运动随之增加,lnkw应该逐渐减小。lnkw和(-S)与柱温的关系如图3所示,图3(a)中lnkw随温度升高而减小符合上述推断,而且PA、TPA和IPA3种异构体的lnkw和温度之间线性关系都比较良好,说明在本实验范围内,温度对3种异构体在色谱当中保留行为的影响是连续的。S值是lnk′对Ψ作图得到,表示溶质和流动相之间的相互作用力[12-13]。图3(b)中PA、TPA和IPA 3条直线的纵轴截距的不同,表明3种异构体和流动相之间的相互作用力不同,而且图中(-S)与温度之间线性关系均良好,说明温度对溶质与流动相之间作用力的影响是单一的。图3(b)中PA、TPA和IPA 3者斜率相近,表明3种异构体与流动相之间的作用力受温度影响相似。

图3中直线均未出现交叉情况,表明在10~50 ℃的范围内PA、TPA和IPA 3者与流动相之间的作用力存在较小差异,能在流动相的洗脱下得到有效分离。根据图3 3条直线的方程作两两交叉求算:得出图3(a)中PA和TPA、IPA两直线的交点温度分别为544 ℃、167 ℃,TPA和IPA的交点为124 ℃;图3(b)中PA、TPA和IPA 3条直线交叉温度均在220 ℃附近。结果说明了苯二甲酸3种异构体能在较大温度范围实现较好的分离。





根据热力学第二定律ΔG0=ΔH0-TΔS0和平衡常数ln k′=-ΔG0/RT可得式(4):

ln k=-ΔH0/RT+ΔS0/R+lnβ(4)

式中:ΔG0为标准自由能变化;ΔH0为标准焓变;ΔS0为标准熵变;R为摩尔气体常数(为8.314 J·mol·k);T为绝对温度[10,12]。

Van't Hoff曲线可由lnk对1/T作图所得,能用来表征溶质在与固定相结合时的作用机制。苯二甲酸3种异构体的Van't Hoff曲线如图4所示,不同比例流动相之间线性关系较为良好,相关系数r均在0.99以上,表明在本实验的研究条件下,PA、TPA和IPA在和C18固定相结合时结合机制不变,或者说苯二甲酸种异构体在C18色谱柱上的保留机制不发生变化。





PA、TPA和IPA3种异构体双羧基在苯环上的位置差异能明显地体现在RPLC的色谱保留行为上。在RPLC中固定相为C18色谱柱,用15%~45%甲醇水溶液为流动相,研究发现苯二甲酸3种异构体在10~50 ℃温度范围内的Van't Hoff曲线以及lnk和Ψ间都有较好线性关系。异构体在与C18柱固定相结合的过程中,结合机制不发生变化,流动相组成和柱温因素对苯二甲酸异构体的保留行为控制也是连续且稳定的。ΔH0和ΔS0均为负值,表明苯二甲酸异构体在与C18柱固定相结合的过程中被束缚、自由度减小,同时释放出能量。在相同甲醇比例下,TPA和IPA的ΔH0值和ΔS0值接近且大于PA,说明TPA和IPA与C18柱固定相结合能大于PA且随着甲醇比例Ψ的提高而下降。



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Retention behavior and thermodynamic properties of phthalic acid isomers by RPLC

ZHANG Yutang, CHEN Haixiang, LI Xiaolian, LI Chong, LANG Qiaowen

(Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Abstract: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), commonly known as polyester, is a condensation of terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG). In the process of PET production and processing, IPA and PA are widely used as important additives. In the process of production and use, the residual or degraded phthalic acid substances will seriously harm human health if they accidentally enter the human body. At home and abroad, no matter as packaging materials for food and medicine, or as fabrics for underwear, there are corresponding national standards for the residual or migratory amount of TPA, IPA and PA. Therefore, in the process of analysis and detection, it is necessary to be able to quickly separate the three and accurately quantify them.

Reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) has been widely used in chromatographic analysis because of its advantages such as small sample size, good separation and excellent repeatability. In order to further optimize the separation effect of benzoic acid isomers in liquid chromatography, we studied the chromatographic retention behavior of benzoic acid isomers in C18 stationary phase with different proportions of mobile phase and different temperatures using methanol-aqueous solution as the mixed mobile phase, and calculated the thermodynamic parameters of the interaction between benzoic acid isomers and stationary phase. The stationary phase was C18 column in RPLC, and the mobile phase was 15%~45% methanol aqueous solution. It was found that the Van't Hoff curve and the lnk and Ψ had a good linear relationship in the temperature range of 10 to 50 ℃. In the process of binding with C18 column fixation, the binding mechanism did not change, and the retention behavior of terephthalic acid isomers controlled by mobile phase composition and column temperature was continuous and stable. Both ΔH0 and ΔS0 are negative values, indicating that the benzoic acid isomers are bound, the degree of freedom decreases, and energy is released during the process of C18 column fixation. Under the same methanol ratio, ΔH0 and ΔS0 values of TPA and IPA are close to and greater than PA, indicating that the binding energy of TPA and IPA with C18 column is greater than PA and decreases with the increase of methanol ratio.

The position difference of PA, TPA and IPA3 isomer dicarboxylate on the benzene ring can be obviously reflected in RPLC retention behavior. Better separation effect and accurate quantification can be obtained by adjusting the proportion of mobile phase and column temperature. The study of its retention behavior and thermodynamic properties can provide an effective method for the separation of other types of isomers, and also provide basic data for analysis tasks such as polyester degradation recovery, ecological environmental protection, and food contact material migration.

Keywords: phthalic acid isomer; RPLC; retention behavior; thermodynamic parameter




