What Is Market Intelligence?什么是市场情报?

2023-06-20 06:11:00杰米·约翰逊莫海英/译
英语世界 2023年6期

杰米·约翰逊 莫海英/译

By collecting and analyzing data about the markets in which they are situated, companies gain valuable insight into how to grow their business.


Keeping track of your competition and the state of your industry is an integral part of operating any business. Traditionally, that information has been termed “market intelligence.” Market intelligence can help you understand your market better and run a more profitable business.


At its core, market intelligence uses multiple sources of information to create a broad picture of the companys existing market. It looks at a companys customers, problems, competition, and opportunities for creating new products and services.


You can collect market intelligence by referencing sales logs, customer data, surveys and looking at social media metrics1. Saul Dobney, CEO of research consultancy group Dobney.com, says it is easy for small companies to get started with a common-sense approach.


“It can be as simple as visiting your competitors websites or stores, finding published information about the number and type of potential customers, and keeping up to date with developments in your area from magazines, journals or business associations,” Dobney said. “It also includes checking for customer comments and feedback online that will help the business improve its offer or service.”


How do companies use market intelligence


Successful market intelligence answers concrete questions about current and potential customers and competitors, and helps the company determine internal goals2. Questions that market intelligence can address include:


· Where should the company devote more resources?

· 企业应在哪些领域投入更多资源?

· Which markets should it try to enter next?

· 企业下一步应尝试进军哪些市场?

· What are the buying patterns of our best customers?

· 企业最佳客户的购买模式是什么?

· What products could be cross-marketed3 to existing customers?

· 企业的哪些产品可以交叉营销给现有客户?

· Into what demographic segments4 can the company push new and existing products?

· 企业可以将新产品和已上市产品推给哪些人口细分市场?

Market intelligence helps businesses analyze the overall environment they are operating in. This helps them spot potential risks and identify new opportunities for growth. Most companies do this by looking at four different criteria.


Competitor intelligence


Competitor intelligence involves gathering and analyzing information about your competitors. Analyzing your competitors strengths and weaknesses can help you gain valuable information about your own company and why customers dont always choose your product or service.


Product intelligence


Product intelligence involves analyzing the quality of your product or service. If you sell a physical product, it involves looking at the manufacturing process and whether youre building the product as efficiently as possible. The information you gather will help you improve the value of your product.


Market understanding


Market understanding helps you get a sense for the different markets where youre selling your product or service. It helps you get a sense for how well youre performing in those markets, and whether there are additional markets you could expand to.


Customer understanding


Customer understanding involves learning more about your current customers and why they buy from you. It can also help you understand any challenges you face with those customers to improve satisfaction and customer retention rate5. The information you gather can also help you in your future marketing campaigns.


How to collect market intelligence


While there is no set plan for how companies should gather market intelligence, many do so by performing various forms of high-level analysis6. Lets look at four different strategies you can use to collect marketing intelligence.


Your current customers


Ajith Sankaran, senior vice president of market intelligence at Blueocean Market Intelligence, said companies often forget that customers are a potential source of data.


“Small businesses can set up processes to maintain customer lists and some kind of customer feedback program to collect customer intelligence in an effective and largely inexpensive manner.”

Your sales team is also uniquely positioned to help with market intelligence. Since sales reps7 speak to prospects and customers regularly, they can provide additional insights into industry trends. Using a CRM8 is often the best place for a company to share this information on customers in one place.




If small business owners want to gather their own market research data, they can also consider sending customers online surveys or polls. Sankaran noted that this can be a useful approach, especially if customer lists are maintained effectively. You can use tools like SurveyMonkey9 or Typeform10 to get started. Another good option is to include a survey link on the customers receipt.


Website analytics


Dobney also recommended using information to which you already have easy access: your e-commerce analytics. “You can look at the customer journey through the website,” he said. “How many people arrive and where from? What is their next step after arriving? How many get through to the basket? How many check out? Looking for patterns and then testing different content, taglines, signposts and offers, using market intelligence to improve the offer.”


Hire a specialist


As a specialist, the analyst can develop a more nuanced11 picture of the market. Theyll do this by communicating with manufacturers, distributors, clients, and others involved in the creation and distribution of a companys products. This type of dialogue, along with hard data12 and marketing research, makes up the majority of a companys market intelligence.


Dont overlook market intelligence


Market intelligence can give you greater insights into your industry and help you identify new opportunities for expansion. But its only useful if the information you receive is accurate.


While an individual can handle much of the work of market research for a small company, as your company grows you may face new challenges devoting sufficient time to intelligence. As the amount of data gets larger, it may become necessary to use statistical tools and more complex technologies to handle and manipulate the data, Dobney said.



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