
2023-06-02 21:44:29
林业工程学报 2023年6期



吴智慧,张海桥 1(1)


李明飞,徐迎红 13(1)


袁光明,杨滔,张梦颖,李航,王驰,邓泽斌,王朝辉 21(1)


徐伟,周季纯 1(2)


王佳,张助坤,蒋剑春 10(2)


李卫斌,安炳贞,孔玉辉,杜建超 21(2)


高颖,禤示青,孟鑫淼,周金将,徐飞扬,耿明豪 30(2)


王小青,戴鑫建,管浩,王鑫 1(3)


杨皓奇,武发德,朱干宇,李会泉,蒋少华 11(3)


茹煜,薛江坤,方树平,胡晨明,周杰 21(3)


刘英,庄子龙,唐敏 1(4)


陈复明,何钰源,魏鑫,韩善宇,季加贵,王戈 10(4)


席雪冬,张倩玉,陈实,曹龙,杜官本,雷洪 19(4)


万才超,柴亚玲,魏松,程文杰,吴义强 1(5)


楼高波,张恒,饶青青,戴进峰,刘丽娜,傅深渊 13(5)


张立丹,霍鹏举,梁嘉敏,郭涛,樊小林,孙少龙 27(5)


朱良宽,祁星,宋文龙 1(6)


蒋雪松,黄林峰,贾志成,戎子凡 13(6)


董友明,王娜,薛秋霞,康海娇,李延军 24(6)



徐祥,陈红,费本华,张文福,钟土华 30(1)


田心池,于文吉,马红霞,林秋琴,薛勃,杨春梅 38(1)


盛叶,黄庚浪,叶小凡,杜瑞 46(1)


张玉静,陈皓钢,杨章旗,秦理哲 53(1)


卫佩行,王建和,郭叶莹子,李昊,张龙,彭思 59(1)


关明杰,朱殿宇,翟通军,卢艳 66(1)


张子诚,唐思远,崔兆彦 40(2)


白新春,杨小军,谈永杰,刘嘉敏,王超杰 46(2)


彭辉,蒋佳荔,詹天翼,吕建雄 52(2)


杨季雨,毕玉金,王新洲,潘彪 59(2)


曹奇涛,唐其,管军,崔正峰,朱兆龙 68(2)


陈国,王畅,吴静,张恩浩,吴迪 75(2)


安勤玉,刘方成,刘乐群,俞友明,赵莹 82(2)


郭志豪,何文,袁欣怡,李文轩,胡纲正,王瑞,陈金地,李兴丰 32(3)


曹倚中,吴妤婷,徐淑伟,徐楚航,金春德, 王思群,吴强 39(3)


黄紫蓝,吴玥,王志强,朱一辛 46(3)


李东虎,李万兆,梅长彤 52(3)


周杰,杨沛琪,朱梦男,郭晓磊 58(3)


王弘历,曹学剑,郑维,王志强,张玲云,赵天长 64(3)


毛威,田飞宇,朱春锋,徐德良,贾翀,徐信武 71(3)


霍玉娜,魏童,周雪莲,孙亚楠,单伟东,王伟宏 27(4)


田飞宇,毛威,朱春锋,徐德良,贾翀,徐信武 35(4)


董浩,黄素涌,肖岩,王建和,缪本浩 43(4)


王琮琮,顾仲凯,林鹏,张毓格,俞友明,侯俊峰 51(4)


徐煜炜,侯伦灯 59(4)


胡尧琼,李万兆,张晔,梅长彤 66(4)


李馨然,林经康,安昕,周斌,黄慧,阙泽利 37(5)


孙呵,龚翌之,燕韵天,李珊,付常青,常旬,陈太安 46(5)


万珂,周静,张艺馨,张海洋,刘镇波,陈文帅 55(5)


赖敏婷,谢桂军,李万菊,李腊梅,李怡欣,曹永建 63(5)


徐齐云,谷晓雨,王正,陈林碧,许斌,陈清平 70(5)


王鹏宇,程帅,蔡家斌,彭钦泊,杨光耀 79(5)


吕偲琪,阚玉娜,王军,翟胜丞 33(6)


谢力生,陶钧,廖彬彬,刘嘉诚,朱芳钰 43(6)


张兴,樊奇,陈川富,郝笑龙,欧荣贤,王清文 50(6)


龚震鸿,张蔚,周超,姚文斌,俞伟鹏,张天翼 58(6)


许溍,李权峰,杨适菡,吕淑敏,冀晓东 64(6)


陆健,丁涛,施静波,杜静静 76(6)

351 nm紫外光对梓木表面性能和组成的影响

周和荣,王珂,吴涛,赵阳,方北松 84(6)



马郡鸿,卢志刚,沈隽 73(1)


邵远超,田华宇,王国睿,郝海彦,张敏,张文标 80(1)


徐翰林,林芷芊,柏志成,张旺斌,戴进峰,金春德,刘元强 88(1)


王海荣,黄琪雯,彭锋,郝翔 96(1)


阚浩峰,阚雨菲,何文诚,高振华 87(2)


段昊沅,陈华铮,王侨,朱凯 95(2)


胡云超,王红鸿,熊智新,刘智健,梁龙 101(2)


马守肖,段昊沅,毛萍,朱凯 79(3)


张琦,郭苗,景宜 84(3)


笪森寅,孟浩,樊鑫炎,赵怡杰,王永贵,肖泽芳,王海刚,谢延军 91(3)


王寒星,张红,李书磊,党硕宇,郜凯凯,袁洁莹,楚杰 72(4)


张旺,林秋沐,赵中元,孙世静 80(4)


王泽鹏,赵柯豫,蔡雨欣,黄景达,孙毅,张文标 87(4)


严姗姗,楚生玺,许昊,朱浩楠,陈浩然,高雯然,张书 95(4)


陈婷珺,周雪莲,詹云妮,刘旭泽,黄晨,邓拥军,房桂干 86(5)


林秋沐,蔡雯倩,赵中元 93(5)


潘娜娜,范春霖,全琦,朱明浩,周晓燕,陈敏智 101(5)


陈国强,曲萍,雍宬,孙恩惠,陈玲,黄红英,李飞跃,高斌 93(6)


周丹丹,刘强,梁辉,李婷婷 100(6)


胡迎澳,张莉华,冯莹莹,潘晖 108(6)



钱诚,肖堯,杨静,杨海艳,王大伟,史正军 104(1)


彭晶颖,刘涛,李堃玮,赵巾英,周旭,刘珍珍,王清文 112(1)


彭晋达,晏畅,杨福仙,洪梦裳,杨兆金,杜官本,周晓剑 119(1)


易顺民,刘婉玉,王清文,李长鑫,许世华 109(2)


梁芳敏,焦健,朱北平,邓拥军,房桂干 117(2)


李震,李志强,张冬会,岳强 124(2)


单保臻,谢海洋,李蔷,张昊,严姗姗,高雯然,张书 99(3)


王盛,杨超,倪忠进,倪益华,吕艳 105(3)


刘凯,胡妙言,高诗雨,孙天懿,徐丽,连海兰,徐长妍 114(3)


林捷,张茜,魏信义,孙丰文 102(4)


陈雪琦,唐启恒,常亮,郭明辉 110(4)


卫家祺,徐一舜,刘国鑫,郗文瑄,高峰祥,赵佳宁 121(4)


曹济舟,何文,周培国,韦柏任,王瑞,梁爽,季秋琳 113(5)


董浩,李旭,牛力,刘志明 121(5)


徐伟卓,周冰洁,李宁,刘伟 130(5)


周泰然,侍永江,桂铮,王诗洁,曹瑾,时号,罗洪镇 115(6)


郭飞宇,何文,王瑞,韦柏任,梁爽,季秋琳,胡纲正,李文轩 122(6)


王钊贵,徐鹏,曹蓉,郝德君 131(6)



余平平,林耀海,赖云锋,程树英,林培杰 126(1)


郑积仕,张世文,杨攀,余鸿晖,李少艺,郑俊杰,周文刚 135(1)


胡笑天,王克俭,王超,剪文灏,何振学 141(1)


薛玉玺,李秋洁 150(1)


金晶,许林云,张爱琪,武玉柱,张海锋 157(1)


雷永杰,蒋鹏飞,冯海韵,王凡雨,周建波,傅万四,张彬,肖飞 131(2)


乔澍祎,林秀仪,章伟伟,关丽涛,王嘉欣,胡传双 138(2)


张英范,李云阳,赵仁浩,赵云杰,祁海燕,张俊梅,闫磊 144(2)


崔世林,田斐 151(2)


徐妍,刘亚秋,刘勋,吕云蕾 123(3)


席靖宇,王宇轩,衡利辰,潘彪,骆嘉言,石江涛,王新洲 132(3)


周佳良,王金鹏,张跃跃,胡皓若 141(3)


赵玮,郑强,徐锋,刘云飞 150(3)


解晨辉,杨博凯,李荣荣 129(4)


郑强,赵玮,徐锋,刘云飞 137(4)


张跃跃,田嘉全,王文祥,周佳良,王金鹏,胡皓若 144(4)


石烨炜,鲍光海 138(5)


刘盼盼,郝景新,杨滨,张海婷,徐大鹏,朱旭,刘拓宇 146(5)


雷军,张文福,王琴,袁少飞,吴安琪,王进,张建 152(5)


冯源,夏凯,冯海林 137(6)


高源,杨堃,曹磊,业巧林 145(6)



柏洁,文伟,周华,丁俊豪 165(1)


赵千一,李宏敏,许鑫凯,朱一辛,王志强 172(1)


唐宇,叶社保,张志宇,杨平 179(1)


王寅凯,曹磊,钱佳晨,林海峰 159(2)


陈哲楠,高捍东,薛晓明,吴皓琪,苏子珊 166(2)


刘强,吴能森,黄志波,许旭堂,徐祥 172(2)


许可,季卓,夏凯,杨垠辉,冯海林 156(3)


范若菲,李时东,李时元 165(3)


杨森,樊仲谋,张文宣 173(3)


马跃威,刘晋浩 151(4)


郭阳光,夏凯,杨垠辉,冯海林 159(4)


王文蹈,唐思远,刘燕燕,孟雨皓 167(4)


陈龙,刘鹏,胡雯璐,许程 160(5)


詹炎培,杨平 167(5)


张文轩,李强,曾宪辉,王家庆,王晓威 174(5)


徐子航,蒋宇,许涛 154(6)


赵卫锋,周靖,补国斌,齐超文 161(6)


赵志峰,陈文杰 170(6)



何盛,吴再兴,丁永欢,卢晓相,陈玉和 189(1)


芦国桢,熊先青,鲁丹婷,龚建钊 195(1)


杨丹仁,申黎明,晁垚,赵欢 202(1)


易礼琴,何佳容,张仲凤,张继娟 180(2)


白仲航,邵煜凯,战俊杰,李文华 187(2)


仇宇昊,朱国强,赵平,刘承果,周永红 182(3)


左文,王南轶,张宗登 190(3)


王金鑫,伍占文,胡伟,宋超军,郭晓磊,曹平祥 198(3)


李翠玉,王肖梓宇 175(4)


韩岩,闫小星,陶雨 185(4)


陈宗勇,潘宏阳,廖廷茂,袁鸿,史伟 192(4)


单思晴,纪文检,黄宇翔,余养伦,张世锋,于文吉 182(5)


陈欣妤,李新玉,胡家俊,郭玺,张彦娟,张一,孙伟圣 190(5)


薛继肖,徐伟,王军祥 176(6)


熊先青,曹萌,马清如,许修桐 186(6)




Special Contribution

Research progress on waterborne UV-curable coatings and their applications for furniture and wood products

WU Zhihui, ZHANG Haiqiao 1(1)

Fractionation of industrial lignin: a review

LI Mingfei, XU Yinghong 13(1)

Research on the functional modification of plantation wood by inspiring of biomimetic mineralization

YUAN Guangming, YANG Tao, ZHANG Mengying, LI Hang, WANG Chi, DENG Zebin, WANG Zhaohui 21(1)

Fundamental research and application progress of transparent wood interface

XU Wei, ZHOU Jichun 1(2)

A review on co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastics/rubbers

WANG Jia, ZHANG Zhukun, JIANG Jianchun 10(2)

A review of monitoring methods for pine wilt disease based on UAV remote sensing images

LI Weibin, AN Bingzhen, KONG Yuhui, DU Jianchao 21(2)

Research status of timber reciprocal structures

GAO Ying, XUAN Shiqing, MENG Xinmiao, ZHOU Jinjiang, XU Feiyang, GENG Minghao 30(2)

Research progress of wood-based interfacial solar steam generator

WANG Xiaoqing, DAI Xinjian, GUAN Hao, WANG Xin 1(3)

Recent progress of modification and industrialization for nanocellulose towards green building materials

YANG Haoqi, WU Fade, ZHU Ganyu, LI Huiquan, JIANG Shaohua 11(3)

Research status and trend of real-time monitoring system for aerial pesticide spray operation

RU Yu, XUE Jiangkun, FANG Shuping, HU Chenming, ZHOU Jie 21(3)

Research progress on deep learning in wood processing

LIU Ying, ZHUANG Zilong, TANG Min 1(4)

Advances in strength and toughness of hierarchical bamboo under humidity and heat

CHEN Fuming, HE Yuyuan, WEI Xin, HAN Shanyu, JI Jiagui, WANG Ge 10(4)

A review on the non-isocyanate polyurethane and its research progress in the field of adhesives

XI Xuedong, ZHANG Qianyu, CHEN Shi, CAO Long, DU Guanben, LEI Hong 19(4)

Research progress of biomass-based carbon materials in dye-sensitized solar cells’ electrodes

WAN Caichao, CHAI Yaling, WEI Song, CHENG Wenjie, WU Yiqiang 1(5)

Recent advances of application of bio-based flame retardant in epoxy resin

LOU Gaobo, ZHANG Heng, RAO Qingqing, DAI Jinfeng, LIU Lina, FU Shenyuan 13(5)

Research progress on preparation process and synergistic technology of biomass-based wood vinegar

ZHANG Lidan, HUO Pengju, LIANG Jiamin, GUO Tao, FAN Xiaolin, SUN Shaolong 27(5)

Research advances and prospects of intelligent technologies in the Chinese wood-based panel manufacturing

ZHU Liangkuan, QI Xing, SONG Wenlong 1(6)

Research and progress of crop nutrition diagnosis based on spectral remote sensing technology

JIANG Xuesong, HUANG Linfeng, JIA Zhicheng, RONG Zifan 13(6)

Research progress and prospects in anti-mildew performance of bamboo

DONG Youming, WANG Na, XUE Qiuxia, KANG Haijiao, LI Yanjun 24(6)

Wood Science and Low Carbon Utilization

Effects of age, particle size and moisture content on physical and mechanical properties of moso bamboo non-glue bonded composites

XU Xiang, CHEN Hong, FEI Benhua, ZHANG Wenfu, ZHONG Tuhua 30(1)

Variation law of temperature field and prediction model in the preparation of bamboo scrimber

TIAN Xinchi, YU Wenji, MA Hongxia, LIN Qiuqin, XUE Bo, YANG Chunmei 38(1)

Analysis on mechanical properties of bamboo scrimber under tension stress

SHENG Ye, HUANG Genglang, YE Xiaofan, DU Rui 46(1)

Effect of pretreatment on surface roughness and wettability of preservative treated Masson pine

ZHANG Yujing, CHEN Haogang, YANG Zhangqi, QIN Lizhe 53(1)

The influence of lamination structure on major mechanical properties of 3-layer glulam timber made from Canadian hemlock

WEI Peixing, WANG (Brad) Jianhe, GUO Yeyingzi, LI Hao, ZHANG Long, PENG Si 59(1)

Preparation of carbon fiber reinforced poplar eucalyptus composites for shelter side panels

GUAN Mingjie, ZHU Dianyu, ZHAI Tongjun, LU Yan 66(1)

Experimental study on the pull-through performance of self-tapping screws in laminated bamboo

ZHANG Zicheng, TANG Siyuan, CUI Zhaoyan 40(2)

Flexural bearing capacity of crack damaged solid wood beams

BAI Xinchun, YANG Xiaojun, TAN Yongjie, LIU Jiamin, WANG Chaojie 46(2)

Investigation of wood swelling and shrinkage by means of dynamic mechanical analyzer

PENG Hui, JIANG Jiali, ZHAN Tianyi, LYU Jianxiong 52(2)

Physical and tensile properties of compression wood ofTaxodiumhybrid ‘Zhongshanshan’

YANG Jiyu, BI Yujin, WANG Xinzhou, PAN Biao 59(2)

Research on the helical milling performance of beech wood

CAO Qitao, TANG Qi, GUAN Jun, CUI Zhengfeng, ZHU Zhaolong 68(2)

Mechanical performance of nailed connections between laminated bamboo lumber and oriented strand board

CHEN Guo, WANG Chang, WU Jing, ZHANG Enhao, WU Di 75(2)

Structure improvement design and tray performance test of molded particle pallet

AN Qinyu, LIU Fangcheng, LIU Lequn, YU Youming,ZHAO Ying 82(2)

Effect of high-temperature heat-treatment on the mould resistance of moso bamboo

GUO Zhihao, HE Wen, YUAN Xinyi, LI Wenxuan , HU Gangzheng, WANG Rui, CHEN Jindi, LI Xingfeng 32(3)

Effects of the assembly structures on the failure behaviors and mechanical performance of bamboo-phenol-formaldehyde adhesive interphase

CAO Yizhong, WU Yuting, XU Shuwei, XU Chuhang, JIN Chunde, WANG Siqun, WU Qiang 39(3)

The dry shrinkage and wet swelling properties of structural bamboo scrimber with holes

HUANG Zilan, WU Yue, WANG Zhiqiang, ZHU Yixin 46(3)

The relationship of bending strength, deformation and VDP of OSB

LI Donghu, LI Wanzhao, MEI Changtong 52(3)

Study of cutting forces during orthogonal cutting of wood-plastic composites

ZHOU Jie, YANG Peiqi, ZHU Mengnan, GUO Xiaolei 58(3)

Effects of aging and fiber-saturated treatments on compression behavior of bamboo scrimber

WANG Hongli, CAO Xuejian, ZHENG Wei, WANG Zhiqiang, ZHANG Lingyun, ZHAO Tianchang 64(3)

Effect of flame retarding treatment with ammonium polyphosphite on properties of poplar flakeboards

MAO Wei, TIAN Feiyu, ZHU Chunfeng, XU Deliang, JIA Chong, XU Xinwu 71(3)

Performance of sandwiched WF/HDPE composites with stone-flour/HDPE surface layer

HUO Yuna, WEI Tong, ZHOU Xuelian, SUN Yanan, SHAN Weidong, WANG Weihong 27(4)

Effect of nano-montmorillonite modified phenol formaldehyde resin on properties of large particleboards

TIAN Feiyu, MAO Wei, ZHU Chunfeng, XU Deliang, JIA Chong, XU Xinwu 35(4)

Manufacture and performance of new cross-laminated timber made from bamboo and rubber wood

DONG Hao, HUANG Suyong, XIAO Yan, WANG (Brad) Jianhe, MIAO Benhao 43(4)

Flame retardancy of thin bamboo self-assembly with melamine-cyanic acid

WANG Congcong, GU Zhongkai, LIN Peng, ZHANG Yuge, YU Youming, HOU Junfeng 51(4)

Development on polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber reinforced structural eucalyptus laminated veneer lumber59

XU Yuwei, HOU Lundeng 59(4)

Effect of strand shape and drop height on strands orientation

HU Yaoqiong, LI Wanzhao, ZHANG Ye, MEI Changtong 66(4)

Effect of hot-pressing parameters on recovery rate and mechanical properties of Chinese fir compressed wood

LI Xinran, LIN Jingkang, AN Xin, ZHOU Bin, HUANG Hui, QUE Zeli 37(5)

Effect of delignification on cell wall structure of fast-growing poplar and Chinese fir

SUN He, GONG Yizhi, YAN Yuntian, LI Shan, FU Changqing, CHANG Xun, CHEN Taian 46(5)

Effect of crack length on acoustic vibration properties ofPaulowniawood

WAN Ke, ZHOU Jing, ZHANG Yixin, ZHANG Haiyang, LIU Zhenbo, CHEN Wenshuai 55(5)

Study on mildew resistance characteristic of heat-treated copper-containing masson pine sawn timber

LAI Minting, XIE Guijun, LI Wanju, LI Lamei, LI Yixin, CAO Yongjian 63(5)

Dynamic testing of elastic modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of bamboo scrimber by transient excitation method

XU Qiyun, GU Xiaoyu, WANG Zheng, CHEN Linbi, XU Bin, CHEN Qingping 70(5)

Structural design and warping resistance of z-pin decorative blockboards

WANG Pengyu, CHENG Shuai, CAI Jiabin, PENG Qinbo, YANG Guangyao 79(5)

Moisture absorption and dimensional stability of waterlogged archaeological wood reinforced with suberin

LYU Siqi, KAN Yuna, WANG Jun, ZHAI Shengcheng 33(6)

Research on classification of bamboo strips for laminated bamboo produced by lateral pressuring

XIE Lisheng, TAO Jun, LIAO Binbin, LIU Jiacheng, ZHU Fangyu 43(6)

Mechanical and flame-retardant properties of surface-densified poplar wood impregnated by waterborne acrylic resin doped with N/P/B

ZHANG Xing, FAN Qi, CHEN Chuanfu, HAO Xiaolong, OU Rongxian, WANG Qingwen 50(6)

Examination of bamboo single layer linear tensile property

GONG Zhenhong, ZHANG Wei, ZHOU Chao, YAO Wenbin, YU Weipeng, ZHANG Tianyi 58(6)

Shear capacity of bamboo bolt composite joints reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer

XU Jin, LI Quanfeng, YANG Shihan, LYU Shumin, JI Xiaodong 64(6)

Effect of heating rate on microstructure and selected physical and mechanical properties of heat-treated Mongolian oak wood

LU Jian, DING Tao, SHI Jingbo, DU Jingjing 76(6)

Effect of 351 nm ultraviolet light on surface properties and chemical composition of catalpa wood

ZHOU Herong, WANG Ke, WU Tao, ZHAO Yang, FANG Beisong 84(6)

Chemical Processing of Forest Products and Green Utilization

Selection of adsorbent and optimization of adsorption performance in VOCs sampling of wood-based panel

MA Junhong, LU Zhigang, SHEN Jun 73(1)

Study on preparation and characterization of low ashBambusasinospinosacharcoal

SHAO Yuanchao, TIAN Huayu, WANG Guorui, HAO Haiyan, ZHANG Min, ZHANG Wenbiao 80(1)

Synthesis of acrylics flame retardancy coating and its application in wood fire-safety

XU Hanlin, LIN Zhiqian, BAI Zhicheng, ZHANG Wangbin, DAI Jinfeng, JIN Chunde, LIU Yuanqiang 88(1)

Preparation and performance of oil-water separation membrane based on copy paper

WANG Hairong, HUANG Qiwen, PENG Feng, HAO Xiang 96(1)

Effects of pH value of water-based polymer on properties of a polyamide-based API adhesive

KAN Haofeng, KAN Yufei, HE Wencheng, GAO Zhenhua 87(2)

Toxicity and mechanism of clove oil onCaenorhabditiselegans

DUAN Haoyuan, CHEN Huazheng, WANG Qiao, ZHU Kai 95(2)

Research on near infrared prediction model sharing of pulpwood holocellulose based on SWSRA-UVE algorithm

HU Yunchao,WANG Honghong,XIONG Zhixin, LIU Zhijian,LIANG Long 101(2)

Extraction and composition analysis of Chinese fir essential oil at different superheated steam temperatures

MA Shouxiao, DUAN Haoyuan, MAO Ping, ZHU Kai 79(3)

Preparation and application of strength enhancement agent for fabrication of chlorine-free and environmentally friendly paper

ZHANG Qi, GUO Miao, JING Yi 84(3)

Superhydrophobic modification of wood by stearylated lignin composite coating

DA Senyin, MENG Hao, FAN Xinyan, ZHAO Yijie, WANG Yonggui, XIAO Zefang, WANG Haigang, XIE Yanjun 91(3)

Preparation and properties of quick-drying modified nano-alumina/lacquer composite coating

WANG Hanxing, ZHANG Hong, LI Shulei, DANG Shuoyu, GAO Kaikai, YUAN Jieying, CHU Jie 72(4)

Plywood preparation process using sodium periodate modified gum arabic-soy protein isolate adhesive and its thermal curing behavior

ZHANG Wang, LIN Qiumu, ZHAO Zhongyuan, SUN Shijing 80(4)

Effect of different water-based polymers on PM2.5filtration performance of nanocellulose based aerogel

WANG Zepeng, ZHAO Keyu, CAI Yuxin, HUANG Jingda, SUN Yi, ZHANG Wenbiao 87(4)

Study on adsorption performance of biochar with different particle size on phenol and bio-oil

YAN Shanshan, CHU Shengxi, XU Hao, ZHU Haonan, CHEN Haoran, GAO Wenran, ZHANG Shu 95(4)

Rapid fractionation of moso bamboo for enhancing enzymatic saccharification yield using ternary deep eutectic solvent

CHEN Tingjun, ZHOU Xuelian, ZHAN Yunni, LIU Xuze, HUANG Chen, DENG Yongjun, FANG Guigan 86(5)

Investigation of synthesis and curing process of sucrose-dephenolized cottonseed protein adhesive

LIN Qiumu, CAI Wenqian, ZHAO Zhongyuan 93(5)

Preparation and performance of high energy storage cellulose-based phase change Pickering emulsion

PAN Nana, FAN Chunlin, QUAN Qi, ZHU Minghao, ZHOU Xiaoyan, CHEN Minzhi 101(5)

Effect of inoculation withStreptomycesrocheiZY-2 on fiber properties of straw fibers

CHEN Guoqiang, QU Ping, YONG Cheng, SUN Enhui, CHEN Ling, HUANG Hongying, LI Feiyue, GAO Bin 93(6)

Cold plasma and 1-MCP treatment induced resistance to black spots by regulating metabolisms of sugars and organic acids in apricots

ZHOU Dandan, LIU Qiang, LIANG Hui, LI Tingting 100(6)

Preparation of tannic acid modified cellulose colorimetric test paper for Fe3+and Ag+detection

HU Ying’ao, ZHANG Lihua, FENG Yingying, PAN Hui 108(6)

Biomass Material and Energy

Preparation and properties of cellulose acetate composite films reinforced with alkylated bamboo cellulose nanocrystals

QIAN Cheng, XIAO Yao, YANG Jing, YANG Haiyan, WANG Dawei, SHI Zhengjun 104(1)

Influence of bio-based flame-retardant curing agent on flame retardancy of epoxy wood coatings

PENG Jingying, LIU Tao, LI Kunwei, ZHAO Jinying, ZHOU Xu, LIU Zhenzhen, WANG Qingwen 112(1)

Preparation of tannin-urea-formaldehyde resin by carbonated tannin and its bonding properties

PENG Jinda, YAN Chang, YANG Fuxian, HONG Mengshang, YANG Zhaojin, DU Guanben, ZHOU Xiaojian 119(1)

Isothermal crystallization kinetics of maleic anhydride and divinyl benzene co-grafted PP-based wood-plastic composites

YI Shunmin, LIU Wanyu, WANG Qingwen, LI Changxin, XU Shihua 109(2)

Effects of two different mechanical pretreatment methods on reactivity of biomass raw materials

LIANG Fangmin, JIAO Jian, ZHU Beiping, DENG Yongjun, FANG Guigan 117(2)

Characterization of dense forming force chain of salix granules under uniaxial compression

LI Zhen, LI Zhiqiang, ZHANG Donghui, YUE Qiang 124(2)

Effect of acid washing treatment on the properties of biochar and its adsorption performance on bio-oil

SHAN Baozhen, XIE Haiyang, LI Qiang, ZHANG Hao, YAN Shanshan, GAO Wenran, ZHANG Shu 99(3)

Preparation of MCC grafted PVA/soluble starch cling film

WANG Sheng, YANG Chao, NI Zhongjin, NI Yihua, LYU Yan 105(3)

Preparation and properties of lignin fluorescent CDs-PVA film humidity sensor

LIU Kai, HU Miaoyan, GAO Shiyu, SUN Tianyi, XU Li, LIAN Hailan, XU Changyan 114(3)

Preparation and characterization of modified polyethylene glycol/phenolic foam filled with phase change microcapsules

LIN Jie, ZHANG Qian, WEI Xinyi, SUN Fengwen 102(4)

Preparation and electrochemical performance of lignocellulose-based composite carbon aerogel

CHEN Xueqi, TANG Qiheng, CHANG Liang, GUO Minghui 110(4)

Preparation and properties of conductive carbon from lignin pretreated by liquid nitrogen freezing-vacuum thawing

WEI Jiaqi, XU Yishun, LIU Guoxin, CHI Wenxuan, GAO Fengxiang, ZHAO Jianing 121(4)

Preparation of wood aerogel membrane and adsorption performance on Cu2+in waste water

CAO Jizhou, HE Wen, ZHOU Peiguo, WEI Boren, WANG Rui, LIANG Shuang, JI Qiulin 113(5)

Preparation and electrochemical performance of nanocellulose/carbon nanotube carbon aerogel

DONG Hao, LI Xu, NIU Li, LIU Zhiming 121(5)

Electrochemical hydrogen production coupled with lignin oxidation by mixed metal ions under mild conditions

XU Weizhuo, ZHOU Bingjie, LI Ning, LIU Wei 130(5)

Performance of butyric acid pretreatment of lignocellulose and its regulation for high-efficiently production of biobutanol

ZHOU Tairan, SHI Yongjiang, GUI Zheng, WANG Shijie, CAO Jin, SHI Hao, LUO Hongzhen 115(6)

Preparation of nano-structured wood aerogel-based composite electrode and its electrochemical performance

GUO Feiyu, HE Wen, WANG Rui, WEI Bairen, LIANG Shuang, JI Qiulin, HU Gangzheng, LI Wenxuan 122(6)

Preparation of emamectin benzoate-loaded mesoporous silica nanospheres and their toxicity toBursaphelenchusxylophilus

WANG Zhaogui, XU Peng, CAO Rong, HAO Dejun 131(6)

Forestry Equipment and Intelligence

Dense log end face detection method using the hybrid of BiFPN and YOLOv5s

YU Pingping, LIN Yaohai, LAI Yunfeng, CHENG Shuying, LIN Peijie 126(1)

Log volume detection method based on deep learning and depth information

ZHENG Jishi, ZHANG Shiwen, YANG Pan, YU Honghui, LI Shaoyi, ZHENG Junjie, ZHOU Wengang 135(1)

Development of log end face recognition method based on improved SSD

HU Xiaotian, WANG Kejian, WANG Chao, JIAN Wenhao, HE Zhenxue 141(1)

Real-time detection of street tree targets based on mobile laser scanning

XUE Yuxi, LI Qiujie 150(1)

Experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of fully immersed pulsation combustors with different numbers of tailpipes

JIN Jing, XU Linyun, ZHANG Aiqi, WU Yuzhu, ZHANG Haifeng 157(1)

Development of separation conveyor for rough milling of bamboo pieces

LEI Yongjie, JIANG Pengfei, FENG Haiyun, WANG Fanyu, ZHOU Jianbo, FU Wansi, ZHANG Bin, XIAO Fei 131(2)

Identification of the type of wood-based panels using YOLOv5

QIAO Shuyi, LIN Xiuyi, ZHANG Weiwei, GUAN Litao, WANG Jiaxin, HU Chuanshuang 138(2)

Gravel particle size measurement system based on edge computing

ZHANG Yingfan, LI Yunyang, ZHAO Renhao, ZHAO Yunjie, QI Haiyan, ZHANG Junmei, YAN Lei 144(2)

Measurement method for stump based on control points sorting and perspective transformation

CUI Shilin, TIAN Fei 151(2)

Motion planning and simulation of manipulator for fruit picking and packing operation

XU Yan, LIU Yaqiu, LIU Xun, LYU Yunlei 123(3)

Wood ray feature extraction method of softwood based on computer vision

XI Jingyu, WANG Yuxuan, HENG Lichen, PAN Biao, LUO Jiayan, SHI Jiangtao, WANG Xinzhou 132(3)

Fast detection method of dragon fruits based on GCAM-YOLOv5

ZHOU Jialiang, WANG Jinpeng, ZHANG Yueyue, HU Haoruo 141(3)

Online detection system for dynamic modulus of bamboo and wood panels

ZHAO Wei, ZHENG Qiang, XU Feng, LIU Yunfei 150(3)

Wood defect detection method based on double least generative adversarial networks and Dense-Net

XIE Chenhui, YANG Bokai, LI Rongrong 129(4)

Wood stresswave nondestructive testing tomography algorithm based on asymmetric ellipse

ZHENG Qiang, ZHAO Wei, XU Feng, LIU Yunfei 137(4)

Design and experiments of end-effector for dragon fruit picking robot

ZHANG Yueyue, TIAN Jiaquan, WANG Wenxiang, ZHOU Jialiang, WANG Jinpeng, HU Haoruo 144(4)

Bamboo end face segmentation and branch position detection method fused with improved ASPP and CBAM

SHI Yewei, BAO Guanghai 138(5)

Measurement of wood knots using methods of reference and image processing

LIU Panpan, HAO Jingxin, YANG Bin, ZHANG Haiting, XU Dapeng, ZHU Xu, LIU Tuoyu 146(5)

Design and testing of a continuous automatic forming device for bamboo spoons

LEI Jun, ZHANG Wenfu, WANG Qin, YUAN Shaofei, WU Anqi, WANG Jin, ZHANG Jian 152(5)

RGB-DSM data fusion: a case study in urban camphor tree detection

FENG Yuan, XIA Kai, FENG Hailin 137(6)

Feature suppression multi-scale forest fire detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv5

GAO Yuan, YANG Kun, CAO Lei, YE Qiaolin 145(6)

Forest Engineering and Civil Engineering

Bearing capacity of the connection between phosphogypsum panels and wood structure walls with bone column nails

BAI Jie, WEN Wei, ZHOU Hua, DING Junhao 165(1)

Parametric analysis on pull-through performance of plybamboo with self-tapping screws

ZHAO Qianyi, LI Hongmin, XU Xinkai, ZHU Yixin, WANG Zhiqiang 172(1)

Field test on surficial vertical displacement of soft-fluid plastic stratum caused by shield construction parameters

TANG Yu, YE Shebao, ZHANG Zhiyu, YANG Ping 179(1)

Multi-scale forest fire recognition using improved YOLOv5 algorithm

WANG Yinkai, CAO Lei, QIAN Jiachen, LIN Haifeng 159(2)

Wood identification ofLiriodendronsino-americanumand hybrid parents by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy

CHEN Zhenan, GAO Handong, XUE Xiaoming, WU Haoqi, SU Zishan 166(2)

Visualization model tests of dual-structure slope reinforced by anti-sliding piles

LIU Qiang, WU Nengsen, HUANG Zhibo, XU Xutang, XU Xiang 172(2)

Detection of abnormally discolored trees caused by pine wilt disease using YOLOv5 and attention mechanism

XU Ke, JI Zhuo, XIA Kai, YANG Yinhui, FENG Hailin 156(3)

Japanese larch insect pest recognition method based on the improved YOLOv5 model

FAN Ruofei, LI Shidong, LI Shiyuan 165(3)

Tree species classification based on Stacking monocular vision combined with parameter factor analysis

YANG Sen, FAN Zhongmou, ZHANG Wenxuan 173(3)

Forest harvester operation information collection system based on cloud platform

MA Yuewei, LIU Jinhao 151(4)

Research on single tree detection and crown diameter and tree height extraction of pecan forest based on UAV images

GUO Yangguang, XIA Kai, YANG Yinhui, FENG Hailin 159(4)

Bearing performance of bamboo scrimber pin groove under different loading angles

WANG Wendao, TANG Siyuan, LIU Yanyan, MENG Yuhao 167(4)

Study on the durability of Bayer red mud solidified by microorganisms

CHEN Long, LIU Peng, HU Wenlu, XU Cheng 160(5)

Preparation and adsorption properties of new attapulgite composites

ZHAN Yanpei, YANG Ping 167(5)

Evaluations of rheological properties of high-viscosity asphalt binder modified by thermoplastic resin

ZHANG Wenxuan, LI Qiang, ZENG Xianhui, WANG Jiaqing, WANG Xiaowei 174(5)

Pavement property improvement of graphene modified asphalt andits improving mechanism

XU Zihang, JIANG Yu, XU Tao 154(6)

Experimental examination on mechanical properties of GFRP tube-encased bamboo reinforced fine stone concrete composite rods

ZHAO Weifeng, ZHOU Jing, BU Guobin, QI Chaowen 161(6)

Influence of curing test conditions on the strength of microorganism reinforced soil mass

ZHAO Zhifeng, CHEN Wenjie 170(6)

Furniture Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing

Study on chromatic aberration modification of decorative veneer based on wood bleaching and dyeing

HE Sheng, WU Zaixing, DING Yonghuan, LU Xiaoxiang, CHEN Yuhe 189(1)

Research on quality control method of furniture sealing based on SPC

LU Guozhen, XIONG Xianqing, LU Danting, GONG Jianzhao 195(1)

Influence of cushion material and charge pressure on the hardness of air spring mattress

YANG Danren, SHEN Liming, CHAO Yao, ZHAO Huan 202(1)

Construction of digital model of round-backed armchair using NX software and MBD technology

YI Liqin, HE Jiarong, ZHANG Zhongfeng, ZHANG Jijuan 180(2)

Evaluation of contoured seat cushion comfort based on BAS-BP neural network

BAI Zhonghang, SHAO Yukai, ZHAN Junjie, LI Wenhua 187(2)

Preparation and properties of UV-curable itaconic acid-based unsaturated polyester resin for 3D printing

QIU Yuhao, ZHU Guoqiang, ZHAO Ping, LIU Chengguo, ZHOU Yonghong 182(3)

Study on the design of imagery of Ming-style chair shape based on Kansei Engineering

ZUO Wen, WANG Nanyi, ZHANG Zongdeng 190(3)

Hybrid flow shop scheduling in panel furniture with buffer constraint

WANG Jinxin, WU Zhanwen, HU Wei, SONG Chaojun, GUO Xiaolei, CAO Pingxiang 198(3)

Smart wardrobe design based on Kano-interval intuitionistic fuzzy QFD

LI Cuiyu, WANG Xiaoziyu 175(4)

Effect of microcapsule emulsion deposition on self-healing and physicochemical properties ofMicroberlinlasp. surface coating

HAN Yan, YAN Xiaoxing, TAO Yu 185(4)

Mechanical properties of palm fiber-natural latex mattress and distribution of human body pressure during turning process

CHEN Zongyong, PAN Hongyang, LIAO Tingmao, YUAN Hong, SHI Wei 192(4)

Surface color regulation of white oak veneers based on polyphenol-iron complexation

SHAN Siqing, JI Wenjian, HUANG Yuxiang, YU Yanglun, ZHANG Shifeng, YU Wenji 182(5)

Influence of metal oxide doping on waterborne UV polyurethane coating

CHEN Xinyu, LI Xinyu, HU Jiajun, GUO Xi, ZHANG Yanjuan, ZHANG Yi, SUN Weisheng 190(5)

Load balancing of small production line for customized panel furniture based on value stream map

XUE Jixiao, XU Wei, WANG Junxiang 176(6)

Research on group classification and processing method of special-shaped parts of solid wood furniture

XIONG Xianqing, CAO Meng, MA Qingru, XU Xiutong 186(6)

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