《沈阳师范大学学报""" (自然科学版)》
2023年 第41卷 """ (总第149~154期)
总 目 次
曲洪波,王 鑫,聂 鑫""" (385)
林建华,苑金陈""" (390)
高 明,王 钰,戚克振""" (2)
金属有机框架材料MIL-101""" (Cr)的合成及其对烟酸的吸附
刘丽艳,于晓玲,王新迪,等""" (7)
孔 莲,毕晶莹,金 晔,等""" (12)
魏 娜,孙美娜,赵 震""" (18)
NiFe2-xMxO4""" (M=Ce,Sm,Gd)的制备及其膜的微波吸收性能
刘 颖,丁 一,陈庆阳,等nbsp;"" (98)
封文江,赵雪桐,刘 岩,等""" (104)
于 湛,张 微,吴 迪,等" ""(108)
刘 瑜,王永刚,吕红英,等""" (114)
马雯雯,陈 璐,赵 震""" (120)
rGO/PANI/316L SS双极板长期暴露耐蚀性变化规律
周婉秋,李宛静,辛士刚,等""" (194)
魏 娜,提 畅,赵 震""" (201)
王瑞丹,杨林蛟""" (208)
张 轲,张坤柔,韩宇珠,等""" (482)
刘丽艳,乔 丹,刘珂帆,等""" (488)
于 洲,邵 健,田 鹏""" (494)
侯东彪,王 磊,张 静,等""" (25)
王远成,佟佳明,李 波""" (31)
高 明,焦艺伟""" (128)
吴 闯,郑 伟,高 岩,等""" (133)
崔 崧,吕 嫣,陈岚峰""" (289)
Full-Heusler合金Mn2CrZ""" (Z=Al,Ga)的磁性、半金属性与力学性能
封文江,姚雯嘉,张仲之,等""" (293)
黄仁忠,刘雅娟,刘丽丽,等""" (396)
X2MnSc""" (X=Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ag和Au)合金晶体结构和弹性常数的第一性原理计算
李春梅,姜 博,周金萍""" (402)
孙 欣,李俊欣""" (36)
邱 玲,徐恭贤""" (45)
林木西,武海东,耿 蕊""" (138)
聂鸿天""" (146)
温学兵,宋雨泽,王秋萍""" (153)
邓玉福,李 玉,孟德川,等""" (212)
马莲菊,赵海彤,任苓姝,等""" (219)
达乌尔黄鼠""" (Spermophilus dauricus)褐色脂肪年周期变化
宋士一,刘 语,任 月,等""" (223)
王 艳,孔潇雅,王佳啸,等""" (408)
王 泽,张美娜,廖思晴,等""" (414)
孔健健,刘晓晴,杨 扬,等""" (500)
范春辉,沈建辛,荣嘉欣""" (510)
一种新型基于密钥循环的半量子多方认证盲量子计算方案""" (英文)
王学颖,陈柳伊,孙 琰,等""" (299)
赵永翼,魏晓东""" (310)
于 涧,洪 欣,于泽翔,等""" (316)
基于Hyperledger Fabric的共享学习认证系统的设计与实现
闫 禹,于 涧,于泽翔""" (321)
陈 明,孙 毅,赵新卫,等""" (327)
朱宏峰,陈柳伊,王学颖,等""" (515)
杨林蛟""" (526)
张浩华,程骞阁,柴 欣,等""" (530)
吴 迪,宋家豪,李睿智""" (536)
短波紫外线对贮藏蓝莓果实抗氧化活性的影响""" (英文)
徐方旭,刘泓远,何 茜,等 """(49)
段玉敏,岳程程,肖志刚,等""" (58)
肖志刚,苏 爽,霍金杰,等""" (67)
高 路,李傲强,阎心如,等""" (158)
高育哲,王海观,苏 爽,等""" (163)
路 飞,顾孟清,朱轶群,等""" (419)
吴隆坤,范惠心,徐 悦,等""" (427)
王东伟,董生忠,杨玉霞,等""" (542)
姜忠丽,杜昭换,赵秀红,等""" (548)
孙 欣,王 雪,李浩铭""" (228)
王 娜""" (233)
李凤营,张爱华""" (238)
张 玲,周丽景,于 湛,等""" (244)
吴丽娟,李 柳,申 海,等""" (248)
孙 可,张晓芬,李 晋""" (253)
王兰兰,张 阳,王 艳,等""" (257)
杨晓博,田 瑶,卜秀斌,等""" (331)
周 波,陈秀艳,吴 迪,等""" (336)
孙 欣,王瀚萱,王 雪""" (434)
于 湛,郑慧子,刘丽艳,等""" (441)
李 柳,祖 兴,程立英,等""" (445)
赵振刚,张大骋""" (450)
张荣培,刘 昊,左韩星""" (73)
朴英爱,于 鸿""" (78)
吴丽娟,黄 尧,关贵明""" (85)
陈秀艳,安婷雯,王曦欧""" (92)
李慧玲,黄雨萌,李 瑶""" (168)
潘 晶,王诗尧,孟雨欣,等""" (173)
达乌尔黄鼠""" (Spermophilus dauricus)冬眠启动过程中枢生长抑素信号对HPA轴的抑制
宋士一,岑宇晴,翟博美,等""" (180)
佟德利,刘静华,于 鑫,等""" (186)
CsI""" (Tl)闪烁探测器脉冲形状鉴别最优积分条件的探究方法
刘 玲,王凤兰,孙晓慧,等""" (261)
秦伟凡,吴 闯,姜 伟" ""(268)
程立英,刘祖琛,谷利茹,等""" (274)
沈 博,王祥根,田 澍,等""" (280)
王贺元,李欣颖""" (341)
刘玉忠,曹淑怡,张 军""" (346)
李 丽,王玉婷""" (350)
李昊轩,袁满江,崔 铭,等""" (354)
孙秋菊,王 瑶,潘彦伶,等""" (361)
史 丽,李永斌,付宛琴,等""" (366)
潘 晶,范琳琳,王诗尧,等""" (378)
关洪岩,王前程""" (454)
陈岚峰,吕 嫣,申 海,等""" (459)
邵永运,张立莹""" (464)
张 岩,罗 旭,刘 哲,等""" (469)
张 勇,李玲桐,崔黎黎""" (475)
邵永运,张立莹""" (556)
关洪岩,勾金泽""" (562)
磁荷对Hayward-de Sitter黑洞的全息互信息的影响
李慧玲,张 宁,张宝琪,等""" (568)
孟德川,杨晓林,李俊霖,等""" (572)
Journal of Shenyang Normal University """"(Natural Science Edition)
2023 Vol.41 """ (Sum No.149~154)
Total Contents
Special Column for Strong Nation in Science and Technology
Problem and strategy of Chinese scientific and technological powerhouse
QU Hongbo, WANG Xin, NIE Xin""" (385)
Realistic difficulties and “Innovative” actions of the revitalization of the northeast China from
the perspective of Scientific and Technological Powerhouse
LIN Jianhua, YUAN Jinchen""" (390)
Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Research progress in preparation of tungsten oxide and improvement of its photocatalytic properties
GAO Ming, WANG Yu, QI Kezhen""" (2)
Synthesis of metal organic framework material MIL-101""" (Cr) and its adsorption performance on nicotinic acid
LIU Liyan, YU Xiaoling, WANG Xindi, et al""" (7)
Selective oxidation of methane catalyzed by Mo-SBA-15 catalysts
KONG Lian, BI Jingying, JIN Ye, et al""" (12)
Research progress in carbon dioxide cycloaddition catalyzed by UiO-66 derivatives
WEI Na, SUN Meina, ZHAO Zhen""" (18)
Preparation of NiFe2-xMxO4 """"(M=Ce,Sm,Gd) and microwave absorption properties of its films
LIU Ying, DING Yi, CHEN Qingyang, et al""" (98)
Progress in application and research of graphene in photocatalysis
FENG Wenjiang, ZHAO Xuetong, LIU Yan, et al""" (104)
Mechanistic analysis the binding interactions of naringenin and naringin with bovine serum albumin
YU Zhan, ZHANG Wei, WU Di, et al""" (108)
Establishment the method of SPE-UPLC-MS/MS for detecting common antibiotics in livestock manures and soil aquatic environment
LIU Yu, WANG Yonggang, LYU Hongying, et al""" (114)
Synthesis and study on the photo-thermal extration catalytic oxidation desulfurization
performance of POMs-based Ti-MOFs loaded g-C3N4 ternary composite catalysts
MA Wenwen, CHEN Lu, ZHAO Zhen"" "(120)
Variation of corrosion resistance of rGO/PANI/316L SS bipolar plate during long-term exposure
ZHOU Wanqiu, LI Wanjing, XIN Shigang, et al""" (194)
Applications of post-synthetic metallized UiO-MOFs in heterogeneous catalysis
WEI Na, TI Chang, ZHAO Zhen""" (201)
Research progress of catalysts for purifying soot particles from diesel exhaust gas
WANG Ruidan, YANG Linjiao""" (208)
Preparation and pseudo-capacitance performance of B-doped Co-based oxide/hydroxide electrode materials
ZHANG Ke, ZHANG Kunrou, HAN Yuzhu, et al""" (482)
Fluorescence detection of trypan blue based on the fluorescein@UiO-66 metal-organic framework material
LIU Liyan, QIAO Dan, LIU Kefan, et al""" (488)
Research progress of non-precious metal single-atom catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction
YU Zhou, SHAO Jian, TIAN Peng""" (494)
Materials Sciences
Simulation and analysis of measuring of impurity elements in high purity graphite by neutron method
HOU Dongbiao, WANG Lei, ZHANG Jing, et al""" (25)
Theoretical study on the positronium formation in positron-helium scattering in plasma environments
WANG Yuancheng, TONG Jiaming, LI Bo""" (31)
Effects of orientation and thermal diffusion parameters on dendrite morphology of Ni-Sn alloy in phase field simulation
GAO Ming, JIAO Yiwei""" (128)
Magnetic and half-metallic properties of full-Heusler alloy Cr2FeAl
WU Chuang, ZHENG Wei, GAO Yan, et al""" (133)
Tensile and compressive modulus of brittle materials containing crack
CUI Song, LYU Yan, CHEN Lanfeng""" (289)
Magnetic, half-metallic, and mechanical properties of full-Heusler Mn2CrZ""" (Z=Al, Ga) alloys
FENG Wenjiang, YAO Wenjia, ZHANG Zhongzhi, et al""" (293)
Effect of P doping on the binding property of Ni3Al grain boundary
HUANG Renzhong, LIU Yajuan, LIU Lili, et al""" (396)
First-principles calculation of crystal structure and elastic constants of X2MnSc""" (X=Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ag and Au) alloys
LI Chunmei, JIANG Bo, ZHOU Jinping""" (402)
Operations Research and Cybernetics
Uniformly asymptotic stability criterion for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems with distributed delay
SUN Xin, LI Junxin""" (36)
Parameter estimation method of S-type biochemical systems by steady-state and dynamic data
QIU Ling, XU Gongxian""" (45)
Industrial agglomeration, income gap and environmental pollution
LIN Muxi, WU Haidong, GENG Rui""" (138)
Impact of innovation-driven on high quality development
Evidence from 18 developed cities in China
NIE Hongtian""" (146)
Research progress of rational map
WEN Xuebing, SONG Yuze, WANG Qiuping""" (153)
Life Sciences
EDXRF analysis method of phosphorus in agricultural phosphorus nitrate fertilizer
DENG Yufu, LI Yu, MENG Dechuan, et al""" (212)
Effects of endophytes on toxicity of cadmium-stressed vicia faba root tip cells
MA Lianju, ZHAO Haitong, REN Lingshu, et al""" (219)
Annual cycle of brown adipose tissue of daurian ground squirrels """"(Spermophilus dauricus)
SONG Shiyi, LIU Yu, REN Yue, et al""" (223)
Wild resource investigation of Glehnia littoralis in Liaoning Province
WANG Yan, KONG Xiaoya, WANG Jiaxiao, et al""" (408)
Molecular mechanism of Cordyceps militaris to improve diabetes
WANG Ze, ZHANG Meina, LIAO Siqing, et al""" (414)
Resources and Environment
Effects of straw returning on enzyme activity in brown soils
KONG Jianjian, LIU Xiaoqing, YANG Yang, et al""" (500)
Adsorption characteristics of Pb on ferromanganese nodules derived from agricultural soil
FAN Chunhui, SHEN Jianxin, RONG Jiaxin""" (510)
Information Processing and Programming
A novel multi-party authentication blind quantum computation scheme based on semi-quantum with key recycling
WANG Xueying, CHEN Liuyi, SUN Yan, et al""" (299)
Research and implementation of an intelligent reasoning and analysis system for court cases based on LSTM network
ZHAO Yongyi, WEI Xiaodong""" (310)
Prediction of grain yield in Jiangsu Province based on BP neural network
YU Jian, HONG Xin, YU Zexiang, et al""" (316)
Design and implementation of certification system for online shared learning based on Hyperledger Fabric
YAN Yu, YU Jian, YU Zexiang""" (321)
Design of crack detection system for orthopedic external fixator
CHEN Ming, SUN Yi, ZHAO Xinwei, et al""" (327)
Architecture, progress, and applications of quantum key distribution networks
ZHU Hongfeng, CHEN Liuyi, WANG Xueying, et al""" (515)
A review of threshold-based image segmentation algorithms: Principles, classification and typical algorithms
YANG Linjiao""" (526)
Design and implementation of a virtual speech assistant based on the Hangkong Board
ZHANG Haohua, CHENG Qiange, CHAI Xin, et al""" (530)
A multi-scale pedestrian detection method for dense scenes
WU Di, SONG Jiahao, LI Ruizhi""" (536)
Food and Grains
Effect of ultraviolet-C on the change of antioxidant activity in stored blueberry fruit
XU Fangxu, LIU Hongyuan, HE Xi, et al""" (49)
Research progress in the regulation of raw materials and extruding conditions on the quality of high moisture extruded plant protein meat
DUAN Yumin, YUE Chengcheng, XIAO Zhigang, et al""" (58)
Effect of glycerol on properties of soy protein isolate O/W emulsion film
XIAO Zhigang, SU Shuang, HUO Jinjie, et al""" (67)
Effects of purple sweet potato granules and aid-materials on quality characteristics of composite steamed bread
GAO Lu, LI Aoqiang, YAN Xinru, et al""" (158)
Investigation in application of polysaccharides in extrusion preparation of plant-based vegetarian meat
GAO Yuzhe, WANG Haiguan, SU Shuang, et al""" (163)
Research progress on antibacterial mechanism of natural preservatives and their application in meat product preservation
LU Fei, GU Mengqing, ZHU Yiqun, et al""" (419)
Preparation and characterization of acer truncatum bunge seed oil gel
WU Longkun, FAN Huixin, XU Yue, et al""" (427)
Research progress on digestive characteristics of potato under different pressure treatment conditions
WANG Dongwei, DONG Shengzhong, YANG Yuxia, et al""" (542)
Research progress of phenolics compounds
JIANG Zhongli, DU Zhaohuan, ZHAO Xiuhong, et al""" (548)
Curriculum and Instruction
Construction of first-class course under SPOC mode
citing an example of “Probability and Statistics”
SUN Xin, WANG Xue, LI Haoming""" (228)
Research and practice on the reform of “Advanced Mathematics” based on SPOC blended teaching mode
WANG Na""" (233)
Teaching reform practical exploration about “Physics Teaching Method” under double fusion
LI Fengying, ZHANG Aihua""" (238)
Practice on participative teaching assisted by micro-video for “Analytical Chemistry Experiment”
ZHANG Ling, ZHOU Lijing, YU Zhan, et al""" (244)
Teaching reform practice of “C Program Design” based on mixed teaching mode
WU Lijuan, LI Liu, SHEN Hai, et al""" (248)
Graduation project oriented “Software Requirements Process” teaching based on project driven
SUN Ke, ZHANG Xiaofen, LI Jinnbsp;"" (253)
Training mode for promotion the innovation and practical ability of graduate students relying on the scientific research alliance
WANG Lanlan, ZHANG Yang, WANG Yan, et al""" (257)
Application of multi-perspective learning approach in “Organic Chemistry” teaching
YANG Xiaobo, TIAN Yao, BU Xiubin, et al""" (331)
Application of Multisim in experimental teaching of sensor
ZHOU Bo, CHEN Xiuyan, WU Di, et al""" (336)
A new mathematical modeling training model based on AI empowerment and smart teaching
SUN Xin, WANG Hanxuan, WANG Xue""" (434)
Exploring the reform of “Instrument Analysis” teaching under the perspective of innovative and entrepreneurial education
YU Zhan, ZHENG Huizi, LIU Liyan, et al""" (441)
Implementation of teaching reform in “College Physics” course under the background of new college entrance examination
LI Liu, ZU Xing, CHENG Liying, et al""" (445)
Teaching reform of “Innovative Practice” course in the context of engineering education accreditation
ZHAO Zhengang, ZHANG Dacheng""" (450)
Basic Theoretical and Applied Researches
Finite difference method based on fast Fourier transform for solving three dimensional reaction diffusion equation
ZHANG Rongpei, LIU Hao, ZUO Hanxing""" (73)
Effect of outward foreign direct investment on the upgrading of China’s industrial structure
PIAO Ying’ai, YU Hong""" (78)
Road object detection based on improved YOLOv5
WU Lijuan, HUANG Yao, GUAN Guiming""" (85)
Analysis on the influence of lens and phase plates on Mach-Zender vortex optical interference
CHEN Xiuyan, AN Tingwen, WANG Xiou""" (92)
Effect of the Rindler acceleration on the gravitation potential and the trajectory the light around a modified Schwarzschild black hole
LI Huiling, HUANG Yumeng, LI Yao""" (168)
Remediation ability of aquatic plant sediment microbial fuel cell in black and odorous water treatment
PAN Jing, WANG Shiyao, MENG Yuxin, et al""" (173)
Inhibition of HPA axis by central somatostatin signaling during hibernation initiation in Spermophilus dauricus
SONG Shiyi, CEN Yuqing, ZHAI Bomei, et al""" (180)
Screening of antagonistic bacteria against Fusarium fujikuroi in rice and biocontrol mechanism
TONG Deli, LIU Jinghua, YU Xin, et al""" (186)
An exploration method of optimal integral conditions for pulse shape identification of CsI""" (Tl) scintillation detector
LIU Ling, WANG Fenglan, SUN Xiaohui, et al""" (261)
Magnetic properties of surface-decorated graphene-like nanoparticles
QIN Weifan, WU Chuang, JIANG Wei""" (268)
Colon polyp detection algorithm based on deep learning
CHENG Liying, LIU Zuchen, GU Liru, et al""" (274)
Privacy-preserving face images based on convolutional neural networks
SHEN Bo, WANG Xianggen, TIAN Shu, et al""" (280)
Dynamic behavior and simulation of simplified model of unified chaotic system
WANG Heyuan, LI Xinying""" (341)
Algebraic elimination method for solving first order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
LIU Yuzhong, CAO Shuyi, ZHANG Jun""" (346)
Stability analysis for linear systems with input-delay
LI Li, WANG Yuting""" (350)
Distribution network fault diagnosis based on artificial fish swarm improved Apriori algorithm
LI Haoxuan, YUAN Manjiang, CUI Ming, et al""" (354)
Reaction between ethylene glycol and stearic acid catalyzed by solid acid
SUN Qiuju, WANG Yao, PAN Yanling, et al""" (361)
Preliminary investigation on flies in grassland of Zhengxiangbai Banner, Inner Mongolia, China
SHI Li, LI Yongbin, FU Wanqin, et al""" (366)
Research progress on aquatic plant-sediment microbial fuel cells
PAN Jing, FAN Linlin, WANG Shiyao, et al""" (378)
Common fixed point theorems of a new class of F-type contractive mappings
GUAN Hongyan, WANG Qiancheng""" (454)
Characteristics of fractional-order memristor model
CHEN Lanfeng, LYU Yan, SHEN Hai, et al""" (459)
Financial data anomaly recognition model of listed companies based on SVM-LightGBM
SHAO Yongyun, ZHANG Liying""" (464)
Design and supervision mechanism of safety sandbox for ecological ethics of metaverse education
ZHANG Yan, LUO Xu, LIU Zhe, et alnbsp;"" (469)
Implementation of a smart construction site safety management system based on YOLOv5s
ZHANG Yong, LI Lingtong, CUI Lili""" (475)
Financial data anomaly risk scorecard model of listed manufacturing companies
SHAO Yongyun, ZHANG Liying""" (556)
Common fixed point theorems for a class of contractive mappings of integral type in b-metric spaces
GUAN Hongyan, GOU Jinze""" (562)
Effect of magnetic charges on holographic mutual information of Hayward-de Sitter black holes
LI Huiling, ZHANG Ning, ZHANG Baoqi, et al""" (568)
Research and implementation of ultrasonic welding instrument principles
MENG Dechuan, YANG Xiaolin, LI Junlin, et al""" (572)