
2023-04-20 05:25
科普研究 2023年6期

Research on the Production and its Strategy of Science Popularization Content from the Perspective of Transmedia Storytelling:TakingWorking Cellsas an Example

Zhou Rongting1You Lina1Zhang Xinyu1Wang Zichao2
(Provincial Key Laboratory of Science Education and Communication,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026)1
(Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM,Tianjin 300381)2

Abstract:Under the background of media convergence,diversified emerging media make transmedia storytelling a new media production method,which can bring a new content creation method and cultural production experience to science popularization. This papper combines the theory of transmedia storytelling with the practice of science popularization content production,and constructs a science popularization content production model. Taking the science popularization workWorking Cellas the object of analysis,it analyzes meta-narrative,narrative fragmentation,media selection,content integration,interactive production and other dimensions to conduct case studies,comprehensively analyze the production process of science popularization content and its successful experience,verify the applicability and effectiveness of the transmedia storytelling in the production of science popularization content. Based on this,this study proposes new strategies for science popularization content production,including establishing an organizational collaboration network and building a science popularization resource service system;building an IP content matrix to promote the sustainable development of the scientific and technological resources;encouraging users to participate in narratives to form a scientific knowledge exchange and co-creation community;relying on the advantages of technology platforms to create an industrial ecology of science popularization content.

Keywords:Working Cells;science popularization;transmedia storytelling;content production

CLC Numbers:N4;G206.3

Document Code:A


Research on Transmedia Storytelling of Science Popularization Videos from the Perspective of Integrated Media

Cui Yajuan
(Arts College,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101)

Abstract:Video communication has become one of the mainstream forms of science popularization today. From the perspective of the relationship and duration between science popularization narrative and the real world,this paper classifies science popularization videos and analyzes their narrative characteristics. And propose the main forms of transmedia storytelling in science popularization videos in the era of integrated media,namely integrated narrative and interactive narrative,and provide a detailed interpretation. At the same time,propose countermeasures and suggestions on how to tell science popularization narrative well through transmedia storytelling in the integrated media environment,namely constructing a story sequence of transmedia narrative,innovating science popularization IP,and establishing an interactive narrative form of science popularization between the fusion culture of new and old media. The research conclusion indicates that science popularization videos can better integrate into the cultural fusion of the new technological era and enhance the effectiveness of science popularization dissemination through transmedia storytelling.

Keywords:integrated media;science popularization videos;transmedia storytelling;science popularization IP

CLC Numbers:N4;G206.3

Document Code:A


The Value Interpretation of Science Popularization Short Videos

Ma Quan Zhu Qixin
(Television School,Communication University of China,Beijing 100024)

Abstract:In recent years,with the development of short videos,science popularization short videos have gradually become the main force of science popularization in the new media era,which has made scientific knowledge more accessible and understandable. With the participation of more creators and users,science dissemination has gradually formed a complete knowledge-sharing and dissemination loop in the internet space. It has irreplaceable significance in promoting the arrival of the era of universal science popularization. This papper focuses on the dynamic interactive process of interpreting the value of science popularization short videos,analyzes the content of phenomenal science popularization short videos in recent years,and argues that science popularization short videos have science popularization value,dissemination value and interactive value. This papper also points out that the disenchantment of science is the basis of its science popularization value,the interaction and integration are the characteristics of its dissemination value,and diversified participation is the way of generating its interactive value. By clarifying the significance of short videos for science popularization,this papper tries to provide certain referencess and constructive ideas for short videos to help science popularization.

Keywords:science popularization short videos;science popularization value;dissemination value;interactive value

CLC Numbers:N4;G206.3

Document Code:A


Evaluation Indicator System for Science Popularization Short Videos:Concept Clarification,Value Deliberation,and Construction Path

Huang Rongli Wang Dapeng Jin Mengyao Chen Ling
(China Research Institute of Science Popularization,Beijing 100081)

Abstract:The development and prosperity of science short video has become an important form of popular science products and an important channel for disseminating science to the public. However,there are also some problems behind the prosperity of science popularization short videos,such as content homogenization,pseudoscience,tort plagiarism,excessive entertainment commercialization and so on. There is an urgent need to build an evaluation index system to strengthen content supervision and review. In this paper,on the basis of clarifying the concept and value,the evaluation index system of science popularization short is constructed from the four dimensions of basic qualification,content,form and influence,including seven secondary indicators and 21 tertiary indicators,including compliance,science,guidance,popularity,artistry,technicality and influence. We hope that it can provide scientific and effective creative guidance and evaluation references for creators,platforms and relevant management departments,promote the healthy and orderly development of science popularization short ecology.

Keywords:science popularization; short videos;evaluation index system

CLC Numbers:N4;G206.3

Document Code:A


Investigating the Influence of Visual Elements on Click Behavior during Active Retrieval of Science Popularization Videos:A Case Study of Bilibili

He Yi Zhang Weifeng
(School of Journalism and Media,Chongqing Normal University & Institute of Computational Intelligence and Future Communication,Chongqing 401331)

Abstract:Science popularization activities on social media are experiencing a period of prosperity marked by diverse creation and significant public engagement. The influence of visual elements on click behavior when actively searching for science popularization videos warrants attention. This study employs ELM and visual persuasion theory to construct a model for “Visual-Driven Elaborated Click Behavior Influencing Factors,” aiming to comprehend public engagement in online science popularization and enhance the attractiveness of science popularization videos. The findings indicate that in the centralroute,image elements related to the video’s theme termed as “content imagery,” along with interrogative sentence titles with “information marking,” significantly influence user clicks. Additionally,in the peripheralroute,elements such as bullet screen comments,likes,title length,video duration(referred to as “structural elements”),and “stylistic imagery” elements like thumbnail color and brightness also affect user click behavior during the proactive retrieval of science popularization videos. Contrary to expectations,the image quality of “formal imagery” is not a significant factor in user recognition of thumbnail elements and interestingly popularity did not have the usual significant impact on user decisionmaking in the Peripheralroute. Based on the findings,this paper proposes suggestions from four aspects:video thumbnail,title,interaction,and content production. These suggestions aim to enhance the clickthrough rate for science popularization videos in active retrieval scenarios,thus fostering the development of science popularization initiatives on social media.

Keywords:Bilibili popular science videos;visual persuasion;click behavior;ELM

CLC Numbers:N4;G206.3

Document Code:A


Research on the Internationalization Path of Science Popularization Standards in China

Yi Tingting Zhao Wenhui
(China National Institute of Standardization,Beijing 100191)

Abstract:The “going global” of science popularization standards is one of the important aspects for China to implement the concept of global governance and Chinese solutions. On the basis of analyzing the internal logic and realistic dilemma that the internationalization of science popularization standards in China,this article fully draws on typical practices of science popularization standardization at the international level and deeply analyzes the internal laws such as the driving factors,models,and evolution paths of internationalization of science popularization standards. This paper proposes a stepby-step practical path for China’s science popularization standards to “go global” based on international standard transformation and development based on good domestic practices,road exploration based on international standardization cooperation mechanism,and standardization integration in science popularization ecosystem.

Keywords:science popularization standards;internationalization of standards;science popularization ecosystem

CLC Numbers:N4

Document Code:A


An Innovative Model of Agricultural Technology Transfer:A Case Study of the Technical Envoy System from the Perspective of Science Capital

Zhu Ziyi Jin Jianbin
(School of Journalism and Communication,Tsinghua University,BeiJing 100084)

Abstract:The conflict between traditional technology supply and farmers’market-oriented demand was a significant obstacle that hindered the efficiency of China’s agricultural technology transfer system. The technical envoy system,an innovative agricultural technology transfer model initially developed in South China,offers a promising solution. The cornerstone of this system is the integration of governmental,industrial,technological,and market resources,which centered around technical envoys. This integration balances planned and market-based economic mechanisms while also taking into account the diverse interests of multiple stakeholders. In this article,by adopting the concept of science capital as our key analytical tool,we conducted an in-depth case study on the context,operation,and underlying mechanisms that contribute to the efficiency of this model. The paper found that a proactive government and an efficient market stimulate the generation and flow of science capital,ultimately enhancing the overall efficiency of the agricultural production system via the self-amplification and reproduction of capital. It is suggested that we should continue to enhance financial support for technical envoy system and effectively attract talents of different majors to close the distance with farmers at the grassroots level. By forming a more solid agricultural technology expansion network,we can achieve significant results in “line connection,dense network,and people gathering.”

Keywords:technical envoy;agricultural technology transfer;innovation;science popularization;science capital

CLC Numbers:N4;G323.3

Document Code:A


Research on the Orientation of Science Reading in Basic Education Stage in China:Targeted atThe Catalogue of Reading Guidance for Primary and Secondary School Students(2020 Edition)

Ren Anbo Zeng Huaijin
(Department of the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026)

Abstract:In the current era of fragmented reading and networked dissemination of science and technology information,the importance of scientific reading in improving the scientific literacy of primary and secondary school students has become increasingly prominent.The Catalogue of Reading Guidance for Primary and Secondary School Students(2020 Edition),compiled by the Ministry of Education,recommends science books for the first time,which breaks through the traditional reading concept of only recommending literary books. The kind of natural science in the Catalogue not only selects a large number of science popularization knowledge books to expand basic scientific knowledge and introduce metascience works to cultivate the concept of scientific essence but also rarely introduce scientific classics to cultivate the concept of scientific culture and original thinking.Based on the research,it’s suggested that science reading guidance requires the establishment of a selection mechanism for excellent science popularization,being guided by cutting-edge scientific and technological concepts,and emphasizing the interpretation of scientific classics.

Keywords:reading guidance;science reading;metascience;scientific classics

CLC Numbers:N4

Document Code:A


Promoting the Spirit of Scientists in Science Museums:Challenges and Opportunities

Fang Lu Zhai Junqing
(School of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)

Abstract:This paper aims to explore how science and technology venues can comprehensively,three-dimensionally,and profoundly convey the story of scientists,shape the image of scientists,and promote the spirit of scientists. First and foremost,it uncovers the challenges and shortcomings faced by science and technology museums in promoting the spirit of scientists from a realistic perspective.Secondly,through case analysis,this paper explores feasible approaches to uphold the spirit of scientists through exhibit displays,guided tour systems,and scientific activities. Lastly,it proposes suggestions for future endeavors in promoting the spirit of scientists within domestic science and technology museums by focusing on designing science popularization activities that revolve around the spirit of scientists as well as collaborating with various institutions to create a comprehensive plan.

Keywords:science museums;aspirations in science;the spirit of scientists;museum learning

CLC Numbers:N4

Document Code:A


The Cultural Foundation and Historical Evolution of Japanese Craftsman Tradition

He Di1Yao Menghao2
(School of Marxism,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049)1
(School of Marxism,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088)2

Abstract:Japanese society has a deep historical and cultural foundation for the cultivation and shaping of craftsmen. The tradition of craftsmen was inspired during the Nara era,initially formed during the Middle Ages,established during the Edo period,and injected important force into Japan’s economic take-off as a universal value in modern and post-war times. The religious beliefs and national character in the Japanese cultural tradition are the important foundation for the formation of the Japanese craftsman tradition. Driven by the idea of “god’s handicraft,” the pursuit of perfection and excellence gradually evolved into the value ethic and spiritual direction of the modern Japanese merchant systematically to become rich until the “craftsman society” was gradually generalized,and the craftsman tradition was well inherited and promoted here. However,under different historical conditions,craftsman tradition is inevitably integrated with economy and politics in a cultural form that is either advanced or backward,healthy or decadent. It has a counter impact on Japanese society. The secret to the success of Japanese manufacturing in the past was the apprenticeship system and lifelong employment system under the inheritance of family culture,where craftsmanship was inherited and developed under official protection. However,in the current era of significant changes in science and technology,Japan’s former manufacturing giants have begun to seek quick success and instant benefits under the control of instrumental rationality. The culture of craftsmanship has gradually been hidden,and the lost craftsmanship tradition has led to frequent scandals or embarrassing situations.

Keywords:Japan;craftsman tradition;cultural foundation;historical evolution

CLC Numbers:G13/17

Document Code:A


Stem cell-based 3D brain organoids for mimicking,investigating,and challenging Alzheimer’s diseases
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