
2023-04-14 07:23山东孙启禄
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年3期

山东 孙启禄

主题语境:旅游 篇幅:398词 关键词:kids,travel,blind

1A Canadian family is travelling the world before their kids go blind.

2Three of Edith and Sebastien's four kids, were diagnosed with a rare genetic (基因的) condition called retinitis pigmentosa (色素性视网膜炎).Most people who have this condition lose all of their eyesight by the time they are adults.

3Doctors and specialists advised the parents to fill the kids with visual memories from books.However, the couple decided to take their kids on a year long trip to show their kids the world and fill them with as many beautiful sights as possible while they could.

4Their original plan was to leave in July 2020, but the plan was delayed for some reasons.Instead, they threw their itinerary out the window and left Montreal in March 2022.They planned to spend an entire year travelling, and they chose their destinations on the fly.

5The first place they visited was Africa.They spent time in Namibia, Zambia, and Tanzania.Then they left for Turkey, where they lived for a full month.After that, it was Mongolia followed by Indonesia.Along the way, the family encountered difficult weather,bad moods, and the minor discomfort that accompanied travelling.Edith and Sebastien believe that these experiences are also useful and will help the kids become more resilient as their eyesight continues to fade.

6The family has noticed that their kids are bonding and growing in ways they never could have imagined when they set out on their journey.The kids are curious about other cultures and accepting them.

7Edith and Sebastien are still hopeful that science will provide a cure before their kids lose their vision.If not, they're positive that their kids will be able to take a visual journey in their memories,thanks to their travels!

Reading Check

1.What do we know about retinitis pigmentosa?

A.It can cause color blindness.

B.It can not be cured at present.

C.It happens when one grows up.

D.It can cause loss of memories.

2.Why did the parents decide to take the kids on a long trip?

A.The kids were not suitable to read books.

B.They didn't want to leave regrets to the kids.

C.Doctors and specialists advised them to do so.

D.The kids will lose their eyesight in the future.

3.What does the underlined word“resilient”in paragraph 5 most probably mean?


4.What do Edith and Sebastien think of the trip?

A.It will be worthwhile indeed.

B.It will satisfy their curiosity.

C.It will provide a cure for the kids.

D.It will let the kids be used to other cultures.





语篇单词重要短语rare adj.罕见的 condition n.状况;条件 decide v.决定 original adj.原先的delay v.延迟 destination n.目的地 encounter v.遇到 accompany v.陪伴;伴随 continue v.继续 imagine v.想象 curious adj.好奇的 provide v.提供go blind 失明 fill...with...用……充满……as...as possible 尽可能……be diagnosed with...被诊断出……lose one's eyesight 失明 spend...doing...花费……做……set out 出发 thanks to 由于;多亏


1.However,the couple decided to take their kids on a year long trip to show their kids the world and fill them with as many beautiful sights as possible while they could.然而,这对夫妇决定带着他们的孩子进行为期一年的旅行,让孩子看遍世界,尽可能多地看到更多美丽的风景。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。the couple decided to...as possible 是主句,to take their kids on...trip 是动词不定式短语作宾语,to show their kids the world and fill them with...as possible是动词不定式短语作目的状语,while引导的是时间状语从句。

2.The family has noticed that their kids are bonding and growing in ways they never could have imagined when they set out on their journey.这家人注意到,他们的孩子正在以他们出发时从未想象过的方式建立联系和成长。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。The family has noticed 是主句,that their kids are bonding...their journey是宾语从句,they never could have imagined 是定语从句,when they set out on their journey 是时间状语从句。




Parents should expose the kids to _______________________________.


After a while,she apologized for the way _______________________________.


假定你是李华,在外刊阅读课上,你们阅读了“Accompany you to see the most beautiful scenery”这篇文章。请你根据以下内容写一篇读后感。









