
2023-04-14 07:23广东陈丽芳
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年3期

广东 陈丽芳


主题语境:旅行 篇幅:335词 建议用时:6分钟

1It's every travel lover's dream to explore all the corners of the globe, and Cory Lee has already done it! Cory, who has spinal muscular atrophy (脊髓性肌萎缩), has a serious case of wanderlust.He was first bitten by travel as a little boy when his mother, a teacher, took him on summer road trips across the country.Since then, they've not only ventured beyond the US border, but they've also experienced wonders on every continent!

2The fearless explorer decided early on not to let his wheelchair stop him from doing what he loves.After visiting countries all over the world, he just became the first traveller in a wheelchair to visit every continent!“Travelling to all seven continents wasn't something I was sure to be possible,”he said.“But if you stay determined and keep a positive attitude,the opportunities are limitless.”

3It took careful research and planning for Cory to ensure his trips were accessible,which he said was plenty of work.That's what inspired him to create Curb Free with Cory Lee, a blog where he shares tips with other travellers who have disabilities.“If you research, you can find so many companies doing amazing things,”he said.“Many of them include special equipment for all kinds of activities!”

4Thanks to his efforts,Cory has enjoyed floating in the Caribbean Sea.One of his alltime favorite destinations was Antarctica,where few people can say they've been at all.He and his mom crossed the seventh and final continent off their list! Of course, they're nowhere near finished.Cory has been to 37 countries so far and hopes to raise that number soon.In the meantime, he's helping kids find representation in his new children's bookLet's Explore With Cor Cor.The story features a boy who travels to different countries in his powered wheelchair.“Wheelchair-using kids will see possibilities!”one reviewer wrote.“Others will see that kids with disabilities are just kids, ready for adventure and fun and able to experience life with passion.”

Reading Check

Detail 1.What made Cory fall in love with travelling?

A.He ventured beyond the US border.

B.His teacher took him on summer trips.

C.He experienced wonders on every continent.

D.His mother took him on summer road trips.

Detail 2.What can we know about Cory from paragraph 2?

A.He did complete his trip by himself.

B.He was sure to travel all seven continents.

C.He became the first traveller in a wheelchair.

D.He didn't let his wheelchair stop him from travelling.

Detail 3.What was Cory's goal after he had been to 37 countries?

A.To write his new book.

B.To raise that number soon.

C.To cross the seventh and final continent.

D.To help kids find representation in his new books.

Inference 4.What can we learn from Cory's story?

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.All roads lead to Rome.

C.Where there's a will,there's a way.

D.The early bird catches the worm.

Language Study

Difficult sentences in the text

1.That's what inspired him to create Curb Free with Cory Lee,a blog where he shares tips with other travellers who have disabilities.这启发了他创建了一个名为“和科里·李一起无拘无束”的博客,在那里他与其他有残疾的旅行者分享小贴士。

【点石成金】本句中,what 引导表语从句,在从句中作主语;where 引导定语从句,在从句中作状语;who引导的也是定语从句,在从句中作主语。

2.One of his all-time favorite destinations was Antarctica, where few people can say they've been at all.他一直最喜欢的目的地之一是南极洲,很少有人敢说自己去过那里。

【点石成金】本句中,where 引导定语从句,先行词是Antarctica;从句they've been at all是一个省略了that的宾语从句。

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