
2023-04-14 07:23四川蒋建平
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年3期

四川 蒋建平


主题语境:旅行 篇幅:332词 建议用时:6分钟

1For some people,travelling represents one of the essential goals in life because it is a perfect mix of pleasure, curiosity, fun and recreation.It is considered by many to be a recreational activity,but for sure,it represents more than that.

2Firstly,one of the most critical advantages that travelling is offering you is that it improves your health.When you are travelling, you get the chance to become truly free from your life routine, and because of that, your stress level is going down, lowering your chances of developing heart disease.It also helps you boost your confidence and your emotional well-being and also enables you to move over hard times that appear in your life.

3Secondly, travelling makes you smarter.It makes you more present and more connected with the real world, becoming more curious about what's going on around you.For example, if you are travelling in a foreign country, for sure you will become curious about the lifestyle, specifics, people and daily habits of that place.You will also get out of your comfort zone, and you will start socializing more with people around you.Also,travelling offers you a great opportunity of learning new languages and new life perspectives,and you can use them for yourself in the future.

4Another essential thing to take into consideration while you are travelling around the world makes you more attractive as a person.Having different stories to tell your friends and people you know will make your image better, making you a fascinating person to know.Also, you develop a more emphatic human connection with others, and you can inspire them to start travelling too.

5Travelling represents an essential aspect of each person's life, and we encourage everyone to do it.It offers you great feelings,along with lots of great memories to make your life more and more impressive.Travelling is also significant for knowing yourself better,for self-confidence and also will make you aware of how great this world is.

Reading Check

Detail 1.What will happen when you are travelling in a foreign country according to the text?

A.You will learn a new language and experience a new life.

B.You will become more confident and more successful.

C.You will develop a closer connection with others.

D.You will make yourself more attractive than anyone else.

Inference 2.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?


Inference 3.What can we know about travelling according to the text?

A.Travelling makes anyone smarter.

B.Travelling gives you better points.

C.Travelling is beneficial to your health.

D.Travelling is an essential goal in everyone's life.

Language Study

Difficult sentence in the text

Firstly, one of the most critical advantages that travelling is offering you is that it improves your health.首先,旅行给你带来的最重要的好处之一是它能改善你的健康状况。





catagory A/B/C travel agency 一 类/二 类/三类旅行社

guidebook 旅行指南

guide practice 导游实践

international tourism 国际旅游

itinerary 旅行计划

local guide 地陪;本地导游

national guide 全陪;全程导游

local tourist organization 地方旅游组织

minimum tour price 最低旅游价格

multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游

national tourist organization 国家旅游组织

off season 淡季

tourist peak season 旅游旺季

shoulder period/season 平季

travelling receiving country 旅游接待国

regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织

sightseeing 游览

national-level famous historical and culture

cities 国家级历史文化名城

tour arrangement 旅游安排

tour brochure 旅游小册子

tour catalogue 旅行团目录

tour escort/conductor/director 旅行团陪同

tour leader 导游

tour operation 旅游业务

tour route 旅游路线

tour talker 自动导游磁带机

tourism 旅游业

tourism activity 旅游活动

tourism circle 旅游界

touring club 旅游俱乐部

tourist association 旅游协会

tourist authority/office 旅游局

tourist council 旅游委员会

tourist destination 旅游目的地

tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区

tourist destination country 旅游目的国

tourist map 旅游地图

tourist spot 旅游景点

tourist trade 旅游业

travel business 旅游业务

travel expert 旅游专家

travel industry 旅游业

travel journalist 旅游记者

tourist periodical 旅游期刊

travel press 旅游报

travel publication 旅游出版物

travelling expense 旅费

travel writer 旅行作家


inn 小旅馆;饭店

lodge 乡间小屋;小舍

tavern 酒馆;小旅馆

caravansary 商队旅馆;大旅馆

hostel 招待所

hotel 旅馆;酒店

motel(=motor hotel)汽车旅馆

economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级酒店

some comfort hotel (two-star hotel) 二星级酒店

average hotel(three-star hotel)三星级酒店

high comfort hotel (four-star hotel) 四星级酒店

deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级酒店


single room 单人房(一张单人床)

double room 双人房(两张单人床)

big single room 大床房(一张双人大床)

triple room 三人房(三张单人床)

economy room(ER)经济间

standard room(SR)标准间

superior room(UR)高级套房

standard suit(SS)套间

deluxe room(DR)豪华间

presidential suit(PS)总统套房

multi-functional room 多功能客房

combined type rooms 组合客房


1.The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.该城市有全国规模最大、最负盛名的园林。

2.The architecture of this hall best represents the architecture of the Song Dynasty.这座殿堂的建筑风格最能代表宋朝的建筑风格。

3.The advantage of travel is that it can make us far away from the daily life,and do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.旅行的好处在于旅行可以让我们远离日常生活,还不必承担平日里琐碎的责任。

4.Reasons to travel don't need too many.A word can be summarized all—go.旅行的理由不需要阐述太多,一个字就可以概括全部——走。

5.Life is a field of practice.Short is the trip and long is life.一辈子是场修行,短的是旅行,长的是人生。

6.The scenery here is really beautiful and unforgettable.这里的风景美不胜收,让人流连忘返。

7.Life is a journey.What we care should be the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.人生就是一场旅行,我们在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

8.We are on the road, not for travel,not for someone, only to meet the unknown in the unknown.我们在路上,不为旅行,不因某人,只为在未知的途中遇见未知的人和事。

9.We visited in the best of spirits along the way.When the sun set, we were reluctant to leave.我们一路上兴致勃勃地参观,当夕阳西下时,才恋恋不舍地离开。

10.Life is a game of travelling alone.Perhaps there is someone on the same way, but eventually you will separate.This is the answer time gives to us.人生就是一场独自旅行的游戏,或许中途曾有人同路,但终将各自走散。这就是时间给我们的答案。

11.Carrying a backpack on the road,seeing a lot of people, hearing a lot of stories, seeing travel scenery, we slowly learn to grow up.背着背包的路上,看过许多人,听过许多故事,见过旅行风景,就这样,我们慢慢学会了长大。

12.The essence of travel is letting your soul find the life of spring.旅行的真谛,是带动你的灵魂,去寻找生命的春光。

13.A backpack, a ticket, a camera and a friend who can take pictures, I long for a journey without a deadline.一个背包,一张车票,一台相机,一个会拍照的朋友,我渴望一场没有期限的旅行。

14.A good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find and good thinking will have a good idea.好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。








Dear Tom,








Li Hua
