
2023-03-27 01:41河南
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年2期

河南 吕 朗


主题语境:生活 篇幅:356词 建议用时:7分钟

1Liza Scott is a seven-year-old girl in the southern US state of Alabama.She was interested in earning money.So, she created a small table where she sells a cold drink made from lemon juice, water and sugar.This is called a lemonade stand.The stand is at her mother's bakery, a business that sells baked goods like bread.Her mother, Elizabeth Scott,runs Savage's Bakery,near the city of Birmingham.

2At first, the lemonade stand was something to do for fun.Liza sold the drinks for 25 cents a glass.She was going to use the money to buy toys and pretty shoes.But then the stand became much more important.Liza has a health problem that will require surgery.She suffers from seizures(癫痫)because part of her brain did not grow correctly.Doctors in Boston will work to fix the problem during several visits.

3Elizabeth Scott said Liza has good health insurance, which will help pay for some of the treatment.But the trips to Boston will be costly and the insurance will not pay for them.Now,instead of just being a way to raise money for fun things,the money from the lemonade stand will help pay for the treatment.Selling cold drinks for less than a dollar will not actually raise much money.So instead, the stand is a place where people can visit to givemoney that will help Liza with her medical treatment.

4So far, people have come to the bakery to buy lemonade and given Liza some extra money,too.“I've got a $20 bill,a$50 bill,a$10 bill,a$5 bill and a$100 bill,”Liza said,counting the donations.So far, people have given over $12,000.But Elizabeth Scott also created an Internet fundraiser where people from anywhere can donate money to Liza.It has gathered over$300,000 so far.

5The family did not find out about Liza's problem until late January.Liza had a seizure that lasted 45 minutes.Doctors said if Liza's brain problem is not treated, she could suffer from a more serious brain injury,like a stroke.

Reading Check

Detail 1.Why did Liza Scott establish the lemon stand at first?

A.To make money for fun things.

B.To raise money for a trip.

C.To earn money for the treatment.

D.To provide lemon juice for people.

Detail 2.What made Liza Scott raise money by the lemon stand?

A.The stroke.

B.The health insurance.

C.The serious body injury.

D.The expensive trips to Boston.

Inference 3.What can we infer from the figures in paragraph 4?

A.People around Liza are warm-hearted.

B.More and more people come to help Liza out.

C.More and more people like to buy Liza's lemonade.

D.People created some Internet fundraisers for Liza.

Inference 4.What is the text?

A.A news report.B.A book review.

C.A children's story.D.A diary entry.

Language Study

Difficult sentences in the text

1.So instead, the stand is a place where people can visit to give money that will help Liza with her medical treatment.于是,这个摊子成为一个人们可以前去捐钱帮助莉莎接受治疗的地方。

【点石成金】本句中,where 引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词a place;that 引导定语从句,并且在从句中作主语。

2.Doctors said if Liza's brain problem is not treated,she could suffer from a more serious brain injury,like a stroke.医生说,如果莉莎的大脑问题得不到治疗,她可能会遭受更严重的脑损伤,比如中风。

【点石成金】本句中,if 引导的是条件状语从句,doctors say 后面是一个宾语从句,省略了引导词that。

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