
2023-03-27 01:40山西赵海峰
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年2期

山西 赵海峰


1Learning different foods, eating habits,and mealtime traditions can help us understand, appreciate, and embrace people from different backgrounds later in life.Here are a few practical tips you can try at home to introduce diverse food traditions.

2Know the food's cultural significance.Food culture is often controlled by religion,geography, lifestyle, and family beliefs.By learning the cultural significance of certain foods in specific parts of the world,we can make our dinner experiences a lot more interesting.A great way to do this is by researching food traditions online or by talking with friends from different nations.

3Cook and eat together.We can cook at home as a way to occupy ourselves, save money, and eat healthier.And we also can plan a“travel through palates”series for ourselves, cooking foods from a different destination each week.It is more fun to experiment with new foods if the entire family is on board with the process.

4Play food careers.Television shows have made us more interested in the culinary (烹饪的) arts.Besides involving the entire family in the kitchen, we can also play creative games that mirror popular cooking shows and food professions,such as playing the role of a chef,cooking competition judge,food blogger,or restaurant critic.

5Encourage a polite bite.Understand there will be times when the dish in front of us is just not appetizing.But we should have an open mind and always accept whatever we are offered, even if it is only to take a small polite bite.Set an example by tasting it first and reacting in a gracious way.Once you enjoy a certain dish, other family members are also likely to be curious about it and not want to miss out on the shared experience.

6Fortunately, pop culture has showed food experiences in school and is educating us not only to accept,but also to be grateful for the food of other civilizations.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text.

Steps of 1.foods from other cultures Introduction(Para.1)●Understand, appreciate and embrace people from different backgrounds later in life.Know the food's cultural significance●Learning the cultural significance of certain foods makes the dinner experience full of 2..Cook and eat together●We can 3.at home as a way to occupy ourselves,save money,and eat Body:four tips(Para.2~5)healthier.Play food careers●Television shows have played a great 4.in making us more interested in the culinary arts.Encourage a polite bite●There are times when the dish in front of us is what we 5..●6.your family members to have a bite by setting examples.7.(Para.6)●We should 8.and be grateful for the foods of other civilizations.

Language Study

I.Discover useful structures in the text


Learning different foods, eating habits, and mealtime traditions can help us understand,appreciate,and embrace people from different backgrounds later in life.学习不同的食物、饮食习惯和传统用餐时间可以帮助我们在以后的生活中理解、欣赏和接纳来自不同背景的人们。


Once you enjoy a certain dish, other family members are also likely to be curious about it and not want to miss out on the shared experience.一旦你吃了某一道菜,其他的家庭成员也可能会对它感到好奇,而不想错过分享的体验。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

television shows 电视节目

play the role of 扮演……角色

food blogger 美食博主

open mind 思想开明

miss out on 错过




hot pot 火锅

soybean milk 豆浆

fried bread stick 油条

dumpling 水饺

steamed bread/bun 馒头

rice noodles 米粉

pork and pickled mustard green noodles 榨菜肉丝面

sliced noodles 刀削面

spicy hot noodles 麻辣面

seafood noodles 海鲜面

seaweed soup 紫菜汤

oyster soup 牡蛎汤

fish ball soup 鱼丸汤

smelly tofu 臭豆腐

oily bean curd 油豆腐

plain white rice 白饭

rice porridge 稀饭

rice and vegetable roll 饭团

glutinous rice 糯米饭

fried rice with egg 蛋炒饭

shrimp ball 虾球

spring roll 春卷

egg roll 蛋卷

braised food 卤味

fried fish 炸鱼

clay oven roll 烧饼

fried egg 煎鸡蛋

boiled egg 水煮蛋

poached egg 荷包蛋

omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋;煎蛋卷

salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋

pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜

roast duck 烤鸭


bread 面包

toast 烤面包片;吐司

rye bread 黑麦面包

bun 小圆面包

hamburger 汉堡包

bacon cheeseburger 咸肉奶酪汉堡包

sandwich 三明治

tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治

hot dog 热狗

biscuit/cracker/cookie 饼干

pancake 烙饼/薄饼

pizza 比萨饼

meat pie 肉馅饼

barley gruel 大麦粥

oatmeal 燕麦粉;燕麦片

French fries 炸薯条

pudding 布丁;甜食

macaroni 通心面

spaghetti 意大利面条

beef steak 牛排

roast beef 烤牛肉

curry beef 咖喱牛肉

real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排

roast veal 烤小牛排

spiced beef 五香牛肉

braised beef 焖牛肉;炖牛肉

roast mutton 烤羊肉

lamb chop 羊排

pork chop 猪排

sliced ham 火腿片

roast turkey 烤火鸡

roast chicken 烤鸡

curried chicken 咖喱鸡

smoked carp 熏鲤鱼

sardine 沙丁鱼

salad dressing 沙拉调料

chicken salad 鸡肉沙拉

vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉

ham salad 火腿沙拉

blue cheese 蓝纹奶酪

baked potato 烤土豆

mashed potato 土豆泥


1.Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。

2.Radish and ginger keep away from doctors.冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方。

3.Some soup before dinner, healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。

4.Culinary methods and dining habits are part of the food culture as well.Culture can also define the taste of the people.Thus, there are differences that occur in different food cultures.烹饪方法和饮食习惯也是饮食文化的一部分。文化也可以定义人们的品位。因此,不同的饮食文化存在差异。

5.Want to be healthy? Do please treat yourself a nice breakfast.要想身体好,早餐要吃好。

6.Food culture incorporates our ethnicity and cultural heritage, and provides a mechanism of communication with others both externally and within our families and communities.饮食文化融合了我们的种族和文化遗产,并提供了一种与外部以及我们家庭和社区内部的其他人交流的机制。

7.When you visit or live within another culture, what you learn about food is also what you learn about the culture.Most locals are more than happy to share the stories of their cuisine and favourite dishes.当您拜访或生活在另一种文化中时,您对食物的了解也是您对文化的了解。大多数当地人都非常乐意分享他们烹饪的故事和最喜欢的菜肴。

8.Food choice is a process through which people think, feel, and eat food.It does not only influence individuals' health and well-being, families and communities,but also has an effect on regional,national,and global levels.食物的选择是人们思考、感受和食用食物的过程。它不仅影响个人的健康和幸福、家庭和社区,而且还会对区域、国家和全球层面产生影响。

9.Our food is more than just what sustains us, it can also be something much different.Food can speak to class divisions, changing tastes, and regional differences.And it can also signal a deep connection to history, culture, and national pride.我们的食物不仅仅是维持我们生存的东西,也可能是非同寻常的东西。食物可以说明阶级划分、口味变化和地区差异,并且它也可以表明它与历史、文化和民族自豪感的深厚联系。

10.Food is culture.We all shape and create food culture not just in the kitchen.美食就是文化。我们不仅仅是在厨房里塑造并创造了饮食文化。


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Li Hua
