
2023-03-11 23:52:40
红外技术 2023年12期




硅基BIB红外探测器研究进展 马兴招,唐利斌,张玉平,等 1 1

基于非平衡模式的碲镉汞高工作温度探测器 俞见云,孔金丞,覃 钢,等 1 15

昆明物理研究所大面积水平推舟液相外延碲镉汞薄膜技术进展 孔金丞,宋林伟,起文斌,等 2 111

类果蝇复眼视觉神经计算建模及仿生应用研究综述 章 盛,沈 洁,郑胜男,等 3 229

鱼眼镜头的研究进展及应用 江云峰,罗 敏,何红星,等 4 342

InAs/GaSb Ⅱ类超晶格长波红外探测器研究进展 田亚芳,史衍丽,李方江 8 799

光学窗口真空钎焊技术研究现状 沈 练,陈正超,任 海,等 8 808

水下光电成像技术研究进展 石 峰,程宏昌,闫 磊,等 10 1066

单帧红外图像弱小目标检测研究综述 凡遵林,王 浩,管乃洋,等 11 1133

高效叠层OLED白光器件进展 常 诚,钱福丽,芶国汝,等 11 1141

中波红外量子点材料与探测器研究进展 李 志,唐利斌,左文彬,等 12 1263


非制冷红外探测器陶瓷封装结构优化及可靠性分析 刘继伟,王金华,孙俊伟,等 1 77

覆盖层对顶发射白光微型OLED性能的影响研究 杨启鸣,钱福丽,苟国汝,等 3 303

二极管型非制冷红外焦平面中二极管结构优化研究 瞿 帆,傅剑宇,侯 影,等 3 308

一种昼夜兼容成像EMCCD图像传感器 白雪平,钟玉杰,杨 洪,等 3 315

低温背景应用长波红外焦平面探测器性能参数的计算 毛京湘,郭建华,李立华,等 5 553

化学水浴法合成硫化铅探测器的红外响应研究 杨 冬,申 钧,高恺聪,等 6 559

超长线列红外探测器拼接结构 杨小乐,周 峰,史漫丽,等 6 567

基于冲击响应谱的红外探测器引线键合研究 熊 雄,马昕剑,毛剑宏,等 6 575

碲锌镉衬底表面处理研究 江先燕,丛树仁,宁 卓,等 11 1242


基于多项式求根的双厚度透射率模型确定光学常数 杨百愚,武晓亮,王翠香,等 1 91

黑体与恒星相结合的短波红外遥感器在轨辐射定标简析 晋利兵,李晓曼,练敏隆,等 2 123

基于光谱辐射计的航空发动机红外辐射特性测试方法 王 怡,王 浩,卫子毓,等 3 292

光学载荷钢丝绳减震器的结构设计与分析 李 浩,徐钰蕾,谭淞年,等 3 298

基于光学塑料的激光制导武器光学系统研究 李福巍,王鹏辉,张运强,等 4 352

地面点源中波红外探测建模与验证研究 王楚越,杨利峰,何道刚 4 357

航空红外相机成像故障仿真研究 贾 丽,李 岩,李少猛,等 4 364

白光观瞄装备高原雪地环境适应性改进 唐 钦,刘卫军,李 璀,等 4 371

空间相机大功率热源散热设计 董奎辰,郭 亮,黄美娇,等 5 521

基于硅锗材料低成本中波红外光学系统无热化设计 贺 磊,王仁浩,侯 彬,等 5 527

光学非球面面形轮廓检测技术 焦松峰,谢启明,刘 尧,等 5 534

面向空间应用的四象限探测器筛选系统 闫万红,韩振伟,张宏吉,等 5 541

640×512帧转移EMCCD相机时序设计 沈 吉,那启跃,徐建东,等 5 548

基于轻型平台的多模态高分辨率高光谱目标检测系统 闫赟彬,崔博伦,杨婷婷,等 6 582

制冷红外光学系统中冷反射的非序列仿真分析 贺 磊,侯 彬,王仁浩,等 6 592

地球静止轨道凝视红外相机抖动引起杂波研究 卞铂渊,周 峰,李晓曼,等 7 775

红外用薄形硅窗口加工工艺研究 尹国良,董汝昆,应常宇,等 7 784

音圈致动快速反射镜机电联合仿真技术 张 宇,许永森,王福超,等 8 814

基于红外瞄具的一键自动校枪方法与系统 李江辉,骆 兵 8 822

红外热成像折转光学系统的光轴静态敏感度分析 杨 丹,金 宁,杨开宇,等 8 828

轻小型、紧凑型机载光电吊舱散热技术 何 宴,郭 宇,曾 珠,等 8 837

无人机地面滑跑状态红外辐射特性测量及分析 王 东,邹前进,刘小虎 8 845

基于多项式求根的双厚度透射率模型确定透明固体光学常数 杨百愚,武晓亮,王翠香,等 9 969

离轴四反光学系统的多物理场耦合仿真 董树林,金 宁,李 晶,等 10 1084

一种高精度船只目标光电定位系统设计与实现 李英杰,李绍军,蒋 鹏,等 10 1090

基于共光路中快反镜的复合轴控制和回扫补偿技术分析 方喜波,乔红垒 11 1230

不同视场地基红外成像设备定标方法及时机分析 邹前进,张恒伟,王 东,等 11 1236

轻小型中波红外连续变焦光学系统设计 唐 晗,李洪兵,彭 浪,等 12 1278

星载观星相机系统设计及其硬件实现 徐冬冬,付天骄,杜丽敏,等 12 1286

多波段图像融合系统光轴平行性装调技术研究 张 奇,陆庆华,郭 骞,等 12 1294

基于先验信息的热像仪可靠性评估 王世锦,郑万祥,程敬辉,等 12 1299


结合信息感知与多尺度特征的红外与可见光图像融合 曲海成,胡倩倩,张雪聪,等 7 685

一种结合结构与能量信息的全色与多光谱图像融合方法 宋加文,朱大明,左小清,等 7 696

基于显著性检测与MDLatLRR分解的红外与可见光图像融合 龙志亮,邓月明,王润民,等 7 705

可见光与红外图像分区融合的夜视抗晕光方法 梁嘉豪,郭全民,王晗蕾,等 7 714

基于Swin Transformer和混合特征聚合的红外与可见光图像融合方法 李碧草,卢佳熙,刘洲峰,等 7 721

基于空洞卷积与双注意力机制的红外与可见光图像融合 何 乐,李忠伟,罗 偲,等 7 732

基于孪生网络的无人机目标多模态融合检测 韩自强,岳明凯,张 骢,等 7 739


红外热成像技术在FRP复合材料/热障涂层无损检测应用中的研究现状与进展 郑 凯,罗志涛,张 辉 10 1008

超声红外热成像技术国内研究现状与进展 江海军,盛 涛,郑金华,等 10 1020

基于YOLO v5的带涂层钢结构亚表面缺陷脉冲涡流热成像智能检测 张玉彬,刘鹏谦,陈丽娜,等 10 1029

线激光扫描热成像无损检测参数仿真 王禄祥,张志杰,陈昊泽,等 10 1038

滚动轴承红外热成像故障诊断与状态监测 王建鑫,郭佑民,杨 君,等 10 1045

基于脉冲红外热成像技术的锂电池端盖焊接质量检测 洪 颖,安 伟,江海军,等 10 1052

基于红外锁相法缺陷深度检测的仿真 牛 奕,吴 锡,甘玲童,等 10 1059


基于改进的MSRCR-CLAHE融合的水下图像增强算法 马敏慧,王红茹,王 佳 1 23

基于KL散度与通道选择的热红外目标跟踪算法 吴 捷,段艳艳,马小虎 1 33

基于GNR先验的电力设备热成像超分辨率方法 刘云峰,赵洪山,杨晋彪,等 1 40

基于Agisoft Metashape图像拼接的无人机环境热像监测应用研究 徐 旭,康 青,陈善静,等 1 49

基于高光谱成像技术的涂抹掩盖字迹识别方法研究 王鸣久,代雪晶,汤澄清,等 1 56

空中目标夜间不同方位长波红外辐射特性分析 邹前进,刘胜利,刘小虎,等 1 64

基于MSPCNN与FCM的红外与可见光图像融合 邸 敬,王国栋,马 帅,等 1 69

改进Chan-Vese模型的电力设备红外图像分割算法 张秋铭,李云红,罗雪敏,等 2 129

基于改进的ViBe和YOLO v3算法的行人检测方法 李士骥,李忠民,李 威 2 137

基于多尺度和注意力模型的红外与可见光图像融合 黄玲琳,李 强,路锦正,等 2 143

基于多特征自适应融合的抗遮挡目标跟踪算法 张方方,曹家晖,王海静,等 2 150

基于灰度变换及改进Retinex的低照度图像增强 游达章,陶加涛,张业鹏,等 2 161

自注意力引导的红外与可见光图像融合算法 王天元,罗晓清,张战成 2 171

面向双模态红外图像融合算法选取的联合可能性落影构造 吴 强,吉琳娜,杨风暴,等 2 178

基于红外图像的ISSA-BP神经网络机载电路板芯片故障诊断 王 力,谢晓怀,张亦弛 3 241

基于FCM与引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合 蒋杰伟,刘尚辉,金 库,等 3 249

基于结构与分解的红外光强与偏振图像融合 陈锦妮,陈宇洋,李云红,等 3 257

红外与可见光图像多尺度Transformer融合方法 陈彦林,王志社,邵文禹,等 3 266

基于Lazy Snapping混合模拟退火算法的高压开关柜温度场红外三维图像重建仿真 王 洁,伍 弘,詹仲强,等 3 276

可见光和红外图像决策级融合目标检测算法 宁大海,郑 晟 3 282

基于卷积神经网络结合NSCT的红外与可见光图像融合 曹宇彤,宦克为,薛 超,等 4 378

基于改进YOLO v3算法的空中红外目标检测 李彦锴,许媛媛,刘子琪,等 4 386

基于语义分割的红外图像增强方法 练 琤,张宝辉,江云峰,等 4 394

融合视觉注意机制的高光谱RX异常检测算法 李茗欣,黄远程,竞 霞,等 4 402

红外偏振成像系统性能评估模型 王 霞,赵家碧,孙琪扬,等 5 437

基于模糊推理的电气设备红外图像分割 曾水玲,唐敏之 5 446

一种复杂背景下的故障电气设备整体分割方法 顾亚雄,冯爽爽 5 455

基于多尺度域红外目标分割及特征点匹配的泡沫流速检测 施雯玲,廖一鹏,许志猛,等 5 463

针对多尺度目标的轻量级红外目标检测算法 郑 璐,彭月平,周彤彤 5 474

时空域自适应滤波非均匀性校正算法 郭玉婷,贾晓洪,李丽娟,等 5 482

基于多源图像融合的光伏面板缺陷检测 闫 号,戴佳佳,龚小溪,等 5 488

基于深度卷积神经网络的红外图像超分辨率重建技术 袁茜琳,张宝辉,张 倩,等 5 498

基于YOLO-MIR算法的多尺度红外目标检测网络 周金杰,吉 莉,张 倩,等 5 506

基于局部熵-局部对比度和双区域直方图均衡化的红外图像增强 何智博,曾祥进,邓 晨,等 6 598

改进麻雀搜索算法及其在红外图像分割的应用 胡春安,王丰奇,朱东林,等 6 605

基于受限光值与透射率修正的图像去雾算法 张俊林,石冬阳,杨慧敏,等 6 613

红外点目标双门限检测方法研究 刘 辉,刘太阳,王成良,等 6 622

LPformer:基于拉普拉斯金字塔多级Transformer的红外小目标检测 杜妮妮,单凯东,卫莎莎 6 630

基于双注意力机制的红外与可见光图像融合方法 陈 欣 6 639

类HED网络的热红外图像显著性人体检测深度网络 张 骏,张 鹏,张 政,等 6 649

融合注意力机制的多尺度红外目标检测 李向荣,孙立辉 7 746

结合帧差的核相关滤波弱小红外目标检测 王玉萍,曾 毅 7 755

基于改进模糊C均值聚类的图像融合算法 巩稼民,吴艺杰,刘 芳,等 8 849

基于边缘结构特征的红外与可见光图像配准算法 徐海洋,赵 伟,刘建业 8 858

脉冲激光近感探测烟雾回波特性仿真研究 赵雷磊,贺 伟,张 森,等 8 863

基于N-RGAN模型的红外与可见光图像融合 沈 瑜,梁 丽,王海龙,等 9 897

基于自适应增强与显著性检测的可见光与红外图像融合算法 陈思静,付志涛,李梓谦,等 9 907

NSST域下基于引导滤波与稀疏表示的红外与可见光图像融合 武凌霄,康家银,姬云翔 9 915

一种无人机视角下的小目标检测算法 李 杨,武连全,杨海涛,等 9 925

基于纹理先验和颜色聚类的图像增强算法 刘正男,刘春静 9 932

基于语义损失的红外与可见光图像融合算法 丁华彬,丁麒文 9 941

夹层共底结构红外图像拼接方法 盛 涛,郑金华,向 苹,等 9 948

基于暗通道先验的短波红外图像去雾 刘燕晴,李中文,于世孔,等 9 954

基于偏振自适应融合图像的水下物证探测方法 高 毅,于津强,张笑东,等 9 962

基于空洞全局注意力机制的近红外图像彩色化方法 高美玲,段 锦,赵伟强,等 10 1096

基于颜色校正的水下照明图像融合方法 邱啟蒙,张亚加,高智强,等 11 1153

风电场无人机巡检红外叶片图像拼接算法 周登科,郭星辰,史凯特,等 11 1161

基于结构张量筛选和局部对比度分析的空中红外小目标检测算法 何邦盛,王忠华 11 1169

基于RGB-T图像的双流残差扩张网络人群计数算法 杨佩龙,陈树越,杨尚瑜,等 11 1177

基于CSE-YOLOv5的遥感图像目标检测方法 沈凌云,郎百和,宋正勋,等 11 1187

基于多模态图像信息的变电设备红外分割方法 张志超,左雷鹏,邹 捷,等 11 1198

多尺度自校正双直方图均衡化红外图像增强 张 桓,陈志盛 11 1207

基于引导滤波二尺度分解的红外与可见光图像融合 张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等 11 1216

基于PIE和CGAN的无人农机红外与可见光图像融合 王红君,杨一鸣,赵 辉,等 11 1223

Infrared-PV:面向监控应用的红外目标检测数据集 陈 旭,吴 蔚,彭冬亮,等 12 1304

基于改进Alphapose的红外图像人体摔倒检测算法 张 鹏,沈玉真,李培华,等 12 1314

电力线电晕放电紫外图像精确分割方法 刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等 12 1322

基于灰度特征和众数原则的迭代双边中值滤波 衷 文,罗启强 12 1330


壁式喷头红外降温特性试验研究 付云鹏,范骏威,杨卫英,等 5 513

导弹打击地面弱红外目标的数字孪生导引律 王黎光,税俊洁,徐鲁辉,等 7 768


基于红外数字全息的建筑爆破环境应力场检测研究 赖本林,张永安,张亚萍,等 1 102

基于改进YOLO v5s算法的光伏组件故障检测 孙建波,王丽杰,麻吉辉,等 2 202

基于TDLAS技术与小波变换去噪算法的甲烷浓度检测 梁承权,吕德深,朱浩亮,等 2 209

基于近红外图像处理的便携式干眼诊断仪研究 魏 琪,李 杰,邱选兵,等 2 217

基于紫外图谱的盘式绝缘子放电强度径向分布研究 谢宏伟,徐国辉,吕通发,等 2 223

环境因素影响下特高压电压致热型设备表面温差修正方法研究 张丕沛,师 伟,郭晨瑞,等 3 328

基于红外图像处理的建筑外窗气密性能现场检测 张玲玲,任攀攀,许 廒,等 4 410

融合注意力分支特征的甲烷泄漏红外图像分割 何自芬,曹辉柱,张印辉,等 4 417

基于改进YOLOX的X射线违禁物品检测 武连全,楚宪腾,杨海涛,等 4 427

用于二氧化碳浓度红外检测的温度补偿研究 刘 崎,汪 磊,朱向冰,等 6 671

基于红外图像特征融合的变电站机器人巡视轨迹三维点云配准方法 靳 丹,刘晓光,石 刚,等 6 678

红外探测器多余物的危害及预防 雷永畅,李建林,董 伟,等 7 790

基于谱残差变换的电力设备热缺陷识别技术 黄志鸿,肖 剑,徐先勇,等 8 884

用于辅助驾驶汽车的红外照明系统 庄亚宝,刘 杰,薛 豪,等 9 990

基于红外图像处理的建筑外窗缺陷能耗分析研究 张玲玲,张继冉,许 廒,等 9 996

基于梯度图像融合的接触网绝缘子故障检测 石 杰,张 靖,钟汉华 10 1106

基于三直方图均衡的SF6红外图像对比度增强方法 刘 赫,赵天成,李嘉帅,等 10 1118

基于多尺度模板匹配的配电线路劣化绝缘子红外热像检测 童志鹏,邱志斌,吴睿雯, 12 1337

基于改进ANFIS的绝缘子紫外光斑评估方法 徐国辉,谢宏伟,吕通发, 12 1346

基于红外成像的中低压电网电力稳定器高温运行可靠性图像识别方法 代子阔,史可鉴,宋仕达, 12 1351


基于涡流脉冲热成像的焊缝表面多缺陷检测 王传钊,姜秀海,晁永生,等 1 84

基于一维残差网络的复合绝缘子发热缺陷检测 董懿飞,王晓杰,王仁书,等 6 663

编织复合材料低速冲击损伤超声热成像检测 李 胤,宋远佳,江海军,等 8 876

基于改进YOLO v5算法的光伏组件红外热成像缺陷检测 孔松涛,徐甄泽,林星宇,等 9 974

基于Bi-LSTM的金属疲劳裂纹涡流脉冲热像技术检测与识别 林 丽,姜 景,朱俊臻,等 9 982

基于改进YOLOv3的避雷器红外图像故障检测方法 胡泰山,刘 浩,刘 刚,等 11 1256


金学元,陈今良 12 1358


三代微光像增强器亮度增益对像质影响的分析 冯丹青,郭欣达,拜晓锋,等 2 188

微通道板斜切角对像增强器性能的影响研究 曾进能,李 臻,褚祝军,等 3 322

超二代像增强器分辨力提高方法 李廷涛,龚燕妮,曾进能,等 4 335

一种微光像增强器的电磁兼容设计与实现 杜培德,褚祝军,曾进能,等 6 658

超二代微光像增强器性能随工作时间的影响研究 曾进能,杨琼连,龚燕妮,等 8 869

自动门控像增强器温度补偿技术研究 李亚情,左加宁,李晓露,等 10 1126


线性斯特林制冷机逆变器的频率精度分析 陈 蕊,孔德锐,唐天敏,等 1 95

HOT器件用旋转式斯特林制冷机研究进展 赵文丽,李昊岚,孙 皓,等 2 195


小波梯度域重建融合法应用于龋齿太赫兹成像 柳启航,何明霞,赵晋武,等 8 890

Subject matterAuthorNo.Page


Research Progress of Silicon-based BIB Infrared Detector MA Xingzhao,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al 1 1

High Operation Temperature Non-equilibrium Photovoltaic HgCdTe Devices YU Jianyun ,KONG Jincheng,QIN Gang,et al 1 15

Progress in LPE Growth of HgCdTe at Kunming Institute of Physics KONG Jincheng,SONG Linwei,QI Wenbin,et al 2 111

Research Review of Drosophila-like Compound Eye Visual Neural Computational Modeling and Bionic Applications ZHANG Sheng,SHEN Jie,ZHENG Shengnan,et al 3 229

Research and Application of Fisheye Lens JIANG Yunfeng,LUO Min,HE Hongxing,et al 4 342

Research Progress of InAs/GaSb Type-Ⅱ Superlattice Long-wave Infrared Detector TIAN Yafang,SHI Yanli,LI Fangjiang 8 799

Current Status of Vacuum Brazing Technology for Optical Windows SHEN Lian,CHEN Zhengchao,REN Hai,et al 8 808

Advances in Underwater Photoelectric Imaging Technology SHI Feng,CHENG Hongchang,YAN Lei,et al 10 1066

Review of Dim Small Target Detection Research in Single Infrared Image FAN Zunlin,WANG Hao,GUAN Naiyang,et al 11 1133

Development of Highly Efficient Tandem White OLEDs CHANG Cheng,QIAN Fuli,GOU Guoru,et al 11 1141

Research Progress of Materials and Detectors for Mid-wave Infrared Quantum Dots LI Zhi,TANG Libin,ZUO Wenbin,et al 12 1263


Ceramic Package Structure Optimization and Reliability Analysis for Uncooled Infrared Detectors LIU Jiwei,WANG Jinhua,SUN Junwei,et al 1 77

Research on Capping Layer for Top-emitting White OLED Micro-display Performance YANG Qiming,QIAN Fuli,GOU Guoru,et al 3 303

Optimizing Diode Structure in Uncooled Infrared Focal Plane Array QU Fan,FU Jianyu,HOU Ying,et al 3 308

An EMCCD Imaging Sensor Capturing Images from Sunlight to Starlight BAI Xueping,ZHONG Yujie,YANG Hong,et al 3 315

Calculation of Parameters for Long Wave Infrared FPA Detectors Applied in Low-temperature Background MAO Jingxiang,GUO Jianhua,LI Lihua,et al 5 553

Infrared Response of Lead Sulfide Detector Synthesized from Chemical Bath Deposition YANG Dong,SHEN Jun,GAO Kaicong,et al 6 559

Splicing Structure of Ultra-long Linear Infrared Detector YANG Xiaole,ZHOU Feng,SHI Manli,et al 6 567

Wire Bonding of Infrared Detector Based on Shock Response Spectrum XIONG Xiong,MA Xinjian,MAO Jianhong,et al 6 575

Surface Processing of Cadmium Zinc Telluride Substrates JIANG Xianyan,CONG Shuren,NING Zhuo,et al 11 1242


Determination of Optical Constants by Double Thickness Transmittance Model Based on Polynomial Root YANG Baiyu,WU Xiaoliang,WANG Cuixiang,et al 1 91

Analysis of the In-Orbit Radiation Calibration of SWIR Remote Sensing System Combined with Blackbody and Star JIN Libing,LI Xiaoman,LIAN Minlong,et al 2 123

Test of Infrared Radiation Characteristic for Aero-engines Based on Spectral Radiometer WANG Yi,WANG Hao,WEI Ziyu,et al 3 292

Structural Design and Analysis of Optical Load for Wire-Rope Shock Absorber LI Hao,XU Yulei,TAN Songnian ,et al 3 298

Research on Optical System of Laser-Guided Weapon Based on Optical Plastic LI Fuwei,WANG Penghui,ZHANG Yunqiang ,et al 4 352

Modeling and Verification of Ground Point Source for Mid-Wave Infrared Detection WANG Chuyue,YANG Lifeng,HE Daogang 4 357

Simulation of Imaging Fault of Aerial Infrared Camera JIA Li,LI Yan,LI Shaomeng,et al 4 364

Adaptability Improvement of White Light Observation and Sighting Equipments in Plateau Snow Environment TANG Qin,LIU Weijun,LI Cui,et al 4 371

Heat-Dissipation Design for Space Camera High-Power Heat Source DONG Kuichen,GUO Liang,HUANG Meijiao,et al 5 521

Athermalization Design of a Low-cost Medium-wave Infrared Optical System Based on Si/Ge Material HE Lei,WANG Renhao,HOU Bi,et al 5 527

Optical Aspheric Surface Profile Testing Technology JIAO Songfeng,XIE Qiming,LIU Yao,et al 5 534

Screening System of Four-quadrant Detector for Space Application YAN Wanhong,HAN Zhenwei,ZHANG Hongji ,et al 5 541

640×512 Frame Transfer EMCCD Camera Timing Sequence Design SHEN Ji,NA Qiyue,XU Jiandong,et al 5 548

Multi-modal High-Resolution Hyperspectral Object Detection System Based on Lightweight Platform YAN Yunbin,CUI Bolun,YANG Tingting ,et al 6 582

Non-Sequential Simulation Analysis of Narcissus Effect for Cooled Infrared Optical System HE Lei,HOU Bin,WANG Renhao,et al 6 592

Study on Dither-caused Clutter for Staring Infrared Camera in Geostationary Orbit BIAN Boyuan,ZHOU Feng,LI Xiaoman,et al 7 775

Research on Thin Silicon Windows Processing Technology for Infrared YIN Guoliang,DONG Rukun,YING Changyu,et al 7 784

Electromechanical Co-simulation Technology of Fast Steering Mirror Driven by Voice Coil Motor ZHANG Yu,XU Yongsen,WANG Fuchao,et al 8 814

Method and System of One-key Automatic Gun Calibration Based on Infrared Sight LI Jianghui,LUO Bing 8 822

Optical Axis Static Sensitivity Analysis for Infrared Thermal Imaging Folding Optical System YANG Dan,JIN Ning,YANG Kaiyu,et al 8 828

Thermal Management Technology of Light,Small,and Compact Airborne Photo-Electric Pod HE Yan,GUO Yu,ZENG Zhu,et al 8 837

Measurement and Analysis of Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Taxiing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles WANG Dong,ZOU Qianjin,LIU Xiaohu 8 845

Determination of Optical Constants of Transparent Solids Based on Double Thickness Transmittance Model of Polynomial Root YANG Baiyu,WU Xiaoliang,WANG Cuixiang,et al 9 969

Multi-physical Field Coupling Simulation of Off-axis Four-mirror Optical System DONG Shulin,JIN Ning,LI Jing,et al 10 1084

Design and Implementation of a High-precision Ship Target Photoelectric Positioning System LI Yingjie,LI Shaojun,JIANG Peng,et al 10 1090

Analysis of Composite Axis Control and Flyback Compensation Technology Based on Fast Reflector in Common Optical Patch FANG Xibo,QIAO Honglei 11 1230

Analysis of Calibration Method and Occasion of Ground-based Infrared Imaging Equipments with Different FOVs ZOU Qianjin,ZHANG Hengwei,WANG Dong,et al 11 1236

Optical Design of Light-Small MWIR Continuous Zoom System TANG Han,LI Hongbin,PENG Lang,et al 12 1278

Design and Hardware Implementation of Spaceborne Stargazing Camera System XU Dongdong,FU Tianjiao,DU Limin,et al 12 1286

Research on Optical Axis Parallelism Adjustment Technology for Multi-band Image Fusion System ZHANG Qi,LU Qinghua,GUO Qian,et al 12 1294

Reliability Estimation of Thermal Imagers Based on Prior Information WANG Shijin,ZHENG Wanxiang,CHENG Jinghui,et al 12 1299


Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Combining Information Perception and Multiscale Features QU Haicheng,HU Qianqian,ZHANG Xuecong 7 685

A Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion Method Combining Energy and Structural Information SONG Jiawen,ZHU Daming,ZUO Xiaoqing,et al 7 696

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Saliency Detection and Latent Low-Rank Representation LONG Zhiliang,DENG Yueming,WANG Runmin,et al 7 705

Night Vision Anti-halation Method Based on Partition Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images LIANG Jiahao,GUO Quanmin,WANG Hanlei 7 714

Infrared and Visible Light Image Fusion Method Based on Swin Transformer and Hybrid Feature Aggregation LI Bicao,LU Jiaxi,LIU Zhoufeng,et al 7 721

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Dilated Convolution and Dual Attention Mechanism HE Le,LI Zhongwei,LUO Cai,et al 7 732

Multimodal Fusion Detection of UAV Target Based on Siamese Network HAN Ziqiang,YUE Mingkai,ZHANG Cong,et al 7 739


Research Status of Infrared Thermography in NDT of FRP Composites/Thermal Barrier Coatings and Its Development ZHENG Kai,LUO Zhitao,ZHANG Hui 10 1008

Research Status and Development of Ultrasonic Infrared Thermography in China JIANG Haijun,SHENG Tao,ZHENG Jinhua,et al 10 1020

YOLO v5-based Intelligent Detection for Eddy Current Pulse Thermography of Subsurface Defects in Coated Steel Structures ZHANG Yubin,LIU Pengqian,CHEN Lina,et al 10 1029

Parameters Simulation in Line Laser Scanning Thermography Nondestructive Testing WANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,CHEN Haoze,et al 10 1038

Fault Diagnosis and Status Monitoring of Rolling Bearings Using Infrared Thermal Imaging WANG Jianxin,GUO Youmin,YANG Jun,et al 10 1045

Welding Quality Inspection for Explosion-proof Sheet of Lithium Battery Based on Pulsed Infrared Thermography HONG Ying,AN Wei,JIANG Haijun,et al 10 1052

Simulation of Defect Depth Detection Based on Infrared Phase Locking NIU Yi,WU Xi,GAN Lingtong,et al 10 1059


An Underwater Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Improved MSRCR-CLAHE Fusion MA Minhui,WANG Hongru,WANG Jia 1 23

Thermal Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on KL Divergence and Channel Selection WU Jie,DUAN Yanyan,MA Xiaohu 1 33

Super Resolution Method for Power Equipment Infrared Imaging Based on Gradient Norm-ratio Prior LIU Yunfeng,ZHAO Hongshan,YANG Jinbiao,et al 1 40

Application of UAV Environmental Thermography Monitoring Based on Agisoft Metashape Image Mosaic XU Xu,KANG Qing,CHEN Shanjing,et al 1 49

Research on Identification Method of Covered Handwriting Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technology WANG Mingjiu,DAI Xuejing,TANG Chengqing,et al 1 56

Analysis of Long-wave Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Aerial Target in Different Azimuth at Night ZOU Qianjin,LIU Shengli,LIU Xiaohu,et al 1 64

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on MSPCNN and FCM DI Jing,WANG Guodong,MA Shuai,et al 1 69

Electric Equipment Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Improved Chan-Vese Model ZHANG Qiuming,LI Yunhong,LUO Xuemin ,et al 2 129

Pedestrian Detection Method Based on Improved ViBe and YOLO v3 Algorithms LI Shiji,LI Zhongmin,LI Wei 2 137

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Multi-scale and Attention Model HUANG Linglin,LI Qiang,LU Jinzheng,et al 2 143

Anti-Occlusion Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Multifeature Self-Adaptive Fusion ZHANG Fangfang,CAO Jiahui,WANG Haijing,et al 2 150

Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Gray Scale Transformation and Improved Retinex YOU Dazhang,TAO Jiatao,ZHANG Yepeng,et al 2 161

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Self-attention Learning WANG Tianyuan,LUO Xiaoqing,ZHANG Zhancheng 2 171

Joint Possibility Drop Shadow Construction for Selection of Bimodal Infrared Image Fusion Algorithm WU Qiang,JI Linna,YANG Fengbao,et al 2 178

Infrared Image-based ISSA-BP Neural Network for Airborne Circuit Board Chip Fault Diagnosis WANG Li,XIE Xiaohuai,ZHANG Yichi 3 241

Infrared and Visible-Light Image Fusion Based on FCM and Guided Filtering JIANG Jiewei,LIU Shanghui,JIN Ku,et al 3 249

Fusion of Infrared Intensity and Polarized Images Based on Structure and Decomposition CHEN Jinni,CHEN Yuyang,LI Yunhong,et al 3 257

Multi-scale Transformer Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible Images CHEN Yanlin,WANG Zhishe,SHAO Wenyu,et al 3 266

Simulation of Infrared 3D Image Reconstruction of High Voltage Switchgear Temperature Field Based on Lazy Snapping Hybrid Simulated Annealing Algorithm WANG Jie,WU Hong,ZHAN Zhongqiang,et al 3 276

An Object Detection Algorithm Based on Decision-Level Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images NING Dahai,ZHENG Sheng 3 282

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on CNN with NSCT CAO Yutong,HUAN Kewei,XUE Chao,et al 4 378

Aerial Infrared Target Detection Based on Improved YOLO v3 Algorithm LI Yankai,XU Yuanyuan,LIU Ziqi,et al 4 386

An Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Semantic Segmentation LIAN Cheng,ZHANG Baohui,JIANG Yunfeng ,et al 4 394

Hyperspectral RX Anomaly Detection Algorithm with Visual Attention Mechanism LI Mingxin,HUANG Yuancheng,JING Xia,et al 4 402

Performance Evaluation Model for Infrared Polarization Imaging System WANG Xia,ZHAO Jiabi,SUN Qiyang,et al 5 437

Infrared Image Segmentation for Electrical Equipment Based on Fuzzy Inference ZENG Shuiling,TANG Minzhi 5 446

A Holistic Segmentation Method for Faulty Electrical Equipment under Complex Background GU Yaxiong,FENG Shuangshuang 5 455

Foam Flow Rate Detection Based on Infrared Target Segmentation and SURF Matching in NSST Domain SHI Wenling,LIAO Yipeng,XU Zhimeng,et al 5 463

A Lightweight Infrared Target Detection Algorithm for Multi-scale Targets ZHENG Lu,PENG Yueping,ZHOU Tongtong 5 474

Space-Time Domain Adaptive Filtering Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm GUO Yuting,JIA Xiaohong,LI Lijuan,et al 5 482

Defect Detection of Photovoltaic Panel Based on Multisource Image Fusion YAN Hao,DAI Jiajia,GONG Xiaoxi,et al 5 488

Infrared Images with Super-resolution Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network YUAN Xilin,ZHANG Baohui,ZHANG Qian,et al 5 498

Multiscale Infrared Object Detection Network Based on YOLO-MIR Algorithm ZHOU Jinjie,JI Li,ZHANG Qian,et al 5 506

Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Local Entropy-Local Contrast and Dual-area Histogram Equalization HE Zhibo,ZENG Xiangjin,DENG Chen,et al 6 598

Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm and Its Application in Infrared Image Segmentation HU Chunan,WANG Fengqi,ZHU Donglin 6 605

Image Defogging Algorithm Based on Limited Light Value and Transmittance Correction ZNANG Junlin,SHI Dongyang,YANG Huimin ,et al 6 613

Double Threshold Detection Algorithm for Infrared Point Targets LIU Hui,LIU Taiyang,WANG Chengliang,et al 6 622

LPformer: Laplacian Pyramid Multi-Level Transformer for Infrared Small Target Detection DU Nini,SHAN Kaidong,WEI Shasha 6 630

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Double Attention Generative Adversarial Networks CHEN Xin 6 639

Similar HED-Net for Salient Human Detection in Thermal Infrared Images ZHANG Jun,ZHANG Peng,ZHANG Zheng,et al 6 649

Multiscale Infrared Target Detection Based on Attention Mechanism LI Xiangrong,SUN Lihui 7 746

Weak and Small Infrared Target Detection Combined With Frame Difference Kernel Correlation Filtering WANG Yuping,ZENG Yi 7 755

Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved Fuzzy C-means Clustering GONG Jiamin,WU Yijie,LIU Fang,et al 8 849

Infrared and Visible Image Registration Algorithm Based on Edge Structure Features XU Haiyang,ZHAO Wei,LIU Jianye 8 858

Simulation of Smoke Echo Characteristics of Pulsed Laser Proximity Detection ZHAO Leilei,HE Wei,ZHANG Sen ,et al 8 863

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on N-RGAN Model SHEN Yu,LIANG Li,WANG Hailong,et al 9 897

A Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Adaptive Enhancement and Saliency Detection CHEN Sijing,FU Zhitao,LI Ziqian,et al 9 907

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Guided Filter and Sparse Representation in NSST Domain WU Lingxiao,KANG Jiayin,JI Yunxiang 9 915

A Small Target Detection Algorithm from UAV Perspective LI Yang,WU Lianquan,YANG Haitao,et al 9 925

Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Texture Prior and Color Clustering LIU Zhengnan,LIU Chunjing 9 932

Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Images Based on Semantic Loss DING Huabin,DING Qiwen 9 941

Infrared Image Stitching Method for Sandwich Bulkhead Structure SHENG Tao,ZHENG Jinhua,XIANG Ping,et al 9 948

Shortwave Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Dark Channel Prior LIU Yanqing,LI Zhongwen,YU Shikong,et al 9 954

Underwater Evidence Detection Method Based on Polarization Fusion Image GAO Yi,YU Jinqiang,ZHANG Xiaodong,et al 9 962

Near-infrared Image Colorization Method Based on a Dilated Global Attention Mechanism GAO Meiling,DUAN Jin,ZHAO Weiqiang,et al 10 1096

Underwater Illumination Image Fusion Method Based on Color Correction QIU Qimeng,ZHANG Yajia,GAO Zhiqiang,et al 11 1153

Infrared Blade Image Stitching Algorithm for Wind Farm UAV Inspection ZHOU Dengke,GUO Xingchen,SHI Kaite,et al 11 1161

Aerial Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Structure Tensor Screening and Local Contrast Analysis HE Bangsheng,WANG Zhonghua 11 1169

Two-Stream Residual Dilation Network Algorithm for Crowd Counting Based on RGB-T Images YANG Peilong,CHEN Shuyue,YANG Shangyu,et al 11 1177

Remote Sensing Image Target Detection Method Based on CSE-YOLOv5 SHEN Lingyun,LANG Baihe,SONG Zhengxun ,et al 11 1187

Segmentation Method of Substation Equipment Infrared Image Based on Multimodal Image Information ZHANG Zhichao,ZUO Leipeng,ZOU Jie,et al 11 1198

Multi-scale Auto-Corrected Bi-Histogram Equalization for Infrared Image Enhancement ZHANG Huan,CHEN Zhisheng 11 1207

Two-scale Image Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images Based on Guided Filtering Decomposition ZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili,et al 11 1216

Infrared and Visible Image Fusion of Unmanned Agricultural Machinery Based on PIE and CGAN WANG Hongjun,YANG Yiming,ZHAO Hui,et al 11 1223

Infrared-PV: an Infrared Target Detection Dataset for Surveillance Application CHEN Xu,WU Wei,PENG Dongliang,et al 12 1304

Infrared Image Human Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Improved Alphapose ZHANG Peng,SHEN Yuzhen,LI Peihua,et al 12 1314

New Corona Discharge Segmentation Method for Power Line Based on Ultraviolet Image LIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al 12 1322

Iterative Bilateral Median Filter Based on Intensity Features and Mode Principle ZHONG Wen,LUO Qiqiang 12 1330


Experimental Analysis of Infrared Cooling Characteristics of Wall-attached Nozzle FU Yunpeng,FAN Junwei,YANG Weiying,et al 5 513

Digital Twin Guidance Law for Missile to Hit Weak Ground Infrared Target WANG Liguang,SHUI Junjie,XU Luhui,et al 7 768


Research on Stress Field Detection of Building Blasting Environment Based on Infrared Digital Holography LAI Benlin,ZHANG Yongan,ZHANG Yaping,et al 1 102

Photovoltaic Module Fault Detection Based on Improved YOLOv5s Algorithm SUN Jianbo,WANG Lijie,MA Jihui ,et al 2 202

Detection of Methane Concentration Based on TDLAS Technology and Wavelet Transform Denoising Algorithm LIANG Chengquan,LYU Deshen,ZHU Haoliang,et al 2 209

Portable Dry Eye Diagnosis Instrument Using Near-infrared Image Procession WEI Qi,LI Jie,QIU Xuanbing,et al 2 217

Radial Distribution of Discharge Intensity about Disk-shaped Insulator Based on Ultraviolet Image XIE Hongwei,XU Guohui,LYU Tongfa,et al 2 223

Correction Method of Surface Temperature Difference of UHV Heating Equipment under the Influence of Environmental Factors ZHANG Pipei,SHI Wei,GUO Chenrui ,et al 3 328

On-Site Detection of Airtightness of Building Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing ZHANG Lingling,REN Panpan,XU Ao,et al 4 410

Infrared Image Segmentation of Methane Leaks Incorporating Attentional Branching Features HE Zifen,CAO Huizhu,ZHANG Yinhui,et al 4 417

X-ray Detection of Prohibited Items Based on Improved YOLOX WU Lianquan,CHU Xianteng,YANG Haitao,et al 4 427

Temperature Compensation for Infrared Detection of Carbon Dioxide Concentration JIN Dan,LIU Xiaoguang,SHI Gang,et al 6 671

3D Point Cloud Registration Method for Substation Robot Patrol Tracks JIN Dan,LIU Xiaoguang,SHI Gang ,et al 6 678

Redundant Object Damage and Prevention Method for Infrared Detectors LEI Yongchang,LI Jianlin,DONG Wei,et al 7 790

Spectral Residual Transformation for Thermal Defect Detection of Power Equipment HUANG Zhihong,XIAO Jian,XU Xianyong,et al 8 884

Vehicle Infrared Illumination System for Assistant Driving ZHUANG Yabao,LIU Jie,XUE Hao,et al 9 990

Energy Consumption Analysis of Building Window Defects Based on Infrared Image Processing ZHANG Lingling,ZHANG Jiran,XU Ao,et al 9 996

Catenary Insulator Fault Detection Based on Gradient Image Fusion SHI Jie,ZHANG Jing,ZHONG Hanhua 10 1106

Contrast Enhancement Method of SF6Infrared Image Based on Tri-histogram Equalization Algorithm LIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LI Jiashuai,et al 10 1118

Infrared Thermal Image Detection of Faulty Insulators in Distribution Lines Based on Multi-scale Template Matching TONG Zhipeng,QIU Zhibin,WU Ruiwen,et al 12 1337

Assessment Method of Ultraviolet Spot Area for Insulators Based on Improved ANFIS XU Guohui,XIE Hongwei,LYU Tongfa,et al 12 1346

Reliability Image Recognition Method for High Temperature Operation of Power Stabilizer in Medium and Low Voltage Grid Based on Infrared Imaging DAI Zikuo,SHI Kejian,SONG Shida,et al 12 1351


Multi-defect Detection of Welding Surface Based on Eddy Current Pulse Thermography WANG Chuanzhao,JIANG Xiuhai,CHAO Yongsheng,et al 1 84

Thermal Defect Detection of Composite Insulator Based on One-dimensional Residual Network DONG Yifei,WANG Xiaojie,WANG Renshu,et al 6 663

Low-velocity Impact Damage Detection of Woven Composites Based on Ultrasonic Infrared Thermography LI Yin,SONG Yuanjia,JIANG Haijun,et al 8 876

Infrared Thermal Imaging Defect Detection of Photovoltaic Module Based on Improved YOLO v5 Algorithm KONG Songtao,XU Zhenze,LIN Xingyu,et al 9 974

Detection and Recognition of Metal Fatigue Cracks by Bi-LSTM Based on Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography LIN Li,JIANG Jing,ZHU Junzhen,et al 9 982

Infrared Image Fault Detection Method of Arrester Based on Improved YOLOv3 HU Taishan,LIU Hao,LIU Gang,et al 11 1256

Nonlinear Data Fitting for Reflective Continuous Heat Excited Thermography Testing JIN Xueyuan,CHEN Jinliang 12 1358


Effect of Luminance Gain on Image Quality of Third Generation Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier FENG Danqing,GUO Xinda,BAI Xiaofeng,et al 2 188

Effect of Microchannel Plate Tilt Angle on Image Intensifier Performance ZENG Jinneng,LI Zhen,CHU Zhujun,et al 3 322

Methods for Resolution Improvement of Super Ⅱ Image Intensifier LI Tingtao,GONG Yanni,ZENG Jinneng,et al 4 335

EMC Design and Implementation for Image Intensifiers DU Peide,CHU Zhujun,ZENG Jinneng,et al 6 658

Study on the Influence of Performance with the Working Time in the Super Gen-Ⅱ Image Intensifier ZENG Jinneng,YANG Qionglian,GONG Yanni,et al 8 869

Research on Temperature Compensation of Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gated Power Supply LI Yaqing,ZUO Jianing,LI Xiaolu,et al 10 1126


Frequency Accuracy Analysis of Linear Stirling Refrigerator Inverter CHEN Rui,KONG Derui,TANG Tianmin,et al 1 95

Overview of Micro-Rotary Stirling Cryocoolers for HOT IR detectors ZHAO Wenli,LI Haolan,SUN Hao,et al 2 195


Terahertz Imaging of Caries Wavelet Gradient Domain Reconstruction Fusion LIU Qihang,HE Mingxia,ZHAO Jinwu,et al 8 890

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