
2023-03-08 12:41吴昊,王鹰,张佳艺
国际人才交流 2023年2期

轨道交通(摄影:陈亮) Rail Transit

长江、嘉陵江穿流而过,四面环山、江水环绕,城在山上、山在城中,这是一座独具特色的“山城”“江城”——重庆。重庆作为中国历史文化名城,有文字记载的历史达3000多年,是巴渝文化的发祥地。重庆多雾,素有“雾都”之称,年平均雾日104天,有“世界雾都”之称的英国伦敦年平均雾日只有94天。本期“看中国”栏目,选登四川外国语大学阿拉伯语专业吴昊教授和亚美尼亚籍叙利亚专家王鹰教授(Prof.Rami Khalil)共同编写的《雾都重庆》(阿汉对照)中部分图片,展现重庆独具特色的城市风貌和自然景观。

Chongqing is a unique “Mountain City” and “River City”surrounded by mountains and rivers. The city is located in the hills and the mountains in the town. Yangtze River and Jialing River run through. As a famous historical and cultural city, Chongqing, with a written history of more than 3,000 years, is the birthplace of Ba and Yu cultures. Chongqing is also known as “Fog City,” with an annual average of 104 foggy days. While in London, England, known as the “Fog City of the World,” there are only 94 hazy days on average.The column “EYES ON CHINA” in this issue publishes some pictures fromThe Fog City Chongqing(in Chinese and Arabic) written by two professors from Sichuan International Studies University, Prof. Wu Hao and Prof. Rami Khalil, a Syrian expert of Armenian nationality, to show the unique urban landscape and natural scenery of Chongqing.

轨道交通(摄影:陈亮) Rail Transit

朝天门长江大桥(摄影:陈亮) Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge

四面山土地岩瀑布雪景(摄影:陈亮) Snow Scene of Soil Rock Waterfall in SiMian Mountain

重庆森林(摄影:陈亮) Chongqing Forest

东水门大桥(摄影:陈亮) Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge

洪崖洞夜景(摄影:陈亮) Night Scene of Hong Ya Dong

壮美三峡(摄影:陈亮) Magnificent Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

王鹰(Rami Khalil),四川外国语大学教授,研究员,《国际人才交流》杂志编辑委员会成员,拥有三项国际专利,曾任叙利亚残疾组织的首席执行官。由于在教育和研究方面以及在传播中国文化和搭建中国与世界之间的文化交流桥梁上的突出贡献,王鹰教授受邀参加了由李克强总理在京主持召开的2020年度外国专家新春座谈会。获评2019年度“我最喜爱外教”、“文明之光”2020中国文化交流年度人物;2022年获四川外国语大学外教成果奖。

Professor Rami Khalil is a professor, researcher, holder of three international patents, former CEO of the International Organization for People with Disabilities, and a member of the editorial board of theInternational Talentmagazine. For his outstanding contributions to education and research,as well as to the dissemination of Chinese culture and the building of bridges of cultural exchange between China and the world, in January 2020, Professor Rami Khalil was invited to Beijing to participate in the 2020 Spring Festival Symposium for Foreign Experts hosted by the Premier Li Keqiang. In 2019, Professor Rami Khalil was selected as “The Favorite Foreign Teacher of Chinese Students.” In addition, professor Rami Khalil was awarded “The Light of Civilization-Chinese Cultural Exchange Person of the Year 2020.”In the year 2022, Professor Rami Khalil received the Research Achievement Award from Sichuan International Studies University.

Topological magnon insulator with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction under the irradiation of light∗
剧场 21 雾都战记(连载二)
陈亮进 典藏欣赏