封面图上展示的是一种名为冠蓝鸦的鸟,与其他鸦科鸣禽类似,这种鸟以其令人印象深刻的认知能力而闻名,这可能是因为它们的大脑相对较大。冠蓝鸦能够解决一些复杂的问题,学习许多发声方式,甚至模仿其他物种。一项新研究测试了包括冠蓝鸦在内的23 种鸟类,发现声音学习能力更强的物种其解决问题的能力也更强,大脑也更大。
Blue jays, similar to othercorvid songbirds, are knownfor their impressive cognitiveabilities, presumably due to theirrelatively large brains. They cansolve complex problems, learnmany vocalizations, and evenmimic other species. A newstudy tested 23 avian species,including the blue jay, anddiscovered that species withgreater vocal learning abilitieshave greater problem-solvingabilities and bigger brains.
This illustration depicts ahuman form out of a collage ofheatmaps (red and blue squares).The underlying data come fromA l p h a M i s s e n s e , a n a r t i f i c i a lintelligence model used to generatepathogenicity scores for everypossible missense variant in allhuman protein-coding genes.The majority of human missensevariants are currently of unknownclinical significance, and thesepredictions are made available asa community resource.
A summer scene in Indiacaptures how Earths warmingclimate is pushing the limitsof human endurance. Besidesstraining the bodys ability tocool itself, global warming isfostering the spread of vectorandwaterborne diseases and isperhaps bringing other pathogensout of hiding. This special issueexamines the threats to humanhealth and how they can bemitigated.
封面图展示的是艺术家利用艺术手法描绘的一个沉积物核心,其中包括對使用古代DNA 研究的生物体的描绘,这些古代DNA包含了猛犸象、桑树、古人类,以及来自古生态系统的花粉。古代DNA 让我们得以一睹这些生物体和许多其他生物体及其分支的过去,这对我们理解进化、生态变化,甚至我们自己的历史产生了深远影响。
T h i s a r t i s t s r e n d e r i n go f a s e d i m e n t c o r e i n c l u d e sdepictions of organisms studiedusing ancient DNA, includingwoolly mammoths, mulberries,hominins, and pollen from ancientecosystems. Ancient DNA hasg r a n t e d u s g l i m p s e s i n t o t h epast for these and many otherorganisms, with ramifications forour understanding of evolution,ecological changes, and even ourown history.
(陶 陶 编译)