Djerba: Testimony to a Settlement Pattern in an Island Territory杰尔巴:岛屿区域定居模式的见证

2023-02-19 11:34熊娟娟
疯狂英语·初中版 2023年12期


“歐洲后花园”“地中海明珠”, 这就是被誉为“一半海水一半火焰”的国家突尼斯。 突尼斯的众多迷人景点中,杰尔巴岛占据了一席之地。2023 年,突尼斯杰尔巴岛被列入联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》。

入选时间(Date of Inscription) 2023 年

遴选标准(Criteria) (v)

档案编号(Dossier) 1640

Djerba, regarded as the “Island of Dreams”, is a Tunisian island andthe largest island of North Africa. With its rich cultural heritage and1)breathtaking natural landscapes, it has emerged as a hot destination.

The islands allure lies in its 2)pristine sandy beaches. The goldengrains caress your toes as you walk along the shore. The crystal-clearwaters beckon you to immerse yourself in their embrace. When you baskin the gentle sea breeze and soak up the warm Mediterranean sun, timeseems to slow down.

For the adventurous souls, Djerbas beaches are a playground of3)thrilling water sports and exhilarating activities. Dive into the depthsof the sea, exploring vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life, orglide atop the waves on a windsurfing adventure, feeling the rush ofadrenaline as the wind propels you forward. Snorkeling enthusiastscan marvel at the kaleidoscope of colors beneath the surface, as theydiscover the hidden wonders of the underwater world.

Yet, Djerba is not just a heaven of natural beauty, it is a place withabundant history and culture. Step back in time as you wander throughthe streets of the island, where each stone whispers tales of civilizations past. The Phoenicians, Romans,Vandals, Arabs, and Ottomans haveall left their indelible mark on Djerba,shaping its architecture, traditions,and way of life.

The island is also home to theMedina of Djerba, the islands oldestcity, featuring a maze-like layout of narrow streets and alleys, lined withwhitewashed buildings adorned with colorful doors and windows. The Medinais home to numerous historical sites, including mosques, palaces, andtraditional houses, showcasing the islands architectural heritage.

The Underground Silos of Djerba are another fascinating aspect of theislands heritage. These underground structures were traditionally usedfor storing grain and food. The silos showcase the ancient architecturaltechniques employed by the islands inhabitants and highlight theirresourcefulness in utilizing the islands natural resources.

The Stone Quarries of Djerba are a testament to the islands historicalsignificance as a center for stone 4)extraction. These quarries provided thebuilding materials for the islands structures and monuments, leaving behinda legacy of ancient craftsmanship. The stone quarries serve as a reminder ofthe islands past and the skills of its inhabitants.

Visiting Djerba is like stepping back intime, where ancient traditions and architecturalmarvels converge. The preservation and protection of this UNESCO World Heritage Site are crucial to ensure thatfuture generations can continue to appreciate and learn from the islands richcultural and historical legacy.

1) breathtaking adj. 壮观的

2) pristine adj. 原始的;未开发的

3) thrilling adj. 令人兴奋的

4) extraction n. 提取;開采









