(1.杨凌职业技术学院 建筑工程学院,陕西 咸阳 712100;2.西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048;3.陕西铁路工程职业技术学院 道桥与建筑学院,陕西 渭南 714099;4.商洛市人民防空办公室,商洛 726000)
根据上述存在不足[17],在实际工程中进行了涂层防腐保护措施。现行GB 50017[18]、AISC 360[19]等规范已给出钢结构设计准则,若拟建工程选址在复杂恶劣环境下,此时不再适用。因此,锈蚀钢结构耐久性分析备受各国学者关注,目前为研究领域内亟需解决的工程难题,也是完善结构设计方法的重要选题方向。本文通过介绍相关研究成果,进行梳理、对比及分析后,评估了锈蚀钢结构连接节点的抗震性能,为国产钢材应用及研究提供科学依据。
腐蚀损伤现象涉及土木工程各领域、各方向,在复杂恶劣的环境下,材料表面容易生成不均匀锈坑,形貌发生变化,构件的力学性能退化[20]。一般腐蚀损伤较为严重的主要有海洋环境、工业大气环境及酸雨环境下的在役结构。以海洋环境为例[21],根据腐蚀速率不同,将其划分为5类,分别为大气区、浪溅区、潮差区、全浸区、泥土区。研究结果表明,海洋浪溅区材料的损伤速率最大,为0.3~0.5 mm/a。其中,海洋环境下钢材的腐蚀微观机理如图1所示,腐蚀速率汇总见表1,相关研究成果汇总见表2。
图1 腐蚀机理示意
表1 海洋环境下的钢材腐蚀速率[21]
Tab.1 Corrosion rate of steel in marine environment[21]
表2 腐蚀试验研究汇总
Tab.2 Summary of corrosion test research
表3 单调拉伸试验研究汇总
Tab.3 Summary of monotonic tensile test research
表4 循环加载试验研究汇总
Tab.4 Summary of cyclic loading test research
表5 梁柱节点抗震性能试验研究汇总
Tab.5 Summary of experimental research on seismic performance of beam-column joints
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Research Progress on Seismic Performance of Corroded Steel Structure Connection Joints
WEI Huan-huan1,2, LEI Tian-qi3, ZHENG Dong-dong2, GUAN Xiao-di2, Li Tao4, WAN Liang-ting1
(1. School of Architectural Engineering, Yangling Vocational & Technical College, Shaanxi Xianyang 712100, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China; 3. School of Road, Bridge & Architecture, Shaanxi Railway Institute, Shaanxi Weinan, 714099, China; 4. Shangluo Civil Air Defense Office, Shaanxi Shangluo 726000, China)
Based on the level of materials and connecting components, the results of existing experimental research and theoretical analysis at home and abroad in recent years were summarized. It mainly included the monotonic tensile and hysteretic performance degradation analysis of corroded standard specimen, as well as the seismic performance research of beam-column structural joints and frame structure, and the corresponding mechanical performance degradation model was given. After summarizing and comparative analysis, it gives the research direction for engineering steel structure in complex environment, and at the same time, it also provides theoretical guidance and reference basis for the design method of domestic engineering structure.
steel structure; corrosion; connection joint; monotonic extension; seismic performance; degradation model
10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.01.014
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (51978571); Yangling Vocational & Technical College 2021 Natural Science Foundation Project (ZK21-28)
WEI Huan-huan (1996-), Male, Master, Research focus: high strength steel structure, metal materials fatigue and fracture, durability, steel structure advanced analysis and design theory.
ZHENG Dong-dong (1995-), Male, Doctoral candidate, Research focus: steel structure stability and fatigue, combined structure, engineering structures seismic resistance and reinforcement.
魏欢欢, 雷天奇, 郑东东, 等. 锈蚀钢结构连接节点抗震性能研究进展[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(1): 097-103.
WEI Huan-huan, LEI Tian-qi, ZHENG Dong-dong, et al. Research Progress on Seismic Performance of Corroded Steel Structure Connection Joints[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 097-103.