勇立潮头, 勇毅前行—— 第五届《极地研究》编辑委员会成立寄语.............................................................................. 陈立奇 I
北冰洋叶绿素及初级生产力遥感反演研究进展............................ 庞小平, 胡晓坤, 季青, 李娟, 张晨雷, 梁泽毓, 陈亦卓 1
基于相干多普勒测风激光雷达的南极中山站低空大气风场应用研究.......................................... 王章军, 王睿, 李辉, 庄全风, 黄文涛, 柳付超, 班超, 陈超 11
面向航运服务的海冰密集度遥感产品对比研究................................................. 黄琳, 邱玉宝, 周静恬, 王长林, 梁曦, 李群 20
南极威德尔-斯科舍汇流区上层湍流混合特征及其与水团和环流的联系........................................ 林丽金, 史久新, 姚辰阳, 郭桂军, 程灵巧, 矫玉田, 施骞 34
南极樊尚湾大陆架mCDW入侵影响下的水体结构演变特征分析......................... 程灵巧, 叶文珺, 张春玲, 胡松, 李丙瑞 51
MODIS北极气溶胶光学厚度的精度验证与分布特征研究....................................................... 杨艳丽, 常亮 62
液态水含量对寒区海上风力机叶片霜冰结冰的影响.................................................................................. 曹慧清, 白旭, 尹群 72
全球治理视角下南极旅游行业治理研究.......................................................................... 管松, 刘大海 81
上海参与中国极地科学外交研究................................................................................................... 唐尧 90
“雪龙”号北极西北航道航行实践与探索研究...................................................................................... 朱兵, 袁东方, 夏寅月 101
“雪龙2”号表层海水多要素实时观测系统的设计与应用..................................... 陈清满, 夏寅月, 袁东方, 沈悦, 廖周鑫 114
“雪龙”号科考综合管理系统的设计和应用........................................................................... 夏寅月, 陈清满, 朱兵, 陈际雨 121
极地锚碇潜标系统回收探索与研究........................................................... 袁东方, 朱兵, 夏寅月, 陈清满, 崔丽娜, 吴浩宇 130
北极新奥尔松地区常见大型真菌物种多样性及区系分析..................................................... 何晨阳, 冯健举, 张涛, 余利岩 139
南极半岛巴赫冰架冰面融水动态遥感监测...................................................................... 梁相安, 张闻松, 李雅, 陆瑶, 杨康 149
威德尔海水文特征及水团变异分析研究........................................................................................................... 张关强, 廖光洪 159
春季云属性的空间分布特征及其对北极海冰减退的影响.................................................................... 李妍星, 常亮, 张春玲 177
海洋卫星北极多区域遥感成像任务规划及应用评估.......................................... 孙从容, 刁宁辉, 韩静雨, 刘金普, 刘建强 189
南极内陆科研观测舱体内部保障与控制系统的应用与研究............ 李聪克, 李丙瑞, 王焘, 陈燕, 窦银科, 姚旭, 王煜尘 198
极区海冰影像自动监测系统的设计与试验........................................... 常晓敏, 李文龙, 刘大雷, 刘文浩, 左广宇, 窦银科 210
韧性视域下北极航行风险级联效应分析................................................................................. 马晓雪, 何佩龙, 乔卫亮, 刘阳 219
规制科学活动的南极国际法规范的类型、结构与性质分析——以南极条约协商会议文件为研究对象.......................................... 姜茂增, 刘惠荣 239
北极冰川槽谷发育的形态特征分析......................................................................................... 王泽民, 张曲辰, 金爽, 艾松涛 255
北极水汽输送的时空分布特征研究.................................................................... 温世强, 常亮 265
南极中山站风的长期变化特征及其可能原因...................................................... 武维刚, 张文千, 武麦凤, 马靖凯, 凌新锋 278
南极昆仑站光照资源评估................................................................................... 王焘, 单硕, 金鑫淼, 姚旭, 方仕雄, 张侃健 292
东南极凯尔盖朗群岛与克洛泽岛小鳞犬牙南极鱼群体耳石形态初步分析................................. 杨丹, 方倩, 魏联, 朱国平 303
实验室同位素较为贫化水标准样品的配制及光谱法线性验证........................................................ 唐晓爽, 庞洪喜, 张王滨 311
基于北极航道全成本模型的液化天然气进口船队规模研究........................................................................... 寿建敏, 周紫荆 317
无人机系统在南极的应用、法律规制与中国因应............................................................................................... 陈奕彤, 高晓 329
面向新十年的瑞典北极战略评析........................................................................................................... 岳鹏, 陈慧文, 高晓艳 340
北极季节性海冰区-融池系统的碳酸盐体系及其碳汇研究进展......................................................................... 曹君乾, 祁第 352
加拿大北极群岛区域海洋环流及水文特征变化及其影响因素研究进展................................. 王宇蓉, 谢瑱瑮, 张瑜, 陈长胜, 徐丹亚, 胡松 367
北极冰间湖时空变化过程及其形成机制研究进展............................ 张晓, 谢瑱瑮, 张瑜, 张艳艳, 陈长胜, 徐丹亚, 胡松 380
极地雷达冰川学:前沿技术与方法..................................................... 崔祥斌, 郝彤, 稂时楠, 赵博, 肖鹏, 艾松涛, 蔡轶珩, 刘艳, 赵文轲, 邢治瑞, 许奔, 董晟, 罗坤 397
利用冰床粗糙度研究南极冰下环境和过程综述..................................................................... 李雁君, 崔祥斌, 乔刚, 稂时楠 401
2000—2019年北极多年冰时空变化分析.............................................. 胡海涵, 张智伦, 李新情, 惠凤鸣, 赵杰臣, 庄齐枫 419
基于遥感的2015—2020年环南极冰山空间分布研究........................................................... 张卓宇, 刘蕾, 刘旭颖, 戚梦真 432
格陵兰努普·康格鲁阿峡湾叶绿素浓度时空变化分析...................................................................... 田佳慧, 程晓, 张彦南 441
阿蒙森海夏季南极磷虾资源空间分布及其与叶绿素浓度的关系............... 李帅, 杨嘉樑, 赵国庆, 李灵智, 饶欣, 黄洪亮 451
第六次国际耦合模式比较计划中我国地球气候系统模式海冰范围的模拟评价............................ 赵立清, 王晓春, 李佳琦 460
三种海冰密集度产品的北极海冰监测能力比较分析................................................................. 黄睿, 王常颖, 李劲华, 隋毅 471
《极地规则》生效后的“西北航道”航行法律制度: 变革与问题................................................................................. 王泽林 485
《斯匹次卑尔根群岛条约》经济权益制度性安排与挪威政策............................................................................................ 刘涵 494
《南极条约》第4条法律问题研究.................................................................................................................... 马忠法, 许子昀 503
东南极普里兹湾地区超高温变质作用....................................................................... 表璇, 王伟, 吴江, 保红, 刘晓春, 赵越 516
极地冰芯气候及环境记录指标研究现状与展望..................................... 刘科, 侯书贵, 庞洪喜, 史贵涛, 耿雷, 胡焕婷, 宋靖, 张王滨, 邹翔, 安春雷, 于金海 530
南大洋浮游细菌群落结构研究进展....................................................... 孙玉蓉, 马玉欣, 曹叔楠, 罗光富, 蓝木盛, 何剑锋 546
南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)行动计划“南极环RINGS”进展.............................................................................. 唐学远 555
Research progress on remote sensing retrieval of chlorophyll-and primary productivity in the Arctic Ocean.......................... Pang Xiaoping, Hu Xiaokun, Ji Qing, Li Juan, Zhang Chenlei, Liang Zeyu, Chen Yizhuo 1
Applied research on low-altitude wind field using coherent Doppler wind lidar at Zhongshan Station, Antarctic................................... Wang Zhangjun, Wang Rui, Li Hui, Zhuang Quanfeng, Huang Wentao, Liu Fuchao, Ban Chao, Chen Chao 11
Comparison of remote sensing sea ice concentration products for Arctic shipping services................................................................................ Huang Lin, Qiu Yubao, Zhou Jingtian, Wang Changlin, Liang Xi, Li Qun 20
Turbulent mixing and its relationship with water mass and circulation in the upper ocean of the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, Antarctica............................................... Lin Lijin, Shi Jiuxin, Yao Chenyang, Guo Guijun, Cheng Lingqiao, Jiao Yutian, Shi Qian 34
Evolution of water structure under the influence of mCDW intrusion on the continental shelf of Vincennes Bay, Antarctica...................................... Cheng Lingqiao, Ye Wenjun, Zhang Chunling, Hu Song, Li Bingrui 51
Accuracy validation and distribution characteristics of Arctic MODIS aerosol optical depth.................. Yang Yanli, Chang Liang 62
Analysis of the influence of liquid water content on rime and ice formation on offshore wind turbine’s blades in cold regions............................................................ Cao Huiqing, Bai Xu, Yin Qun 72
Study on the industrial governance of Antarctic tourism with the view of global governance..................... Guan Song, Liu Dahai 81
Shanghai’s participation in China’s polar science diplomacy................................................................. Tang Yao 90
Practice voyage and exploration of the Northwest Passage by the R/Vin Arctic....................................... Zhu Bing, Yuan Dongfang, Xia Yinyue 101
Design and application of a surface water multielement real-time observation system for the R/V................................................. Chen Qingman, Xia Yinyue, Yuan Dongfang, Shen Yue, Liao Zhouxin 114
Design and application of integrated management system for scientific research on the R/V.................................................. Xia Yinyue, Chen Qingman, Zhu Bing, Chen Jiyu 121
Exploration and research on recovery of polar anchored submersible buoy system.......................................................................... Yuan Dongfang, Zhu Bing, Xia Yinyue, Chen Qingman, Cui Lina, Wu Haoyu 130
Species diversity and floristic analysis of macrofungi in Ny-Ålesund Region, High Arctic.............................................................. He Chenyang, Feng Jianju, Zhang Tao, Yu Liyan 139
Evolution of surface meltwater on the Bach Ice Shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula............................................................... Liang Xiangan, Zhang Wensong, Li Ya, Lu Yao, Yang Kang 149
Hydrological characteristics and variation of water masses in the Weddell Sea.......... Zhang Guanqiang, Liao Guanghong 159
Spatial distribution of cloud attributes in spring and its influence on Arctic sea ice decline.............................................................................. Li Yanxing, Chang Liang, Zhang Chunling 177
A multi-region task managing algorithm and application for Haiyang satellite at Arctic area............................................................ Sun Congrong, Diao Ninghui, Han Jingyu, Liu Jinpu, Liu Jianqiang 189
Application and research for the internal support and control system of the Antarctic inland scientific research observation cabin...................................... Li Congke, Li Bingrui, Wang Tao, Chen Yan, Dou Yinke, Yao Xu, Wang Yuchen 198
Design and experimental use of sea ice image automatic monitoring system in the polar region.................................................... Chang Xiaomin, Li Wenlong, Liu Dalei, Liu Wenhao, Zuo Guangyu, Dou Yinke 210
On the cascading effect of Arctic navigation risk based on the perspective of resilience................................................. Ma Xiaoxue, He Peilong, Qiao Weiliang, Liu Yang 219
The types, structures, and nature of Antarctic international legal norms on regulating scientific activities—Analysis of the documents
of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings........................................................................ Jiang Maozeng, Liu Huirong 239
Analysis of morphological characteristics on glacial valley evolution in Svalbard, Arctic............................................................... Wang Zemin, Zhang Quchen, Jin Shuang, Ai Songtao 255
Temporal and spatial distributions of water vapor transport in the Arctic................................. Wen Shiqiang, Chang Liang 265
Characteristics and possible causes of long-term wind field variation at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica............................................. Wu Weigang, Zhang Wenqian, Wu Maifeng, Ma Jingkai, Ling Xinfeng 278
Assessment of solar photovoltaic power potential at Kunlun Station, Antarctica................................................................... Wang Tao, Shan Shuo, Jin Xinmiao, Yao Xu, Fang Shixiong, Zhang Kanjian 292
Preliminary analysis of otolithmorphology of Patagonian toothfish () from the Kerguelen and
CrozetIslands, East Antarctic..................................................................... Yang Dan, Fang Qian, Wei Lian, Zhu Guoping 303
Calibration and preparation of isotopically depleted water standards for spectroscopy............................................................... Tang Xiaoshuang, Pang Hongxi, Zhang Wangbin 311
Vessel fleet configuration for liquefied natural gas import via Arctic passage based on the full cost model................................................... Shou Jianmin, Zhou Zijing 317
The use and regulation of Unmanned Aerial Systems in the Antarctic and China’s role.................. Chen Yitong, Gao Xiao 329
Analysis of Sweden’s Arctic strategy for the new decade......................................... Yue Peng, Chen Huiwen, Gao Xiaoyan 340
Review of carbonate system and carbon sinks of seasonal Arctic sea ice-melt pond systems................ Cao Junqian, Qi Di 352
Variations in circulation and hydrological characteristics of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: A review............................................. Wang Yurong, Xie Tianli, Zhang Yu, Chen Changsheng, Xu Danya, Hu Song 367
Processes underlying the formation and temporal and spatial variability of Arctic polynyas: A review...................................................... Zhang Xiao, Xie Tianli, Zhang Yu, Zhang Yanyan, Chen Changsheng, Xu Danya, Hu Song 380
Polar radioglaciology: Frontiers in technology and methods..................... Cui Xiangbin, Hao Tong, Lang Shinan, Zhao Bo,Xiao Peng, Ai Songtao, Cai Yiheng, Liu Yan, Zhao Wenke, Xing Zhirui, Xu Ben, Dong Sheng, Luo Kun 397
Subglacial conditions and processes of the Antarctic ice sheet based on bedrock roughness: A review..................................................... Li Yanjun, Cui Xiangbin, Qiao Gang, Lang Shinan 401
Spatiotemporal variations of Arctic multi-year ice from 2000 to 2019.................................................................. Hu Haihan, Zhang Zhilun, Li Xinqing, Hui Fengming, Zhao Jiechen, Zhuang Qifeng 419
The spatial distribution of icebergs around Antarctica from 2015 to 2020 based on remote sensing......................................................... Zhang Zhuoyu, Liu Lei, Liu Xuying, Qi Mengzhen 432
Temporal and spatial variation of Chlorophyllconcentration in Nuup Kangerlua Fjord, Greenland........................................... Tian Jiahui, Cheng Xiao, Zhang Yannan 441
Spatial distribution of Antarctic krill and their relationship withchlorophyll concentration in the Amundsen Seain summer.............................................................. Li Shuai, Yang Jialiang, Zhao Guoqing, Li Lingzhi, Rao Xin, Huang Hongliang 451
Evaluation of Arctic sea ice extent according to Chinese CMIP6 models............... Zhao Liqing, Wang Xiaochun, Li Jiaqi 460
Comparative analyses of Arctic sea ice monitoring capability of three sea ice concentration products.................................................... Huang Rui, Wang Changying, Li Jinhua, Sui Yi 471
Legal changes and issues related to Northwest Passage navigation following the entry into force of the Polar Code................................................. Wang Zelin 485
Institutional arrangements of economic rights and interests in the Spitsbergen Treaty and Norway’s policies............. Liu Han 494
Legal issues associated with Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty.......................................................... Ma Zhongfa, Xu Ziyun 503
Ultra-high temperature metamorphism in the Prydz Bay region, East Antarctica................................................... Biao Xuan, Wang Wei, Wu Jiang, Bao Hong, Liu Xiaochun, Zhao Yue 516
Polar ice core-based climate and environmental research: A review and perspective..... Liu Ke, Hou Shugui, Pang Hongxi,Shi Guitao, Geng Lei, Hu Huanting, Song Jing, Zhang Wangbin, Zou Xiang, An Chunlei, Yu Jinhai 530
Progress in the study of bacterioplankton community structures in the Southern Ocean............................................... Sun Yurong, Ma Yuxin, Cao Shunan, Luo Guangfu, Lan Musheng, He Jianfeng 546
Progress on RINGS Action Group (ice sheet margin), Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).................... Tang Xueyuan 555