
2023-01-12 03:11李玉琛袁和刚
电力系统保护与控制 2022年24期

王 庆,李玉琛,蒙 飞,袁和刚,李 涛,孙 阳


王 庆,李玉琛,蒙 飞,袁和刚,李 涛,孙 阳

(国网宁夏电力有限公司调度控制中心,宁夏 银川 750001)


0 引言



基于此,本文提出了一种混沌正余弦算法(chaotic sine cosine algorithin, CSCA)来提供最优发电计划,以同时最小化发电成本和排放。该算法利用混沌序列替代正余弦算法(sine cosine alogrithim, SCA)的随机数,避免局部最优,提高解的精度。

1 改进正余弦算法

1.1 基本正余弦算法


1.2 改进混沌正余弦算法



本文中SCA所需的随机数是由混沌映射生成的。本文选用Singer map,如式(3)所示。

图1 Singer map混沌映射

Fig. 1 Chaotic Singer map


2 含风能的机会约束经济排放调度问题数学模型

2.1 机会约束规划问题

机会约束规划(chance-constraint problem, CCP)是继期望值模型之后,由A.Charnes和W.W.Cooper提出的第二类随机规划,CCP的原则是:允许所做决策在一定程度上不满足约束条件,但该决策使约束条件成立的概率不小于某一置信水平。一般形式的机会约束可表示为

2.2 考虑风电场的机会约束经济调度问题

2.3 约束条件



3 案例分析与讨论

3.1 改进正余弦算法计算结果与精度





表1 10-unit系统参数


3.2 考虑风电场的案例分析

图2 算例优化结果

图3 计算精度对比

图4 含风电场的求解结果

图5 对经济排放调度的影响

4 结论


1) 改进的正余弦算法利用混沌序列替代SCA的随机数,避免了局部最优,提高了解的精度。

2) 通过案例分析发现,对比实数编码化学反应优化算法和基于二次逼近的混合人工协同搜索算法,所提方法更具准确性。

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Application of an improved chaotic sine cosine algorithm in the economic emission scheduling of a power system with wind energy

WANG Qing, LI Yuchen, MENG Fei, YUAN Hegang, LI Tao, SUN Yang

(Power Dispatch and Control Center, State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd., Yinchuan 750001, China)

Because of the random availability of wind energy, the economic emission scheduling (EED) problem with wind energy becomes more complex. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, this paper describes the problem as opportunity constrained to deal with the stochastic characteristics of wind power generation. A chaotic sine cosine algorithm (CSCA) is proposed to provide the optimal generation plan to minimize the generation cost and emission at the same time. The algorithm uses a chaotic sequence to replace the random number of an SCA, avoids premature convergence into a local optimum and improves the accuracy of solution. Finally, by comparing the real coded chemical reaction optimization algorithm with the hybrid artificial collaborative search algorithm based on quadratic approximation, the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated by two 10-unit case simulations. Finally, the impact of threshold level of constraintson optimization results is studied. Whenincreases, the wind power permeability increases, resulting in the reduction of total production cost and emission value.

wind energy; chaotic sine cosine algorithm; optimization; economic emission


国家电网公司科技项目资助(5108-202040024A- 0-0-00)

This work is supported by the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China (No. 5108- 202040024A-0-0-00).



王 庆(1986—),男,学士,高级工程师,研究方向为电网调度控制;E-mail:jsczxkp@126.com


蒙 飞(1987—),男,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为电网调度控制。

(编辑 姜新丽)
