Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

2022-12-07 01:25:35
外文研究 2022年2期


ZHANGJiegen(School of Foreign Studies, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230601, China)

According to whether epistemic confrontation has been resolved, the negotiating outcomes of conflict talk fall into two categories: the resolved and the unresolved.The resolved category consists of three sub-categories of submission, compromise and tolerance.The three outcomes are all cooperative to some extent, but can be defined, in terms of win or loss, respectively as a zero sum game, a draw and a double-win.The unresolved, what is commonly termed as stand-off, comprises withdrawal, suspension and halt.Considering cooperativeness, withdrawal is uncooperative, suspension cooperative and halt undefined, while it is impractical to judge who wins or loses in these circumstances.Compared with previous ones, the two-level classification, with three additions of tolerance, suspension and halt, has a comprehensive coverage of potential types of outcomes.With a three-fold division of stand-off, the unresolved, it eliminates the improper juxtaposition of the first order category of stand-off with subcategories.


WANGJian(School of Humanities, Geely University of China, Chengdu 641423, China)

LINGLi(Department of Foreign Languages, Southwest Jiaotong University Hope College, Chengdu 610400, China)

By adopting a 2×3 experimental design, this study examines the synergistic effect of glosses and reading tasks involving different amounts of task-induced investment(abrieviated as TII)on incidental learning of English vocabulary.The research results reveal the main effects and interaction effect of lexical glosses and load on vocabulary acquisition, and confirm the four hypotheses: 1)The TII load being equal, the three lexical glosses generate different effects on incidental vocabulary learning, with “English explanation + one example sentence” being the best and “Chinese translation only” the worst; 2)Lexical glosses remaining the same, tasks involving larger amounts of investment are more conducive to incidental vocabulary learning than those with smaller amounts of investment; 3)Both variables, i.e.lexical glosses and TII load produce a synergistic effect on incidental vocabulary learning; 4)With the passage of time, the effect of incidental vocabulary learning weakens, which is specifically evidenced by the fact that results of the immediate lexical post-test are better than those of the delayed lexical post-test.


YULin&YANGChaojun(Research Center of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

The 2ndHigh-level Forum of Construction Grammar Research was held online at Henan University with the theme of “Integration and Innovation of Construction Grammar” on July 24, 2021.With the aim to provide reference and enlightenment for the study of construction grammar at home and abroad, this paper sorts out and reviews this conference from three aspects: theoretical, tempo-spatial and empirical research of construction grammar.


WANGJuli(School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, Yantai 264000, China)

As the founder of the post-war academic novel in Britain, C.P.Snow establishes the literary tradition of truthfully representing the life of the academia.He is concerned about the inner workings of the academic life, revealing the power relations in it and calling on keeping to the responsibility for the publicity of the academic community.This article takes Snow’s representative workTheMastersas the object of study, trying to analyze the personalization of public power, the rupture of human relations and the disorder of the inner life in the academic circle, with the exploration of the relationship between academic politics and the crisis of publicity in the academic community.It also tries to represent Snow’s hope for the disengagement of academia from individualism and the reconstruction of a civilized and respectful community.


CHENHuaikai(Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250100, China; School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China)

Greenblatt’s New Historicism is primarily a critical practice and rhetorical operation.It sees culture as a “giant text” made up of different parts which are governed by the shared “logic”.On the one hand, Greenblatt seeks, through synecdoche, to “touch” the profile of the “whole text” by reading “textual fragments”; on the other, he also explores, by chiasmus, the relationship between different “textual fragments”, making them illuminate each other.The boundary between synecdoche and chiasmus, however, is porous, with the latter as a further extension and expansion of the former.


QILiang(College of Foreign Languages, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China)

The transnational turn is a salient feature of the 21stcentury scholarships on American literature, the aim of which is to locate American literature in its relation to world literature, examining the transnational phenomenon in the text and the global migration of the text.Applying the scholarships on transnational American literature to the teaching of American literature, is conducive to expanding the students’ horizon and cultivating their holistic and comparative consciousness.On the other hand, exploring the motivations and essence of the transnational turn, as well as the feasibility of the transnational perspective, will assist in enhancing the students’ critical thinking abilities.In order to increase the quality of American literature class, teachers need to do research themselves while teaching, making a seamless combination of the two.


JIANGYusi(College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Social comedy is the last triumph of Wilde’s career life.In his four social comedies, Wilde constructs not only a cast of male dandiacal characters, but also many vivid female dandies.The profundity of the dandies allows them to be free of sex restrictions, implying that the gender identity of dandies in the plays is Wilde’s aesthetic construction on the basis of gender equality, and expressing his progressive attitude in supporting women’s rights and encouraging individual emancipation.Dandies are not bound by morals either.They can be the aesthetic formalists, ethical rebels, or “heroes” who save people from potentially disastrous situations.Through the depiction of dandiacal characters from diversified perspectives, Wilde intends to refer to the power of art to set up the principles to follow and guide a new way out to cope with the crisis of modernity.Based upon the analysis, it proves that the dandies in Wilde’s comedies represent the revolt against the uncreative reality and rigid social rituals, signifying the maturity of Wilde’s new individualism.


WANGTianran(Fudan Development Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Japanese writer Takaki’s Nobuko short storyAFriendWhoEmbracesLightdescribes the friendship between Soma Ryoko, a well-behaved girl from a good family, and Matsuo Katsumi, a rebellious girl.The whole work unfolds from Ryoko’s perspective, and uses mirrors, telescopes and other viewing tools to promote the development of the plot.This essay focuses on the power structure of “seeing” behavior, and attempts to demonstrate the possibility of women’s exploration and discovery of their own subjectivity, as suggested by this series of symbolic configurations, through the interpretation of structuralism and feminism.


HUANGZhonglian&YANGLi(Centre for Transaltion Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

Cohesive devices are indispensable in Chinese translation discourse organization, and some cohesive devices(such as connectives)play an important role.In the translation from other languages into Chinese, the emphasis on connectives has its pragmatic value.From the perspective of pragmatics, this paper discusses the manifestation of connectives produced by primary emphasis, paired connectives produced by dual emphasis and superposition of connectives produced by triple emphasis.


FULinna,SUNChen&MAOYansheng(School of Foreign Languages, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)

This paper conducts a case study of the interpreters from China and U.S.during Sino-U.S.Senior Strategic Dialogue in 2021.On the basis of the interpreting texts from both sides, this paper aims to examine interpreter’s “invisibility” and “neutrality” in political interpretation through comparative analysis.It is found that the American interpreter is more “visible” while the Chinese interpreter tends to be more “invisible”.Specifically, on the one hand, in terms of discourse co-construction, various and numerous major errors are made by the American interpreter, while the Chinese interpreter basically conveys the original meaning in a correct and faithful way without making any errors.On the other hand, regarding emotional reconstruction, as indicated by quantitative analysis by LIWC 2015, the American interpreter behaves more fiercely in emotion through more negative and more acerb words.When reconstructing emotional veins of interpretation, the Chinese interpreter is more stable via bearing more mitigated expressions.These findings are significant for reference concerning the analysis and evaluation of interpreter’s performance in political interpretation.


HUChenfei(College of Translation and Interpreting, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China; School of Foreign Languages, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

Shanghai “Gudao”(1937.11.12-1941.12.8)has a unique social environment and hybrid cultural implications, which can be described as a distinctive period of history in China.Studies of translation history, however, hare paid little attention to it, within which, studies on translation of literary periodicals are rare in particular.Using CORPRO, a Chinese language corpus tool, this paper explores translations in relation to marriage onWestWindMonthly.It holds the view as follows: First, tools supported by CORPRO, such as its word segmentation, term frequency analysis and collocation analysis, provide a fresh new method for the study of translation history.Second, according to CORPRO’s data,WestWindMonthlyhas explicit editorial intentions, selection preferences, and translation purposes in terms of its marriage translation.


LIUYan&HANWanyin(College of Foreign Languages, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)

Eco translatology was proposed by Hu Gengshen, a famous Chinese translatologist in the early 21stcentury.In recent years, eco translatology has become a hot topic among many scho-lars.Eco translatology contains many translation concepts.This paper analyzes the Japanese translation ofAshima, a long folk narrative poem of Yi nationality, from the perspective of its three-dimensional transformation of language, culture and communication.The results show that the Japanese translation of Ashima fully combines the “ecological environment” ofAshimaand flexibly uses translation strategies, which makes the translation ofAshimaeasier to understand.The culture of ethnic minorities should be preserved in the Japanese translation to the greatest extent, and the communication between different languages should be carried out smoothly.From the perspective of Eco translatology, this paper analyzes its influence on the translation of ethnic minority classics and aims to enrich the language practice and translation research under the theory of Eco translatology.


DINGLiang(School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

AsTheDreamoftheRedChamberhas been widely acknowledged as the pinnacle of Chinese classic literature, the creation of its chapter titles has also reached fairly high level of art.Compared with other Chinese chapter-styled classical novels, the chapter titles ofTheDreamoftheRedChamberare not only neatly constructed with paired phrases, but also equipped with a natural form and a poetical sense, which leads to a great trouble in translation that their words are limited but meanings infinite.From the perspective of cultural vacancy, the author of this thesis is going to analyze and comment on the translation strategy of chapter titles in V.A.Panasyuk’s version ofTheDreamoftheRedChamberin 1995, which will benefit the translation of Chinese classical literature and academic treatises.


FENGQuangong(School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

TheRoutledgeHandbookofTranslationandEthicspublished in 2021 comprehensively investigates all kinds of ethic issues in translation and translation studies, including influential ethical thoughts that are widely used in translation studies, situated translator ethics, ethics(education, research)in translation industry and relevant institutions, ethical dilemmas, challenges and trends in translation and interpreting and so on.This book, featuring advanced and dialectical ethical views, comprehensive contents that keep up with the times, and a reader-friendly format, can provide many insights into and clues for the study of translation ethics in China.


ZHUYu(School of Foreign Languages, Liaoning University of International Business and Economics, Dalian 116052, China)

The emergence of digital humanities technologies has greatly expanded and deepened literary translation studies.However, there are still relatively few studies on the use of digital technology to promote the literary translation, and the existing studies also lack deep thinking.From the perspective of digital humanities, the book titledUsingComputersintheTranslationofLiteraryStyle:ChallengesandOpportunitiesis groundbreaking in combining quantitative research(Distant Reading)with qualitative analysis(Close Reading), using corpus, text visua-lization and other tools to translate a literary work, and providing a theoretical construction of this translation model.This paper first briefly summarizes the main contents of the book, then sums up its characteristics, and finally discusses the contribution of the book to literary translation studies in light of the current problems in this field.