
2022-11-16 12:58KuoJzeYi,PeterHasdell
世界建筑导报 2022年5期

建筑设计:在地计划 | 主持设计师:KuoJze Yi,Peter Hasdell | 地点:中国河南省

Design Company: Insitu Project | Leading architects: KuoJze Yi,Peter Hasdell | Location: Henan Province,China

在中国登封州舟山村的一个废弃窑洞里,建造了一个社区中心。不同的是,来自附近100 个村庄的居民共同收集垃圾并参与建设,将他们的故事和记忆留在了建筑物的表面。在没有提供任何技术图纸的情况下,通过现场讨论设计社区空间,这些不熟练的居民成为了设计过程中的主要参与者,也让他们有机会为自己的社区感到自豪。

项目设计恢复了19 个洞穴,并在三个下沉庭院周围建造了一系列新建筑。该项目的3 个目标是:重建洞穴、恢复传统和技能、以及集体记忆的恢复。项目名称“梦之家”也来源于村民们在山洞里的童年记忆,以及现在仅作为梦想存在的家庭生活的回忆。在墙壁和庭院的设计中,设计师使用废料使窑洞生活的集体记忆成为现实,而这一实现也正是源于80 名村民的集体创造力。


The House of Dreams is a unique revitalization of an abandoned cave settlement in Zhoushan village into a Rural Development Training Centre.Designed by Insitu Project with involvement of Lian Jun and the elderly village community,the project recovered 19 caves and constructed a series of new buildings around three sunken courtyards.The project’s 3 aims were: the reconstruction of the caves;the recovery of traditions and skills;and the restoration of collective memories.

The project name derives from the memories of the villagers of their childhood in the caves,and recollections of family life which now exist only as their dreams.The use of waste materials in the walls and courtyards makes physical the collective memories of the cave dwelling life.To enable this,as a part of the design and construction concept,villagers with no previous construction experience were trained in an innovative construction process to construct walls and surfaces using discarded construction and building waste.Very few detail drawings were produced for the project.The project realization therefore arises from the collective creativity of 80 villagers.

Four key architecture concepts structured the project: 1.Diversity of cave reconstructions: The community decided that cave revitalisation and new cave structures were to be diverse: earth cave,grey-brick arch cave,red-brick arch,extended structure,vaults,conical arch structures,and cantilevered cave structures.2.Rural revitalisation: The project should initiate rural development in a step by step community run cultural planning process as a social paradigm.3.Cyclical material economy: Construction to be done using recycled construction waste,aimed towards circular and more sustainable practices and increasing villager skills and training in construction and reducing cost.4.Enhance environmental planning and passive micro-climate principles
