巴彦淖尔市教育信息网络中心 中国内蒙古

2022-11-16 12:58曹晓昕,詹红,董欣
世界建筑导报 2022年5期




用地面积:20 000 平方米

建筑面积:18 620 平方米

建筑高度:20.5 米

设计时间:2008 -2009年


Client: Bayannur Education Bureau

Architect: China Architectural Design and Research Group

Design team: Cao Xiaoxin,Zhan Hong,Dong Xin,Zhou Long

Site area: 20,000 m2

Built: 18,620 m2

Height: 20.5 m

Design Date: 2008 -2009

Completion Date: 2011




在这个2.3 万平方米的项目里,容积率的指标让团队看到了兼顾效率的同时为人提供办公活动的闲散与自由状态的可能性,在一个不大的房子里戏剧般地将看似杂乱无章的功能组织起来 。

在新区建设中,2 万多平米的项目确实是一个小房子,小房子配大用地是奢侈的,然而低容积率也为设计团队提供了降低建筑密度、转换为丰富庭院空间的可能。丰富的内院与建筑简洁完整的立面相互配合,建筑最终以低廉的造价打造出高品质的景观办公环境。

Design Concept

The design integrates the complex functions of the education information network center in a square courtyard,the integration of functional space and the flexibility of using unit zoning are realized and the exterior shape of the building is simple and regular,with low-cost but not cheap materials.The design of the building became an experimental attempt to create a multifunctional building complex at a low cost.The walls with white paintings and dark window frames,forced by the low cost,form a simple and clean modern architectural style,coincidentally returning to the Bauhaus style,the starting point of the modern architectural movement.

Upon the commencement of the project,the road to replicate the old city had already started on the land of the new construction area.I expressed some concern from the perspective of urban development;at least we don't want to see that the advantageous land resources have not shown for the relatively new area as compared with the old city.We first transformed the purpose of the project into a tit-for-tat critique for the new city's replication of the old city's construction status quo,i.e.,to use modernist values and aesthetics to offer possibilities for future construction beyond this,specifically,to create a new way of communication between the city and its users through the creation of space,rather than a simple pictorial relationship between the building and the city through the organization of the façade,which essentially excludes the users.

In a project of only 23 000 square meters,the indicator of plot ratio allows us to see the possibility of a leisurely and free state of office activities while taking into account efficiency.The seemingly disorganized functions are organized dramatically in a small house: multi-functional meeting and performance center,office business premise,training and living service rooms.The three sectors are relatively independent and contain many different functional blocks: The office business premises in turn include the Education Bureau,Examination Center,Information Center,Teaching and Research Office,Supervisory Group of the People's Government,Work-Study Center,People's Education Foundation,Education Accounting Center,Student Financial Assistance Center,Vocational Education Center,Putonghua Testing Center,etc.;training and living services include guest rooms,restaurants,fitness,outdoor courts,etc.

Design weaken the boundaries among these three systems,open space is equably embedded in the site,so the building gets very strong introversion,and at the same time,a conversation of space between the building and its surrounding is created at its four sides except the western edge,and a continuous space connects all of interior functional space.We emphasize the urban space between the building and the city to weaken facades of the building,and abandon deliberately the decoration for the facade to avoid a pictorial memory,what we have done is return coincidentally the starting point of the modernism movement of architecture — “Bauhaus”.We tried to avoid the typical plan of “Bauhaus” from the beginning to the final construction drawings,that is,to avoid the white walls and dark window frames,and choose inexpensive and dark grey tiles and window frames.Counterproductively,because of the deficiency of project financing and in order to finish as soon as possible,the owner was required to simplify the original design,and to change grey tiles into painting.Although,this requirement is antagonistic to our original intention,we are unwilling to carry it out,but finally,this building shows the “Bauhaus” characteristics not only in the starting thinking point,but also in the completed project image.





设计方案外立面材质原本拟采用浅灰色的陶土砖、白色的窗框与印刷玻璃,然而在结构还未封顶时,业主方由于资金紧张,要求立面从简,取消陶土砖、印刷玻璃;不做外立面,或换言之取消了外立面与装饰有关的任何东西,团队不得已将陶土劈开砖变更为白色涂料。这实际上是一个机会,让设计得以重新回到现代主义与古典装饰主义决裂的时刻。最终,无论是主观憎恨装饰还是客观被迫取消,结果都一样,建筑与装饰无关了。最终巧合地让建筑不仅从出发点的思考,到最终呈现的结果都回到了包豪斯的经典特征。外墙用白色涂料显示“无”的存在。团队将原本深陷的窗洞口与墙面调平,让墙体的体积感与重量感 消失,同时解决白色涂料积灰“流泪”的问题。





This building is built up on this vast land of Inner Mongolia without any disturbing,neither high nor huge,but because of the contrast with its surrounding that creates a visual conflict,it becomes ironically a landmark (which is the purpose of those buildings around want to achieve by its height and whimsy),but this kind of feature is difficult to be described commonly as majestic,magnificent,or glorious.In consequence,when it is built up,many people like it very much,but they don’t know how to describe it.These local inhabitants don’t know what is “Bauhaus”,so this building gives them a new visual stimulation by landing accidentally.However,we architects know all the story of this “landing” which includes lots of unwillingness.So this “landing” is more like to be forced!

At present,in the cities especially the second-tier or third-tier,because of the lack of ideology of modernism,many designers and government officials have misunderstood it and have applied it in a naive way.To go over this lesson doesn’t mean modernism is super predominant and can solve all of the urban problems.On the contrary,the popularity of modernism will also explode and leave serious problems which will leave us to think and rethink to generate a new value and culture.From this point of view,the development of urbanization in China can’t cross the threshold of modernism;it is the starting point that inspires different values.


Just as what Mr.Ai Weiwei said in his book Time and Place: The world of spirit today needs a new aesthetic judgment and value,like a lotus pond waiting for another heavy shower.

Material and Construction

The original design for facade is composed by light grey terracotta bricks,white window frames and printed glass.When the construction of structure has not yet been completely finished,the owner came and told me that the budget of project was insufficient,so we had to simplify the design;terracotta bricks and printed glass have also been canceled.Without any decoration for the facade,or the cancellation of facade and anything related to decoration,this action gave us a chance to face the moment when the modernism broke up with the classicism.Whether because of a subjective dislike or a compelled abandon,we have to face the same consequence: the decoration is unconcerned in this project.

The white paint does a metaphor of “void” in the sense of Zen.Reduce the distance between the openings and the wall to weaken the thickness of the wall,and at the same time,we can solve the problem of dirty traces on the white wall because of dust.

Inside and Outside

The design creatively creates a rich inner courtyard space that promotes communication and interaction between the city and its users.The design dramatically organizes a wealth of functions in a building of modest size,with three relatively independent sections: a multi-functional meeting and performance center,office business premise,training and living service rooms.Design weaken the boundaries among these three sections,open space is equably embedded in the site,so the building gets very strong introversion,and at the same time,a conversation of space between the building and its surrounding is created at its four sides except the western edge.It emphasizes the role of space as a link between the city and the building,and weakens the form of the façade.

